Dream help, can't fall asleep in fear of dreaming.


I just get these horrible dreams I can't seem to break. I'll be sitting in my bed and fake wake up and there will be a women just standing next to me. I will of course be dreaming when this happens. It's usually not the same person and it can be other things, but it's usually a women.

Two nights ago roughly I had the same dream of a woman, but it felt so real it wasn't even funny. She was leaning on the back of my chair just glaring at me. In my dream I stared at her for 15 minutes (time had vanished) almost like my dream had frozen and all my adrenaline was rushing into my veins. When I woke up the second time it felt almost exactly the same except I was fine that time. I knew I wasn't dreaming.

I just feel so helpless in my dreams I can't move or talk. All I can do is stare.

It's almost like it's getting worst. I didn't go to bed again last night.

Is there something wrong with me? I don't take any medications and I haven't been using drugs lately (weed).


Sounds like sleep paralysis.

That's kind of like it, but I'm not awake when it happens. I can move once I wake up.

Could it have anything to do with gaming?

Doesn't look like a woman I've seen in a game though. In my dream shes been up with a razor blade and looks like she has been tortured for many hours.


Thanks guys, should I start facing my fears in my dream? Can that be dangerous in anyway or should I talk to a doctor?


Give it up...you're a dead man.
Obviously you have been selected by a female poltergeist, and she wants to take you with her.
So, scribble pentagrams and your birth number on the floor, talk to spirits...no help...you're toast.
Or maybe grow a pair,take a few Ambien, and sleep.

Casper is not real, neither is your Dream girl.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I just get these horrible dreams I can't seem to break. I'll be sitting in my bed and fake wake up and there will be a women just standing next to me. I will of course be dreaming when this happens. It's usually not the same person and it can be other things, but it's usually a women.

Two nights ago roughly I had the same dream of a woman, but it felt so real it wasn't even funny. She was leaning on the back of my chair just glaring at me. In my dream I stared at her for 15 minutes (time had vanished) almost like my dream had frozen and all my adrenaline was rushing into my veins. When I woke up the second time it felt almost exactly the same except I was fine that time. I knew I wasn't dreaming.

I just feel so helpless in my dreams I can't move or talk. All I can do is stare.

It's almost like it's getting worst. I didn't go to bed again last night.

Is there something wrong with me? I don't take any medications and I haven't been using drugs lately (weed).

It's all mind over matter. Unfortunately, nobody here is going to be able to help you with that.


knows petras secret: she farted.
whatever the issue is, its 100% mental. if you cant sort it out on your own, then maybe psychological help would be your best bet. be warned though, it will be a long and costly process. i would recommend self inner searching though. meditation, if you can get into it, is brilliant. maybe you are a being attacked by a demon like the succubus too, maybe try speaking with god too. i know it sounds cliche, but it will probably help.
Thanks guys, should I start facing my fears in my dream? Can that be dangerous in anyway or should I talk to a doctor?

Wow, that is a fucked up image right there....razor blade and all. Listen man, I firmly believe that nothing on that side can hurt you at all....ever......which would be why to date all she has done is glare. I kow this is going to sound odd, but maybe, and I don't know if you will be able to, but maybe it will because you are thinking about it so much when you are awake, but try talking to her. See what it is the fuck she wants.

From a dream analysis point of view, did you recently hurt a girl/woman? I don't mean physically, but emotionally, and perhaps this is your subconcious mind's way of dealing with the guilt? :dunno:

Other than that, if you have been eating anything lately right before you have been going to bed, something that you haven't previously been eating/consuming, I would recommend trying to isolate whatever that is and stop ingesting it.

Or, man, you may need to enlist the aid of a priest and some holy water.
That sucks. I love my dreams, even when they get bad. I don't know how common this is, but when I dream I am aware I am dreaming. I can wake myself out of the dream if I don't like where it's heading or just enjoy the "movie" for as long as I can. Does anyone else have that self-awareness when they dream?
It does sound like sleep paralysis. Are you sure your really fully asleep?

Sometimes dreams don't mean anything. Don't think about it too much. That might be making it worse.

Have you seen any scary movies or games recently? Any stress recently?

And no, no matter how scary the dream is, it can't hurt you.

That said, if it continues for a long time, go see a doctor.


I don't even really talk to women that much. I usually just ignore them most of the time. I don't try to, but It's really difficult to have a conversation.

I have mild-high stress like most people. It shifts and changes from time to time. I'm about to get left 4 dead tomorrow, but zombie games aren't really scary though.
I think it maybe that your subconcious mindstate may be in a bit of turmoil at the moment. We've all had it were we have freak dreams when we visit the astral plane, its just that yours keep reoccuring which means something (possibly) is making you think of that.

Try doing some things before you go to bed like exercise, read a book, a nice long warm bath, drinking warm milk or doing a hobby that you like. You can also try sleeping techniques that will shut down your brain so you can go to sleep easier, but sometimes this is easier said than done.

Some of these techniques include counting backwards from large numbers, concentrating on thinking about 'nothing' or thinking of a dark color, such as thinking of black and thats it nothing else.

Also are you currently in a new home? Im taking a shot in the dark here and may sound like a right idiot to some people but if you have just moved into a new home there could be bad feelings in that home if you catch my drift (if you dont then im talking about it being haunted).

There could be soooo many things thats causing this, either way i hope you find a solution to your problem sooner rather than later as no-one likes to lose sleep :(
Usually dreams reflect something in your life or what your currently doing with your life, alot of the time i've heard that when in your dream your running but you physically can't run or are running really slowly is a sign that you feel your not going anywhere with your life, your stuck where you are. I don't know but could it be a possibility that you can't move in your dream linked with that woman is a subconcious feeling that your not going anywhere in a relationship with a woman? Like you said it's hard to have a conversation, is it possible you have an interest in someone but just can't build on it?
I just get these horrible dreams I can't seem to break. I'll be sitting in my bed and fake wake up and there will be a women just standing next to me. I will of course be dreaming when this happens. It's usually not the same person and it can be other things, but it's usually a women.

Two nights ago roughly I had the same dream of a woman, but it felt so real it wasn't even funny. She was leaning on the back of my chair just glaring at me. In my dream I stared at her for 15 minutes (time had vanished) almost like my dream had frozen and all my adrenaline was rushing into my veins. When I woke up the second time it felt almost exactly the same except I was fine that time. I knew I wasn't dreaming.

I just feel so helpless in my dreams I can't move or talk. All I can do is stare.

In my dream shes been up with a razor blade and looks like she has been tortured for many hours.

Everything in bold is textbook sleep paralysis.

You dream that you wake up...see a woman and can't move. Some people even have the sensation they can't breath, which would explain your adrenaline rush. I know it seems real, you wake up...you are in your room, and you see a woman in your room and you can't move. But you're dreaming. This is sleep paralysis man I'm telling you.

Try lucid dreaming.

Each day you wake up, try and remember your dream and write down whatever details you can remember about the dream. This will create a log in your brain, and when you are dreaming, your brain will recognize patterns and you will realize you are dreaming. This may be able to help you with your reoccurring nightmares.

Also. Get outside some more. Natural sunlight can do wonders for your sleep. Go for a jog, walk once a day. Shoot some hoops. Open your blinds.

Sleep regularly too. Don't let this lead to sleep deprivation. Because that can fuck you up.:thumbsup:



In addition, the paralysis state may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations and an acute sense of danger.Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations

objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision.