Enough With The Balloon Hoax Story Already!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Kids say the darndest things.

Anybody who disses Wolf is okay in my book. Sure, he helped perpetuate an expensive hoax that cost the government and news agencies countless thousands of dollars, but at least his views on reporters are spot on! :thumbsup:
CNN made a statement they wasted 90 minutes on this story. Ahhh. I think it was more like 10-12 hours on day 1. They did run a clip of the idiot father on Wife Swap harassing and humiliating the swap wife. Real big intellect there. A real a**hole, and he thinks he deserves his own TV show?

Actually it wouldn't be much worse than most of the other garbage on the major commercial TV networks. :dunno:
CNN made a statement they wasted 90 minutes on this story. Ahhh. I think it was more like 10-12 hours on day 1. They did run a clip of the idiot father on Wife Swap harassing and humiliating the swap wife. Real big intellect there. A real a**hole, and he thinks he deserves his own TV show?

Actually it wouldn't be much worse than most of the other garbage on the major commercial TV networks. :dunno:

Good point. Not only does he want a reality show, but he want's one where he's gonna be a science guy - mad scientist. Sounds like he'd make a really fucked up Bill Nye.


When I first heard about it I was pretty stunned, but it being a hoax is shit. If the little kid had vanished, it would be the news story of the year.