I thought she did an excellent job in The Secret Life of Waltar Mitty. That time she inspired Ben to jump out of a fucking small ass helicopter in shark infested waters only to lose crucial radio parts was truly inspirational. I cannot wait to have children and teach them about how to be safe on skateboards. I really can't wait to find a woman like that...oh wait I already have a couple and their names are Ziyi and Caroline. I am so excited about actually sleeping with these phenomenal women. I lost my virginity a couple of weeks ago and some very strange stuff has been happening to me lately. I advocate Peace of Planet Plantae. Please, let's work together to create a Sustainable Planet worth inhabiting. Football is great but now I am getting old; time to have lots of Sex. Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are very proud of me at developing confidence in the face of adversity. Cristian Bale can't wait to make some really great porn with me and post it on the closed circuit neural networks of the Global Peace Coalitions formidable ranks. See ya guys, stay cool love life.


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