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Egyp to fall in the end of Salafists ?

Egypt Results Point to Divisive Runoff

(CAIRO) — The Muslim Brotherhood's candidate and a veteran of ousted leader Hosni Mubarak's autocratic regime will face each other in a runoff election for Egypt's president, according to first-round results Friday. The divisive showdown dismayed many Egyptians who fear either one means an end to any democratic gains produced by last year's uprising.

More than a year after protesters demanding democracy toppled Mubarak, the face-off between the Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi and former air force chief and prime minister Ahmed Shafiq looked like a throwback to the days of his regime — a rivalry between a military-rooted strongman promising a firm hand to ensure stability and Islamists vowing to implement religious law.

"The worst possible scenario," said Ahmed Khairy, spokesman for the Free Egyptians Party, one of the secular, liberal parties that emerged last year. Speaking to the Al-Ahram daily, he described Morsi as an "Islamic fascist" and Shafiq as a "military fascist."

He said he did know which candidate to endorse in the June 16-17. Many Egyptians face the same dilemma, with no figure representing a middle path of reforming a corrupt police state without lurching onto the divisive path of strict implementation of Islamic law.

The head-to-head match between Morsi and Shafiq will likely be a heated one. Each has die-hard supporters but is also loathed by significant sectors of the population.

The first round race, held Wednesday and Thursday, turned out close. By Friday evening, counts from stations around the country reported by the state news agency gave Morsi 25.3 percent and Shafiq 24.9 percent with less than 100,000 votes difference.

A large chunk of the vote — more than 40 percent — went to candidates who were seen as more in the spirit of the revolution that toppled Mubarak, that is neither from the Brotherhood nor from the so-called "feloul," or "remnants" of the old autocratic regime. In particular, those votes went to leftist Hamdeen Sabahi, who narrowly came in third in a surprisingly strong showing of 21.5 percent, and a moderate Islamist who broke with the Brotherhood, Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh.

The Brotherhood, which already dominates parliament and hopes the presidency can seal its rise to power, scrambled to try to draw the revolution vote to its side. It invited other candidates and revolutionary groups to meet Saturday to "save the nation and the revolution" ahead of an expected fierce race.

The Brotherhood likely faces a tough task. Over the past six months, it has disillusioned many of those figures with plays for power that left its would-be allies feeling betrayed and deepened the Brotherhood's reputation as domineering and arrogant.

"Egypt is going through a truly historic transformation," senior Brotherhood figure Essam el-Erian said at a news conference. "We hope the runoff is more heated, more clear and more representative of the spirit of the January 25 revolution."

Shafiq's camp was making a similar appeal.

"We know the Muslim Brotherhood stole the revolution from the youth," said Shafiq's spokesman, Ahmed Sarhan. "Our program is about the future. The Muslim Brotherhood is about an Islamic empire. That is not what (the youth groups) called for" in the revolution.

The breakdown of the first round voting provided multiple surprises.

Shafiq's strong showing would have been inconceivable a year ago amid the public's anti-regime fervor. He was Mubarak's last prime minister and was himself forced out of office by protests several weeks after his former boss was ousted.

A former air force commander and personal friend of Mubarak, he campaigned overtly as an "anti-revolution" candidate in the presidential election, criticizing the revolutionary protesters. He still inspires venom from many who believe he will preserve the Mubarak-style autocracy. He has been met at public appearances by protesters throwing shoes.

But his rise underlines the frustration with the revolution felt by many Egyptians. The past 15 months have seen continuous chaos, with a shipwrecked economy, a breakdown in public services, increasing crime and persistent protests that turned into bloody riots. That has left many craving stability.

Nevine George, a 36-year-old Christian and government employee, said she voted for Shafiq because she didn't want to endure a new experiment in governing Egypt.

"Even if he's from the old system...we need management skills. And we don't have to start from scratch," she said after voting in the Cairo neighborhood of Shubra.

Egypt's Christian minority — about 10 percent of the population of 82 million — overwhelmingly backed Shafiq, seeing him as a bulwark against the Islamist Brotherhood. One TV station reported that the entire voting population of one southern village — 4,000 Christians — cast ballot for Shafiq.

Shafiq also rallied former members of Mubarak's party and influential and widespread Muslim mystical sects known as Sufis, who fear the Brotherhood, which advocates implementing a harder line version of Islamic law. Analysts said Shafiq has also gained support from the families of security men — as security personnel themselves are not allowed to vote.

Meanwhile, though Morsi came out on top, the vote was a blow to the Brotherhood. Their candidate received only half the vote that the group garnered in parliamentary elections late last year when it took nearly 50 percent of the legislature.

