Will E Worm
Participants: Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Abyss, Mick Foley, Desmond Wolfe, The Pope
SLAM! Prediction
The gut instinct here is to say that Angle comes out on top, but he's likely to get screwed in his prelim match with Anderson. Anderson, meanwhile, will likely make it to the finals and be beat by the ultimate tourney winner. Morgan and Hernandez essentially cancel each other out, Pope won't advance past the first round and Foley's just in there for giggles. This leaves Abyss and Wolfe, and I get the feeling it will be the former Nigel McGuiness going into the number one contender spot. The interplay with him and Christy Hemme this past week had definite face overtones and he's so charismatic that you can't help but like the guy. a Wolfe/AJ series would also be a great boost to TNA for a main event run that is a bit different.
Who wins?