I just get these horrible dreams I can't seem to break. I'll be sitting in my bed and fake wake up and there will be a women just standing next to me. I will of course be dreaming when this happens. It's usually not the same person and it can be other things, but it's usually a women.
Two nights ago roughly I had the same dream of a woman, but it felt so real it wasn't even funny. She was leaning on the back of my chair just glaring at me. In my dream I stared at her for 15 minutes (time had vanished) almost like my dream had frozen and all my adrenaline was rushing into my veins. When I woke up the second time it felt almost exactly the same except I was fine that time. I knew I wasn't dreaming.
I just feel so helpless in my dreams I can't move or talk. All I can do is stare.
It's almost like it's getting worst. I didn't go to bed again last night.
Is there something wrong with me? I don't take any medications and I haven't been using drugs lately (weed).
Two nights ago roughly I had the same dream of a woman, but it felt so real it wasn't even funny. She was leaning on the back of my chair just glaring at me. In my dream I stared at her for 15 minutes (time had vanished) almost like my dream had frozen and all my adrenaline was rushing into my veins. When I woke up the second time it felt almost exactly the same except I was fine that time. I knew I wasn't dreaming.
I just feel so helpless in my dreams I can't move or talk. All I can do is stare.
It's almost like it's getting worst. I didn't go to bed again last night.
Is there something wrong with me? I don't take any medications and I haven't been using drugs lately (weed).