Since then, many of those who backed it grew disenchanted. Some voters said they turned against it because it failed to bring any improvements with its hold on parliament. Others were turned off by its seeming determination to monopolize power, excluding others.

In the end, Morsi was left to rely largely on the group's fiercely loyal and organized base of activists.

Perhaps most surprising was the performance of Sabahi, who had lagged far back in the polls for much of the campaign.

(See Dominic Nahr's photos of Egypt's revolution lost.)

But he surged in the final days before voting began as Egyptians looked for an alternative to both Islamists and the "feloul." Campaigning on promises to help the poor, Sabahi claimed the mantle of the nationalist, socialist ideology of former President Gamal Abdel-Nasser, who ruled from 1954 to 1970.

"The results reflect that people are searching for a third alternative, those who fear a religious state and those who don't want Mubarak's regime to come back," said Sabahi campaign spokesman Hossam Mounis.

Sabahi dominated in many urban areas, narrowly coming in first in Cairo and Port Said — a hotbed of revolution sentiment. He overpoweringly won in Egypt's second largest city, the Mediterranean port of Alexandria, doubling Morsi's showing, even though the city is considered a stronghold of Islamists.

Not far behind him was Abolfotoh, with around 19 percent. A moderate Islamist, Abolfotoh had appealed to a broad spectrum, including Islamists disenchanted with the Brotherhood and liberals.

A major question will be whether the two runoff candidates can draw in their backers. Islamists who voted for Abolfotoh are likely to turn to Morsi, despite their mistrust of the Brotherhood. Liberals, leftists and secular voters who rallied behind either Abolfotoh or Sabahi are likely to feel at a loss.

Abolfotoh called on his supporters to unite against the return of the former regime.

"We will build a national revolutionary consensus around the current issues and we will stand one line in the face of the symbols of corruption, injustices, oppression. Our revolution will triumph," he said in a statement on his Web site.
Muslim Brotherhood (a Salafist political organisation) taking over Egypt, this can't be good... Won't make peace in the Middle-East easier...
Muslim Brotherhood (a Salafist political organisation) taking over Egypt, this can't be good... Won't make peace in the Middle-East easier...

The Camp David Accords was really a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt's military regime. The average Egyptian wouldn't have voted for the accords through referendum in 1979.
Israel will not allow the brotherhood to form on its border. They now have 0 threat from Syria and this in turn weakens Hezbollah. So it would be certain that Israel, The U.S., England, and many other world powers are not going to allow the Suez to be controlled by a a group of Muslim radicals.
Israel will not allow the brotherhood to form on its border. They now have 0 threat from Syria and this in turn weakens Hezbollah. So it would be certain that Israel, The U.S., England, and many other world powers are not going to allow the Suez to be controlled by a a group of Muslim radicals.

Israel's one main wish of a Muslim Brotherhood government would be to uphold the Camp David Accords. And the Egyptian military has been the West's and Israel's main allies in that country, so a Western lead invasion would undermind the military. Israel would only start a preemptive war with Egypt, in which Egypt planned to invade Israel .
Didn't say anything about a war. But if some of the more radical of the brotherhood start randomly exploding, or just flat disappearing........


Staff member
sooner of lmater there will be a war against Iran and perhaps Egypt
sooner of lmater there will be a war against Iran and perhaps Egypt

Iran leaders the mullahs opress women and execute gays, but they are still Islamic religious leaders. So many more Iranians will die for them then Iraqis for Saddam. And the West really does want war, but they may get backed into a corner. Egypt is developing nuclear weapons, so there will be no war with them unless they start it.
when have they given any care about blame??? been executing PLO members for decades. Never been a bashful bunch.

Again, If Egypt is moving towards Islamism, Israel doesn't want to speedup that process by killing leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt isn't a pushover. It has population of 82 million people, and its military has some top of the line equipment, supplied by the U.S. through the Camp David Accords.
Again, If Egypt is moving towards Islamism, Israel doesn't want to speedup that process by killing leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt isn't a pushover. It has population of 82 million people, and its military has some top of the line equipment, supplied by the U.S. through the Camp David Accords.

Agreed. I'm just saying if Egypt started showing signs of leaning closer to an Iranian form of government Israel would be very proactive. They have been very constant the last 50 years in getting off first. I do not think they would want to control Egypt as much as destroy them militarily. It has been proven that when push comes to shove they are the dominant force in the region.
been executing PLO members for decades. Never been a bashful bunch.

