Doom eternal

I don't know how you can get physical copies for the PC for not only Doom but just about any game anymore, and most games are just better on it if your rig can handle it. Not really being able to own games anymore sucks, but it is what it is in today's electronic environment. I don't really know an answer for it either as games on physical copies become more a thing of the past. Truth be told there are advantages to downloading games and playing them through clients, I just wish the laws in most places would catch up to the electronic nature of society today and guarantee some sort modern first sale doctrine to people who only buy digital copies of things.

As far as the game itself goes, I'm loving it. Once you get past around the midway point the swarms of demons that are sent after you can get crazy. It goes to barely controlled chaos, but it's so fun when you can get a handle on it to blow a ridiculous amount of demons away one after another. I find myself almost never even looking at the HUD, because a lot of the time you just can't, and you have to go by feel and experience for when you are going to run out of ammo.