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Edward Snowden: The Hegelian Dialectic

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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


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Some good news...

By Devlin Barrett and Damian Paletta

May 7, 2015 1:16 p.m. ET A federal appeals court ruled a National Security Agency program that collects phone records on millions of Americans is illegal, intensifying a fight in Congress over extending the soon-to-expire surveillance effort.

A three-judge panel of the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York eviscerated many of the legal theories under which the U.S. government has expanded surveillance since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. The judges didn’t address whether the NSA program violates constitutional privacy rights, as some groups allege, but found the Patriot Act language used by the Bush and Obama administrations to justify the program wasn’t meant to allow such mass data gathering.

“The statutes to which the government points have never been interpreted to authorize anything approaching the breadth of the sweeping surveillance at issue here,” the judges wrote in their 97-page ruling. “The sheer volume of information sought is staggering.”

The NSA has used Section 215 of the Patriot Act—a 2001 law that expanded the government’s authority to search for terror suspects—to justify collecting records of nearly every call made in the U.S. The program gathers metadata—the number called, the time and the duration of the call—but not the content of the conversation. The intent is to look for possible contacts among terror suspects.

The scope of the program was revealed in 2013 when former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked documents describing it, reigniting a debate over the data collection and whether it infringes on Americans’ privacy.

The ruling throws the fate of the Patriot Act into further disarray as lawmakers scramble to determine how to approach Section 215 of the law, which expires June 1 and is already the subject of tense negotiations over whether it should be reauthorized or face significant curbs.

The House is poised to soon vote on the USA Freedom Act, which would renew some expiring sections of the Patriot Act while ending the NSA database of phone records. The White House favors that approach.

In the Senate, however, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has made clear he wants a simple extension of the current law—arguing there isn’t time to debate changes before it expires.

But the top Democrat in the Senate, Harry Reid of Nevada, said Thursday he would use whatever procedural moves possible to block legislation extending the program without significant changes.

Sens. Mike Lee (R., Utah) and Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.), who crafted the USA Freedom Act, said they wouldn’t support any extension of the current program.

The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill 25-2 last week that would end bulk collection of records under Section 215, instead requiring the government to obtain the records on a case-by-case basis. The administration has signaled support for the measure.

A White House spokesman declined to comment on the court ruling, but said the president wants to create “an alternative mechanism to preserve the program’s essential capabilities without the government holding the bulk data.”

Testifying before Congress hours after the ruling, Attorney General Loretta Lynch called Section 215 a “vital tool” for national security but indicated she would be open to modifications.

The different approaches underscore a basic challenge: neither camp may have enough votes in both chambers to get their wish, and if no legislation passes, Section 215 will expire at the end of the month.

The court, while sharply critical of the program, didn’t order the collection to stop, noting the legislative debate and the looming expiration of Section 215 will force action on the issue one way or another.

But the judges, in often stark language, undercut the primary legal basis the U.S. has long cited for its bulk records collection. For years, government lawyers have maintained they are allowed to collect the records because—while such data aren’t connected to any terror suspects—they all are inherently relevant to terrorism probes and law enforcement may need to search them later to find connections between suspects.

“Such an expansive concept of ‘relevance’ is unprecedented and unwarranted,” the judges wrote, adding that “government repositories of formerly private records would be an unprecedented contraction of the privacy expectations of all Americans.”

The court’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union arguing the data collection should be stopped because it violates privacy rights. A lower court judge ruled the program was constitutional, and the civil-liberties group appealed, leading to Thursday’s decision.

“The text of [Section] 215 cannot bear the weight the government asks us to assign to it, and … does not authorize the telephone metadata program,” the court wrote.

The panel sent the case back to the lower court judge for further review based on the appeals court findings.

How the legal fight proceeds depends greatly on what Congress does next. If lawmakers reauthorize the current version of the Patriot Act, the ACLU case will likely head to the Supreme Court. If Congress passes a modified version of the law, the lower and appeals courts will likely have to take a fresh look at the new language to see if it passes muster.

In their ruling, the appeals-court judges noted that if Congress decides to approve some version of the phone-data-collection program in coming days, then the privacy issue could be revisited in court.

Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU, said the decision makes the current changes proposed in Congress “look anemic.” He urged Congress “to up its reform game if it’s going to address the court’s concerns.”

The phone-data program began in 2001. Five years later the Bush administration, seeking to give it firmer legal footing, put it under the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which repeatedly approved it in secret rulings.

Over the years, privacy groups tried to learn more about the collection and stop it, but their efforts were largely frustrated until Mr. Snowden released documents detailing it and other intelligence-collection programs.

Those details gave new momentum to privacy advocates and some lawmakers, including those who helped write the Patriot Act, who insisted they had never meant to authorize bulk spying on innocent Americans.


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More Snowden news...

By Juan Williams - 05/18/15 06:00 AM EDT

The conservative-led reform to the Patriot Act last week raises a difficult question: What about former CIA contractor-turned-leaker Edward Snowden?

There is no debating that Snowden broke his oath to protect government secrets. His leaks led terror groups to change their communications, making it harder to detect and prevent their murderous acts.

“This is a man who has done great damage to his country,” Secretary of State John Kerry said last year in calling for Snowden to “man up” and come back home to stand trial.
A very different view was advanced last month when a fiberglass and cement bust of Snowden was placed on top of a New York monument to heroes of the Revolutionary War. “The ideal that Snowden seemed to be fighting for with his actions [are]… in line with the ideals of the [American] revolutionaries," said Andrew Tider, one of two men who surreptitiously gave the sculpture a place of honor. Police soon removed it, but the point had been made.

Last week, Snowden's revelations prompted the House to finally seek to put in place some civil liberty limits that override the Patriot Act. The new USA Freedom Act, approved in a 338-88 vote, calls for an end to indiscriminate government collection of data in bulk from Americans with no evident ties to terrorism.

Now the Republican Senate, previously on track to authorize yet another extension of the Patriot Act and in the process ignore concerns about civil liberty violations, finds itself under pressure to back the House reforms.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) “wants to put his head in the sand and go forward with…mass surveillance of Americans…against the will of the people, the Congress, the administration and the courts,” said Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center for Justice.

The House vote came a week after a federal court made it clear that Congress never authorized a free-for-all in which spy agencies snatch up and comb through everyone’s private phone and data information.

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the current spy program exceeded "the scope of what Congress has authorized," under the Patriot Act. The court also said Congress approved the Patriot Act even though knowledge of the actual extent of the program “was intentionally kept to a minimum, both within Congress and among the public.”

Judge Gerard Lynch wrote that the hidden reality is that the "sheer volume of the information sought [by the government] is staggering" because it extends to "every record that exists and indeed to records that do not yet exist." The judge called for a "full debate by Congress" to consider with full knowledge the incredible range of the program and seek to rein it in by providing "greater safeguards for privacy."

Last week, House conservatives did just as the judge urged.

This transformative moment in the politics of government surveillance is rooted in Snowden’s actions – and what critics see as his infuriating betrayal of trust.

Say what you will about him, but it is now clear that his actions forced Congress to take responsibility. The latest moves on Capitol Hill are a consequence of Snowden's decision to reveal the extent and method of American government spying on its own citizens. Before Snowden, the Congress used the Patriot Act to shield its eyes from any hint of civil liberties abuses by spy agencies so long as there was a claim that the surveillance was being done in pursuit of terrorists.

Consider, too, that before Snowden the Congress, especially politicians on the right, proudly advertised their support for the Patriot Act to win votes. They fed on fear of future terror attacks to gain political advantage, presenting themselves as tough-minded pragmatists, and contrasting themselves with the timorous liberals concerned about civil liberties.

But now, two years after Snowden's radical disclosure, conservatives concerned with the excesses of big government have changed their tune. Even the Justice Department and the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, are singing a new song. They applauded the new bill for greater “privacy and civil liberties and…requirements for increased transparency.”

President Obama also gave his approval to the Snowden-inspired Freedom Act. In a statement, he said it "strikes an appropriate balance between significant reform and preservation of important national security tools." This is coming from a president who has condemned Snowden and refused to consider allowing him to come back to the U.S. without facing criminal charges.

There is still opposition to changing the Patriot Act on the far right. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the Freedom Act runs the risk of slowing efforts to stop a terror attack. The new law allows the government access to the data kept by telecommunications companies but only after specific, targeted court orders.

But given the support for the Freedom Act from House Republicans, the odds now favor victory for some civil liberty protections even in the fight against terror.

Is there any chance now that those House Republicans or the Obama White House can embrace Snowden, the man who started this revolution? Will he be allowed to return home?

Now is the time for a serious conversation that made no political sense just a few weeks ago.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Jeez, you would think with all the effort I went to creating the AHOTY thread that I would have taken the time to get Tater's actual chosen handle correct. But He annoys me so much that I really put in all that much of an effort to get it right.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Cmdr Potatoe posts like a retard on bath salts playing red rover. It's a mess.

War and conflict is of central importance to satanic secret societies. It enables them to profit from, and push forth, their anti-christ agenda of fear, hate, and violence.

Additionally, acts of war deflect the masses attention away from the secret societies treasonous and illegal actions.

Trump is a puppet of the Masonic Shadow Government. The purpose of drone strikes against Iran is to deflect attention away from his impeachment. Additionally, as stated before, any conflict between Iran and The US is extremely profitable for secret demonic societies, in many ways.

The Republican Ethos - 6:48

*This is just pro bono work for me because I love people, so don’t ask me any questions, or ask for any additional citations, or information. which I haven’t already provided.*

Disease Pandemics are a common False Flag tactic.

Swine Flu False Flag Pandemic

The worst False Flag events, like 911, happen during Republican administrations. This is because of their Occult Leadership Ethos. Any human deaths are considered to be sacrifices to their Pagan Demon Gods like Moloch or Baal.

From these False Flag events, fear and panic is created. This is promoted by the fully compromised media outlets to illicit an even greater fear based response by the masses. These responses are exploited and used as reasons to take away personal rights and liberties to protect your “safety”.

Social Distancing is a basic concept of Fascism (Devil-Worship). The purpose is to weaken the population thru Divide and Conquer Techniques. Individual Isolation is a common practice utilized by Demons in Hell.

So for those who serve the Devil by destroying peoples lives in exchange for personal gain or profit. Always remember that you cannot hurt others without hurting yourself as well. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Hiliary 2020
Well thats f-ing interesting man. Two things I feel need adjusting.
It don't matter whether there is a rep/dem prez when it comes to false flags. The powers that be own both parties.
And I don't know who controls things but somebody does. I think they worship money over all things rather than the devil.

That second paragraph was good. A scared society is a needy society and a needy society is easy to control. I fear a cure will be coming soon in the form of a vaccination. If you don't take the vaccination you will be banned from places and your money. Basically be shut out of everything. The vaccination will fuck up your DNA and also chip you. Look up ID2020 for more details.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Well thats f-ing interesting man. Two things I feel need adjusting.
It don't matter whether there is a rep/dem prez when it comes to false flags. The powers that be own both parties.
And I don't know who controls things but somebody does. I think they worship money over all things rather than the devil.

That second paragraph was good. A scared society is a needy society and a needy society is easy to control. I fear a cure will be coming soon in the form of a vaccination. If you don't take the vaccination you will be banned from places and your money. Basically be shut out of everything. The vaccination will fuck up your DNA and also chip you. Look up ID2020 for more details.

Yep, not good.
HD She slips up "we didn't infect enough population"

Good contributions. Both parties serve the same master, overall, but Bernie Sanders, or any Democrat would be preferable to Republicans when it comes to the issues of human rights, environmental rights, and protecting the sanctity of democracy for all people. These are Democratic objectives, while Republican objectives are just the opposite.

The last two Republican presidents, Bush and Trump, have been in power when there have been clear attempts to undermine and de-stabilize American Democracy in order to help usher in the NWO agenda. This is the Republican Ethos, to do everything they can to give more power to the rich. Prescott Bush, George H.W.s Bush's grandfather, was also guilty of this same treasonous behavior.

It is the general population's incredible, and inexcusable, lack of knowledge about these basic historical events, that has America, and the world, in the current dark situation.

There is no mystery who controls things overall, the financial "elite" have been named and implicated numerous times by numerous people. American paper currency carries the mark of the Devil, so to worship money is to worship the Devil. Further, several corporate insider's have stated clearly and unequivocally that these "elite" people worship the Devil. And they have been very clear, and careful, to say that these Demons they worship are real inter-dimensional beings, not some fairy-tale objectification of evil.

