Embarrassing Song you like...........



Let us stop feeding the obvious troll.

"When you engage in a mudfight with a pig, the two of you get dirty - but the pig enjoys it".


Or..."Arguing online is like winning the Special Olympics...even if you win, you're still retarded."
(No offense intended to the special people!)

I love "Kyle's Mom is a Bitch", sung by Eric Cartman. PLEASE...don't tell anyone! :rofl:
George Michael - Freedom 98'

I have a great memory of getting together the first night with my old college g/f after dancing to that song... Corny YES, end result good karma in that song...

Cant fault the video with all the supermodels in it!


It's good to be the king...
Are you Hotrod11inches in disguise?:eek:

F.O's former resident medical genius-cum-secret agent.

Now there's a "blast from the past"........:1orglaugh