EASTER PRESENT! Round 3 of Fansigns.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Sweet! Some of these are really interesting -- and I had no idea I had nice eyes. I've never been told that. SO! I will get on these tomorrow night as I work a fucking 12-hour shift printing art tomorrow.

Love ya, and in the meantime check out my latest blog and free gallery on my site if you haven't seen it yet. Click ze bootylicious banner in my sig!
Yay! I'm post 25! That makes me quarter to a hundred! Do I get one?

While I don't get a sign... Its ok wasn't looking for one. I could not decide what bit about you I like best anyways. So the whole package is stunning. Sorry about your long day Kimora


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Dear everyone who secured a fansign --

You will have it either before/on the weekend. I come home stupid exhausted from long work days and I wanna be able to take my time and get these right :p

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Dear everyone who secured a fansign --

You will have it either before/on the weekend. I come home stupid exhausted from long work days and I wanna be able to take my time and get these right :p

That's cool. We all know that feeling when you just want to collapse when you get home.

Good things come to those who wait! :D


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
While I don't get a sign... Its ok wasn't looking for one. I could not decide what bit about you I like best anyways. So the whole package is stunning. Sorry about your long day Kimora

You weren't looking for one? :p

And awww thanks babe! Eh, I kind of have to work stupidly long days until I move out of the parents' house so I can shoot again and make three weeks' pay in one day. *facepalm*


Dear everyone who secured a fansign --

You will have it either before/on the weekend. I come home stupid exhausted from long work days and I wanna be able to take my time and get these right :p

Good idea. It's best not to rush this sort of thing ... :pimpdaddy
You weren't looking for one? :p

And awww thanks babe! Eh, I kind of have to work stupidly long days until I move out of the parents' house so I can shoot again and make three weeks' pay in one day. *facepalm*

Well no I wasn't looking because by the time I got here... I saw I was to late.

Well working stupidly long days sucks.... But its worth it when you get out there on your own. Free to do anything you want when you want. I always liked when I was on my own.... no clothing when I didn't want. Oh and everything was my way.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Your fansigns have arrived!

These were pretty fun. I definitely had to improvise on a few, and some were challenging. If yours ISN'T here, it's because:

a) Aunt Flo came to visit and I'd rather not show you that.
b) I didn't understand what you were talking about.

So please, ask for something else and I'll do it ASAP!

More in the next post due to image limit...


Lord Dipstick
Thanx Kimora, my first fan sign ever! :nanner: