That driver must have been doing about 50 km/h at least. He actually sped up some more to get to the children faster. He even was beeped - probably for going too fast near an island.
He thought it was immensely funny drenching them. Small minds are amused by small things like this.
Of course, if one of the kids threw a rock at the car, Mr. hero would stop, climb out, then beat the poor kid senseless. After all, it's his right. Might is right. Right?
If it was me, however, I would probably smash the guy's car after I was done with his face.
Then we would see how funny it is.
Well, maybe not. It is saddening though to live in a society where people turn into demons behind the wheel. Being in the driver's seat gives them an unwarranted amount of power.
What sort of message does it give? Don't trust anyone? Everyone is a prick? At the same time, we are taught to have a 'positive, happy attitude'. 'Life is what you make it', they say. Treat everyone with respect, be professional. Well, I learnt at a very early age about human beings. I also really learnt not to trust anyone when running a shop. Then is when you pick up very quickly about people when you stand behind a counter.
Eventually you just realise some folk are better educated than others, there are a few rich bastards whom you need to come down hard upon, and to keep your heart open to seek out whom you can trust.
This kind of dickwad behaviour does not send out the right message. I am glad he was stupid enough to put his exploits out for display.
It may just be a prank, but in winter, walking home in dripping wet clothes is no joke.