Energy Saver

Hi All.
Just incase anyone here is dealing with high energy bills due to using the central air too is a helpful hint I learned about through a buddy that's in the Army and has to deal with the Heat in Afghanistan.
On all of your windows, use Aluminum Foil, shiny side facing out and tape the foil to the wood edges of the window. I have seen and felt a big difference.

Peace out


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Does that also block signals from the mother ship calling?

Hardly. The mommyship uses a 1.21 Gigawatt fusion reactor in accordance with the Zemeckis act of 1985. Difficult to get a signal thru that interference.
i was just about to say.... my pale cousin that we see once every three years has aluminum foil on his windows. i dont think he has talked to a girl in his life haha jk


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Hardly. The mommyship uses a 1.21 Gigawatt fusion reactor in accordance with the Zemeckis act of 1985. Difficult to get a signal thru that interference.

Oh man, you need to upgrade to the 2.0 (so behind the times)


I have always wondered why people put tin foil on there windows, and I still am wondering why, because The first post was crap, it didn't explain a single thing:mad:


Closed Account
I have always wondered why people put tin foil on there windows, and I still am wondering why, because The first post was crap, it didn't explain a single thing:mad:

PMS? I went and found this for you. Hope it helps.

Aluminum foil is the most effective material for blocking radiant heat, especially from the sun. If the sun bakes you through a window in a southern or western-facing wall or door, partially cover the glass area with aluminum foil. Leave an inch or two-wide area open around the foil to allow some light to come in and allow you to see out.

It is most effective to put the foil on the outside of the window to block the heat before it gets into your house. If you put it on the inside, it will block glare and stop some heat, but since the heat is already inside the glass, much of it will stay inside.

Another fun family-oriented option is to cut a piece of cardboard to the size of the window. Have your children cut small openings (dog, star, etc.) in the cardboard. Cover the cardboard with foil and tape it to the glass. When the sun shines in through the openings, it will make interesting patterns on the floor or wall.

Use standard double-sided tape to attach the foil to the glass. With the foil on the outside on the window, it protects the tape from the sun's direct rays so it should last a full summer season. With the foil on the inside, you will have to replace the tape several times over the summer.


At least someone knows how to explain things^^^ This makes much more sense


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
If we could just wrap the whole earth in aluminum foil we could solve this global warming problem. :D

Plus we'd be immune to flying saucers. Stay away from Crypto, that dude is angry.