Don't force...

Will E Worm



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I wonder what will E's stance on abortion is.....:rolleyes:
I gotta be honest I wasn't haha'ing as much as i thought I was going to.
Abortion is murder, plain and simple. :hatsoff:

and if the woman having an abortion is a 10yo rape victim what then? should she give birth and possibly die from that? The world is not black and white there are many shades of grey something may seem bad but can be good.
Too right!
Yeah but whats murder these days?? people are murdered everyday whether it be getting shot, stabbed, strangled, chopped up into tiny pieces. Whats one more life, that cant even see, hear, let alone breath. The mother and father made that child they have the say so in whether it lives or dies. And all those crazy Christians, who believe in a mystical man who lives in the clouds, why don't they want unfit parents to abort there babies?? so they can grow up to get molested by some priests after the sermon. Fuck religion that shit makes you CRAZY. Personally if i got my gf pregnant and i felt i wasn't financially or mentally prepared to take care of that child i would not have that child.
Ive seen to many people ruin there lives by having children when they weren't prepared.

This is my opinion i don't care if you don't like it. And have a nice day
Will e worm I Dont think there was anything funny about your post to start with maybe you should read the title of this forum and post your shit and your views somewhere else a web site that mainly deals in sex and hot naked babes is the the place to be telling people to keep it in there pants dumb ass

Will E Worm

Will e worm I Dont think there was anything funny about your post to start with maybe you should read the title of this forum and post your shit and your views somewhere else a web site that mainly deals in sex and hot naked babes is the the place to be telling people to keep it in there pants dumb ass

Flaming. :hatsoff:

This is the picture and video section.
If you don't like that then go to a thread with a video posted and whine to that person, since a video isn't a funny picture. ;)


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I used to come to this site to escape the bickering between my children. Oh well.
My baby can speak in the womb! That's pretty awesome. Whoever got the elusive quote from Unborn baby deserves a pat on the back. Well done :hatsoff: