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Elitist hypocrite

Will E Worm

NRA’s new ad calls Obama elitist hypocrite

The National Rifle Association released a new video on its Web site Tuesday calling President Obama an “elitist hypocrite” for having Secret Service protection of his daughters at school but saying he was “skeptical” about installing armed guards in all schools.

The NRA’s provocative, 35-second video is as harsh as any attack ad in a political campaign and illustrates how emotionally charged and personal the debate over gun control is becoming.

“Are the president’s kids more important than yours?” a deep-voiced narrator asks. “Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their school? Mr. Obama demands the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, but he’s just another elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security.”

“Most Americans agree that a president’s children should not be used as pawns in a political fight,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said in a statement Wednesday. “But to go so far as to make the safety of the President’s children the subject of an attack ad is repugnant and cowardly.”

The video takes issue with Obama’s comments in a recent interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” in which the president voiced uncertainty about the NRA’s proposal to put armed security guards in schools nationwide.

“I am skeptical that the only answer is putting more guns in schools,” Obama said. “And I think the vast majority of the American people are skeptical that that somehow is going to solve our problem.”

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said the ad is not directed at Obama’s children.

“The main aim of the ad is to make sure that we all act to keep our children safe. It’s not aimed at anyone’s child in particular,” he said. “Anyone who claims otherwise is intentionally trying to change the topic or missing the point completely.”

He added, “The president and his family enjoy 24-hour-security from law enforcement at taxpayer expense, and this ad asks very real questions: If it’s good enough for the president, why shouldn’t it be good enough for the rest for us?”

A majority of Americans, 55 percent, support the NRA’s armed guards proposal, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released this week. Those with children at home are more apt than those without to want armed guards at schools, the poll shows.


Obama's children are more important than your children. :facepalm:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What's elitist is a bunch of gun toting inbreds thinking they're as important as the President of the United States.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
What's elitist is a bunch of gun toting inbreds thinking they're as important as the President of the United States.

That's gotta be one of the most ridicules things I've ever seen you write. He serves us, not the other way around...he is not more important then us, and deserves no better treatment, then the people that pay his salary If his kids are more important, let him hire private security for them...on his dime. God knows he'll leave the white house with a nice big fat bank account.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
That's gotta be one of the most ridicules things I've ever seen you write.

If I had said, "What's elitist is a bunch of gun toting inbreds thinking they're as important as Barack Obama.", you would be right.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
That beside the point, Diane Feinstein or who I like to call Feincunt, is a staunch anti-gunner. Yet the bitch is on the committee for US Intelligence oversight committee and has armed guards with her at all times, and has a concealed weapon permit. Now in California it is an absolute pain in the ass to get a Conceal carry license, damn near impossible. But it's okay for her to carry and have guards and sign off on prisoners getting out of jail around here, but not for you to have guns.
Now that's hypocritical.

Obama's children are more important than your children. :facepalm:
Obama's children ae more in danger than yours...

And you're still sitting in front of your computer. The Founding Fathers gave you the Right to Bear Arms to be able to stand against any potential dictator, Obama 1st is rising as King of the USA and you don't do anything !

Will E Worm

Obama's children ae more in danger than yours...

Not with all those armed guards around them 24/7.

And you're still sitting in front of your computer. The Founding Fathers gave you the Right to Bear Arms to be able to stand against any potential dictator, Obama 1st is rising as King of the USA and you don't do anything !

Who's not doing anything? People are armed and buying more weapons every day.

Just waiting for the enemy to fire the first shot.
Not with all those armed guards around them 24/7.
But if you suppress the armed guards you can be 100% sure that the girls are gonna be killed within a month.
The guards are there for disuasive purpose.

Who's not doing anything? People are armed and buying more weapons every day.

Just waiting for the enemy to fire the first shot.
The Enemy is taking away your rights, making america a socialist country. He already fired the first shot. and the 2nd, and the 3rd...
There's a dictator right now in the White House, he controls the Senate and you're sitting on your ass, calling for impeachment :facepalm:

Will E Worm

But if you suppress the armed guards you can be 100% sure that the girls are gonna be killed within a month.
The guards are there for disuasive purpose.

At taxpayers expense. :facepalm:

The Enemy is taking away your rights, making america a socialist country. He already fired the first shot. and the 2nd, and the 3rd...
There's a dictator right now in the White House, he controls the Senate and you're sitting on your ass, calling for impeachment :facepalm:

You will see on your television what happens when they fire the first shot. It will be breaking news. ;)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
But if you suppress the armed guards you can be 100% sure that the girls are gonna be killed within a month.
The guards are there for disuasive purpose.

It's not that they have armed guards, it's that we pay for them, and he wants us to give up our right to defend our own children. If he were driving them to school, and packing some heat, or paying OUT OF HIS POCKET for that security, it would be a little different. It would be a lot different actually. It would be acceptable.

The other issue is, those armed guards are carrying the very firearms, PLUS better, then we're allowed. His secret service agents won't turn in their fully automatic Glock pistols, for Smith & Wesson .38's.

A lot of this issue is in fact, about the equal footing we are guaranteed under the Constitution. If they carried revolvers, then I could see them having concern for us having semi auto pistols, but that's not the way it is, and they don't care one little bit about the safety of our children, or society, it's about keeping us in our pens, like good little sheeple.

Many years ago, most police forces turned in their standard 6 shot .357 magnum revolvers, for 15 round, high capacity 9mm pistols. Why? because they were outgunned on the streets by the criminals, and now most carry a larger caliber, and the criminals are even more brazen, and ruthless....but we should settle for second or third best?!?! My life is more important to my family, then anyone else, as is yours is, to yours.
Many were disgusted by the Moonbat Messiah’s shameless use of children as props during yesterday’s theatrical attack on the Second Amendment. In Obama’s defense, children have been exploited since the very beginning of this sorry episode — namely the children who died, whose corpses were stood upon and used as soapboxes by both the liberal media and liberal politicians when they had hardly reached room temperature. Also, using children as props, both literally and rhetorically, has a long history among Obama’s fellow oligarchical collectivists.

To quote Mein Kampf:

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."

That’s why this:


…was preceded by this:


…and this:


…and this:


Patriotism isn't the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Hiding behind children is!
Yeah, using kids for political purpose, it's for dictators such Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Obama, Republicans would never do that...





I'm watching some specialist videos
This is a rather silly comparison. The president's children (regardless of who the president is) need protection, and this protection should be paid for by the taxpayer, simply because a president whose children have been kidnapped and held to ransom would be seriously compromised.