They cannot afford to be, not when their state is threatened. The Israelis simply kick ass and don't take names.:thumbsup:

The Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, and Syrians will turn to the Koran for their Constitutions and guidance. They'll do so because secularism has failed them time and time again. Now it's time for the Islamists to rise to power, throw the region into war and eventually lose against Israel and the West. The real losers will once again be the average Arab on the street.
Agreed. I'm just saying if Egypt started showing signs of leaning closer to an Iranian form of government Israel would be very proactive. They have been very constant the last 50 years in getting off first. I do not think they would want to control Egypt as much as destroy them militarily. It has been proven that when push comes to shove they are the dominant force in the region.

Israel has been fighting smaller countries like Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. The Egyptian military is much better trained today, then it was in 1973. Israel would suffer heavy losses in a war with Egypt. And the U S could never control Egypt let alone Israel, it has a giant population with a large, anti U.S. segment within the population. Israel has reduced its defense spending by a large amount since the peace treaty with Egypt. A Muslim Brotherhood goverment would've to do something provocative like developing nuclear weapons for Israel to attack Egypt.
They cannot afford to be, not when their state is threatened. The Israelis simply kick ass and don't take names.:thumbsup:

The Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, and Syrians will turn to the Koran for their Constitutions and guidance. They'll do so because secularism has failed them time and time again. Now it's time for the Islamists to rise to power, throw the region into war and eventually lose against Israel and the West. The real losers will once again be the average Arab on the street.

Israel has fought Egypt since the 1970s; it would suffer heavy losses in a war with Egypt. THe Israelis had much better training the last time they fought Egypt. The Egyptian military has recieved West level training over the last 30 years. And the West would be looking at a oil embargo by the Gulf States. Israel knows that Egypt has 82 million people, but it doen't have the oil wealth of the Guklf States, so they won't make any rash moves unlessed provoked.
Again I believe open warfare would be a last ditch scenario for Israel. I guarantee a 'thinning' of more radical Muslims. But I also think you over estimate the Egyption military. The Israelis still posses one of the world greatest air forces, they are far better organized, and they hold the trump card if it gets hairy for them. If it came down to open warfare this time you better believe it will be the ugliest thing to befall the human race. I believe Israel if cornered to the level of their exsistsnce would not hesitate to wipe Egypt and Iran from exsistsnce. As to any oil embargo, the Saudis know where the money comes from so I wouldn't hold my breath. When it comes down to it the Egyptian military still controls the country no matter who get elected so I don't believe it will come to this.
Iran leaders the mullahs opress women and execute gays, but they are still Islamic religious leaders. So many more Iranians will die for them then Iraqis for Saddam. And the West really does want war, but they may get backed into a corner. Egypt is developing nuclear weapons, so there will be no war with them unless they start it.
Syria is suspected of developing nukes in 2007, Israel bombed what was a nuclear reactor (Operation Orchard) but still, without the Russian veto, UN would be at war against Syria
Israel has fought Egypt since the 1970s; it would suffer heavy losses in a war with Egypt. THe Israelis had much better training the last time they fought Egypt. The Egyptian military has recieved West level training over the last 30 years. And the West would be looking at a oil embargo by the Gulf States. Israel knows that Egypt has 82 million people, but it doen't have the oil wealth of the Guklf States, so they won't make any rash moves unlessed provoked.

Egypt is already on it's way to ruin either by way of a military defeat by Israel/US or economic collapse from tourists staying away. The Arab secularists were the only ones who could navigate their countries. Were they perfect? No but they're a lot better than a bunch of beardies running around using the Koran as the Constitution, chasing out the Christians and tourists, and not educating the women. Notice how many more jibjabs the Egyptian women are wearing currently. There used to be only a tiny minority wearing the headscarves now they're a majority.
Again I believe open warfare would be a last ditch scenario for Israel. I guarantee a 'thinning' of more radical Muslims. But I also think you over estimate the Egyption military. The Israelis still posses one of the world greatest air forces, they are far better organized, and they hold the trump card if it gets hairy for them. If it came down to open warfare this time you better believe it will be the ugliest thing to befall the human race. I believe Israel if cornered to the level of their exsistsnce would not hesitate to wipe Egypt and Iran from exsistsnce. As to any oil embargo, the Saudis know where the money comes from so I wouldn't hold my breath. When it comes down to it the Egyptian military still controls the country no matter who get elected so I don't believe it will come to this.

I have serviced in the U.S. military and I have been to Egypt and most of their military is well trained. The Egyptian Air Force is well trained and equipped with F-16s its not a pushover. The Israeli Air Force is one of the best in the world, but it has faced the Air Foces from Egypt and Saudi Arabia which are well trained and top of the line equipment . Guy, Israel could only wipeout Egypt and Iran by using nuclear weapons. And about the oil embargo China now actually imports more oil from Saudi Arabia than the United States does. The Egyptian military will control the country in short term, but it will lose its power in the long run.