Driver Charged For Splashing School Kids


I made this just so I can get more post counts up.


Yes, that is my section. That's where I go when I want to make my post count bigger :hatsoff:


Also interesting how to took the funny section and made it less funny...

Will E Worm


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Are you two about done seeing whose dick is bigger? Really, you're both annoying and opinionated in your own rights. Bury the proverbial hatchet and move on, fellas. :angels:


are you two about done seeing whose dick is bigger? Really, you're both annoying and opinionated in your own rights. Bury the proverbial hatchet and move on, fellas. :angels:

just seen this on the news

A female motorist is facing court action for deliberately driving through a puddle and splashing a group of school children.,_Devon

Yes read this story, very interesting developments. A bit severe me thinks , what the police are charging her with is "careless, and inconsiderate driving". I have watched the video and commentary and there was a deliberate attempt to drive through the puddle deliberately at speed! I wouldnt be too fucking amused if I was splashed like that, so in a way she deserves what she gets.


what the fuck you lookin at?


Closed Account
That driver must have been doing about 50 km/h at least. He actually sped up some more to get to the children faster. He even was beeped - probably for going too fast near an island.

He thought it was immensely funny drenching them. Small minds are amused by small things like this.

Of course, if one of the kids threw a rock at the car, Mr. hero would stop, climb out, then beat the poor kid senseless. After all, it's his right. Might is right. Right?

If it was me, however, I would probably smash the guy's car after I was done with his face.

Then we would see how funny it is.

Well, maybe not. It is saddening though to live in a society where people turn into demons behind the wheel. Being in the driver's seat gives them an unwarranted amount of power.

What sort of message does it give? Don't trust anyone? Everyone is a prick? At the same time, we are taught to have a 'positive, happy attitude'. 'Life is what you make it', they say. Treat everyone with respect, be professional. Well, I learnt at a very early age about human beings. I also really learnt not to trust anyone when running a shop. Then is when you pick up very quickly about people when you stand behind a counter.

Eventually you just realise some folk are better educated than others, there are a few rich bastards whom you need to come down hard upon, and to keep your heart open to seek out whom you can trust.

This kind of dickwad behaviour does not send out the right message. I am glad he was stupid enough to put his exploits out for display.

It may just be a prank, but in winter, walking home in dripping wet clothes is no joke.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I get the strong impression that Wll E. is growing ever more over the top. But the thought that people actually encourage him...

Back on topic:

If she just by accident went through the puddle, I would say, hey, stuff like that happens.

But she and her a$$hole of a boyfriend planned this, and even had the camera handy.

This is a crime, if minor, and it sure has to go to court.

She used her car like an attacking instrument, and should hand in her drivers license for a month or two.
I wonder what would happen if her defense in court is: I'm a woman driver, your honor...


Too bad video incriminates her, though.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, whatever she gets, she had coming to her. But it was just water, after all. Not like she splashed the children with acid.
Well, whatever she gets, she had coming to her. But it was just water, after all. Not like she splashed the children with acid.

That is hardly the point though is it?
I'm sure that if you were standing at a bus stop and a driver came past and deliberately drenched you with water you would get pretty annoyed about it.You would probably have to go home and get changed, perhaps have your clothes cleaned, possibly miss what you were going to do and have your plans for the day put in disarray. It was a criminal assault however you look at it.
That is hardly the point though is it?
I'm sure that if you were standing at a bus stop and a driver came past and deliberately drenched you with water you would get pretty annoyed about it.You would probably have to go home and get changed, perhaps have your clothes cleaned, possibly miss what you were going to do and have your plans for the day put in disarray. It was a criminal assault however you look at it.

Criminal assault? You act like they got stabbed and robbed!

They got drenched with some water. Big deal! Yeah I would get annoyed, but I wouldn't run home to get changed and cleaned up. Or else, what if it was raining? Would they run home to get changed because they got wet by the rain?

Damn kids have it so easy anymore. They don't know what rough living is. Which reminds me of this:

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Criminal assault? You act like they got stabbed and robbed!

They got drenched with some water. Big deal! Yeah I would get annoyed, but I wouldn't run home to get changed and cleaned up. Or else, what if it was raining? Would they run home to get changed because they got wet by the rain?

Damn kids have it so easy anymore. They don't know what rough living is. Which reminds me of this:

Criminal assault can vary in degree from minor to major and as you say this is relatively minor in the level of physical damage caused.That is hardly the point here though-the sentence will reflect this.