Dubbing in porn

What do u think about dubbing in porn?

I hate it, above all when I see actresses as Silvia Saint dubbed...it's such a waste! :eek:


Closed Account
There is a TV show called "Badly Dubbed Porn" in the UK, its pretty hilarious. They take any old porn film and just add a bullshit story line with a crappy script and away you go!

But in real porn films, i couldnt give a crap about the talking. Dub away if you must!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Ehh, there's something about seeing Sylvia Saint sprechen that deutsch while her ass is full o' meat.. as opposed to listening to a crap soundtrack and some starving actress moan and talk for her..

But what do I know, I only wank off to it all!

*fap fap fap, fap fap fap.. fap that booty... fap that BOOOTY!*


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
OMG how could I do without so far?

many thanx for the explanation:rofl:


Member, you member...
Reminds me of those old school German vids.

Does Private and Pirate still dub? And I don't mean 22's. lol
The only way dubbing would be good is if they had an option to put in your own dialog. Then you could make what they say hilarious.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i just cant get into it either. i like to hear legitamate dirty talk and real moaning. if its dubbed, it just bugs the shit out of me. even if i mute it. but i like the sounds of sex so i hate muting things. im also anti-music as well. but thats a differtent thread.
i just cant get into it either. i like to hear legitamate dirty talk and real moaning. if its dubbed, it just bugs the shit out of me. even if i mute it. but i like the sounds of sex so i hate muting things. im also anti-music as well. but thats a differtent thread.

I'm rather anti-music too, expecially when the music is to fast and covers the sound of voices...no soundtracks needed in porn:cool:
I've seen a video of Taylor Hayes that's been overdubbed in Spanish... I'm not really sure why, there wasn't any dialogue, just now she moans, "Si! Si! Si!" which is actually kind of hot.
Why dub porn? That makes as much sense as having a stand-in for a woman's breasts.
ALL dubbing is sick, not just pornos...

That's why they invented subtitles. ;)

(it can't be hard to add subtitles to a porn movie involving Hungarian and/or Czech girls... They never say more than a few lines anyway (I doubt anyone wants to translate the moans since)...)