Or being deathly ill with pneumonia could play as the relevant factor, which doesn't really make you eat due to the fact that you feel like death and are throwing up a lot.Pie eating contests at county fairs are much more lucrative than porn I guess.
I have no reason to doubt the pneumonia part. But there are are more parts of the 'puzzle', although, to my surprise, so far not making it to the main 'news channels'. These, together with what she officially told, have created a big mess. I just say: Don't expect her to return, at least not the way you used to know her. Remember who told that first.
To be a little less cryptic than this guy, from what I have heard she is getting a breast reduction. She's talked about wanting one for ages because of back pain and I guess now she's going ahead with it. I don't know is panhype has inside info, but I'm pretty sure that is what his 'at least not the way you used to know her' comment refers to.
Regardless of the situation, all the best to Dors, hopefully we'll see you again in the future, but if not - it's been great while it lasted!