
Do you have the matching gloves and hat?

No, actually I stole them off of some little kid, and the mother was beating on me, so I had to make a quick getaway without the gloves & hat! And they always say things are "easy as taking socks from a baby". Yeah right!
No, actually I stole them off of some little kid, and the mother was beating on me, so I had to make a quick getaway without the gloves & hat! And they always say things are "easy as taking socks from a baby". Yeah right!

Thanks for finding the socks they're perfect, as for the baby what you do is give it candy and while its slobbering over the sugar you take the merchandise and maybe even the mother.:nanner:
This has an unprecedented level of awesome... This would be like if there was an action movie in the 80s where Mr. T, Chuck Norris, Sly, and Arnie ran a daycare by day, and an army by night.

I might watch that..........if they promised to come out with toys and some plastic lunchboxes with the characters from the movie on them.
I might watch that..........if they promised to come out with toys and some plastic lunchboxes with the characters from the movie on them.

we need licensed toys and action figures of this thread. just imagine the potential! i'd but two of every one. one for play, one for pay. except the lunch boxes. i would buy every single one i could afford, and build a fort out of them. and the socks? oh sweet jesus the socks!

oh mother i can smell them now. . . . .oh drool. . . ...black, plaid, hamtramck. . .
^ Here you go yaheem, I found your socks:

No, wait, silly me, those are mine. (And I am wearing them right now, for anyone who's interested.....)

Will you please kindly stop taking my socks for your use and as presents to others? :tongue:
I may have inadvertendly started this thread, but..

WTF is it all about !? :dunno:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Well i have to, if i'm going to rise in the ranks of the harem of Becks and LL.
i just had an uncontrollable urge to bump this thread.
it's that good. . .

I'm glad you did, because I'm about to count up the points and tell you who won this game..