So keep that in mind when you look at the worlds events, because Demons don't care about playing sports, making good music, or acting in movies etc. They make deals with desperate humans to allow them success in these occupations as long as these humans serve an overall demonic purpose. And that purpose is human slavery in a demonic technocratic new world order. Where there is nothing except human servitude under technology. Where technology is your God, and the elite control the technology, and the Demons control the elite. An example of this would be to do away with schools, walk-in banks etc. and do everything by Computer.

Once these Demons/Devils feel they are within reach of achieving this agenda, they will disallow as much of entertainment, athletics, and overall human interaction as possible. This is because these things bring joy to humans, and Demons are jealous of that, and hate that more than anything. And they feed off human suffering, and such low-vibrational emotional states open the door for demonic possession...This is where bible study and religious training comes into play, so that you can understand what is happening, and why they are doing it to you.

In the following video, this is a clear and obvious textbook false flag admission, but she doesn't even feel the need to correct her freudian slip because most people are brain-washed, and/or so dangerously ignorant that they wouldn't, or couldn't, accept the truth even if they understood what she was really saying.

That second paragraph was good. A scared society is a needy society and a needy society is easy to control. I fear a cure will be coming soon in the form of a vaccination. If you don't take the vaccination you will be banned from places and your money. Basically be shut out of everything. The vaccination will fuck up your DNA and also chip you. Look up ID2020 for more details.

The "contact tracing" is the first step towards their plan of total continuous surviellance for all those that survive the pandemic COVID bio-weapon de-population agenda. Limiting your ability to excercise at Gyms, Public Parks and Re-Creation Facilities, etc., greatly increase your odds of becoming sick and/or dying.

Those that they can't kill, they will attempt to use the surveillance technology to control and watch your every move.

*Note: This is a partial Re-Post of information that was censored and deleted without cause or explanation by this website.

False Flag Acts such as the COVID-19 Bio Weapon Pandemic are of central importance to satanic secret societies. It enables them to profit from, and push forth, their anti-christ agenda of fear, hate, and violence.

Additionally, these False Flag acts deflect the masses attention away from the secret societies treasonous and illegal actions. They then re-direct the blame for the problems they cause, and try to scapegoat the masses of working people thru propaganda sites such as this http://stateofthenation.co/?p=9372. On these sites, anyone who believes in Democracy is demonized. (ANTIFA and other Fake Groups)

Trump is a puppet of the Demonic Shadow Government. The purpose of the COVID-19 false flag pandemic is to destroy Democracy and Voting Rights, and make Trump a Dictator whom the Elitist Satanists control thru the Demonic Shadow Government.


That second paragraph was good. A scared society is a needy society and a needy society is easy to control. I fear a cure will be coming soon in the form of a vaccination. If you don't take the vaccination you will be banned from places and your money. Basically be shut out of everything. The vaccination will fuck up your DNA and also chip you. Look up ID2020 for more details.

Good info.

At this time that these evil forces are pushing this Hegelian pandemic fear to get the masses to vaccinate in furtherance of their trans-human agenda, also please know that most celebrities, and politicians, are just schills in this process. They don’t get real Covid shots on TV, it’s just for the media. They use placebos, fake retractable syringes, or just fake it all together because they know most people are too stupid to know the difference. The video below is of a promotional fake shot. They made her re-take it once viewers who saw the event live could tell it was fake.

I will save analysis of, nano-technology, RFID chips, and (VAERS) information, for later.



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Good info.

At this time that these evil forces are pushing this Hegelian pandemic fear to get the masses to vaccinate in furtherance of their trans-human agenda, also please know that most celebrities, and politicians, are just schills in this process. They don’t get real Covid shots on TV, it’s just for the media. They use placebos, fake retractable syringes, or just fake it all together because they know most people are too stupid to know the difference. The video below is of a promotional fake shot. They made her re-take it once viewers who saw the event live could tell it was fake.

I will save analysis of, nano-technology, RFID chips, and (VAERS) information, for later.

Do they turn on the RFID immediately or does it take a few weeks?
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