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Don't Ever Trust Cops. Always Record Them!

I think defunding police to turn over some of their functions to qualified social workers is the greatest idea to come out of all this so far. If the police had less to worry about, they would likely get better at their jobs. Let's take a look at how effective police are at solving crimes using case clearance stats from the FBI (2018 and 2017, 2019 report not available yet):

Violent crimes:
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 62.3%
Rape: 33.4%
Robbery: 30.4%
Aggravated assault: 52.5%

Property crimes:
Burglary: 13.9%
Larceny-theft: 18.9%
Motor vehicle theft: 13.8%

45.5% of violent crimes and 17.6% of property crimes cleared by arrest or exceptional means.

Violent crimes:
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 61.6%
Rape: 34.5%
Robbery: 29.7%
Aggravated assault: 53.3%

Property crimes:
Burglary: 13.5%
Larceny-theft: 19.2%
Motor vehicle theft: 13.7%

45.6% of violent crimes and 17.6% of property crimes cleared by arrest or exceptional means.

Seriously. If any other government department had that kind of success rate we would all agree that they could use some reform. But because it's police, those brave men and women who do the 14th most dangerous job in America, we can't possibly question their performance.

Yes, defund police. Fund community programs. Let the police be police, not marriage counselors, not warriors, not dog catchers. Remind them that they are there to protect and serve, and any who can't handle that, get rid of them.


Light one for Me
Guys I've just seen a video of a news item from Police State TYT discussing the killing if a man in a hotel after Police received reports of a man with a rifle. The victim worked in pest control and was described as having a rifle like weapon. He was unarmed, shot while he was kneeling, with his hands on his head and his legs crossed.

He was pleading for his life and was mown down in cold blood as he was being instructed to maintain that position AND crawl towards the Officer.

Heart breaking and disgusting. Nobody can justify the way that man died.

By the way, he was White.
I think defunding police to turn over some of their functions to qualified social workers is the greatest idea to come out of all this so far. If the police had less to worry about, they would likely get better at their jobs. Let's take a look at how effective police are at solving crimes using case clearance stats from the FBI (2018 and 2017, 2019 report not available yet):

Violent crimes:
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 62.3%
Rape: 33.4%
Robbery: 30.4%
Aggravated assault: 52.5%

Property crimes:
Burglary: 13.9%
Larceny-theft: 18.9%
Motor vehicle theft: 13.8%

45.5% of violent crimes and 17.6% of property crimes cleared by arrest or exceptional means.

Violent crimes:
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 61.6%
Rape: 34.5%
Robbery: 29.7%
Aggravated assault: 53.3%

Property crimes:
Burglary: 13.5%
Larceny-theft: 19.2%
Motor vehicle theft: 13.7%

45.6% of violent crimes and 17.6% of property crimes cleared by arrest or exceptional means.

Seriously. If any other government department had that kind of success rate we would all agree that they could use some reform. But because it's police, those brave men and women who do the 14th most dangerous job in America, we can't possibly question their performance.

Yes, defund police. Fund community programs. Let the police be police, not marriage counselors, not warriors, not dog catchers. Remind them that they are there to protect and serve, and any who can't handle that, get rid of them.

Go ahead, you dumb idiot morons, make less police. Then let's hear you retard stumblefucks piss and moan and cry when there is more crime, and less of it solved. Stupid idiot morons, and their brilliant solutions to society's ills - check on failed states the world over for all the proof you need that these idiot morons have no idea what they're talking about.

Governing 280 million Americans is not a game simulation, you fucking pinheads. You don't get participation points for raising your hand with a retarded fucking idea.

stfu (1).gif

Straight Shooter, Chicago had 18 murders in a single 24 hour period. How would the new system protect so many Black people that live in a vulnerable neighborhood where they could be the potential victims of homicide? Gun Control hasn't worked because your city can and will be flooded with guns from other states. You have to hold the people responsible accountable.

Look at this. Kids shot too.


Chicago sees its deadliest day in 60 years with 18 murders in 24 hours: report
Robert Gearty 8 hours ago

Bloody Chicago recorded 18 murders on May 31, making it the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.

The dubious milestone was reached on a day Chicago was roiled by another round of protests and looting following the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.

The 18 deaths tallied by the University of Chicago Crime Lab made May 31, 2020 the single-most violent day in six decades, the Chicago Sun-Timesreported Monday. The Crime Lab numbers go back only to 1961.

On May 29 and May 30, there were seven murders. In a city with an international reputation for crime, the 25 murders on those three days made for the most violent weekend in Chicago’s modern history, according to the paper.

“We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” the crime lab’s senior research director, Max Kapustin, told the newspaper. “I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”

Chicago’s next most violent day was Aug. 4, 1991, when 13 murders were recorded.

“The level of activity experienced over the last week has been unprecedented and the Department is actively investigating multiple incidents across the city and working to determine the motives in these cases,” Chicago Police spokesman Thomas Ahern told the Sun-Times.

He said the department was “actively working to seek justice for all the residents impacted, especially those who have been killed or injured by these senseless acts of violence.”

Those killed on May 31 include Keishanay Bolden, an 18-year-old student at Western Illinois University studying law enforcement and justice. She wanted to be a corrections officer.

She was fatally shot during an argument in the Englewood neighborhood where she grew up, the paper reported.

Among those paying tribute to Bolden on the WIU website was Rebekah Buchanan, an English professor, who said "Keishanay always had a smile on her face and a contagious laugh. Not only was she fun to have in class, she was dedicated to learning and her community. This is tragic."

Another 18-year-old student was also killed that day.

Police said Lazarra Daniels, a student at DRW College Prep in Lawndale, was shot to death.

Principal Tony Sutton broke the news of her death to Daniels' classmates in a social media post. He said her death was “an incalculable loss for her family and one that will pain those who loved Lazarra for a long time.”

Angelo Bronson, a 36-year-old father of two young children, was gunned down in a drive-by shooting.

He lived in Washington and was spending the weekend in Chicago visiting family, the paper reported.

“Just about the last person I could have thought this would happen to was Angelo,” his longtime friend Ali Evans said, according to the paper. “The man was so calm and quick to laugh, too. I just can’t believe we’re talking about him in the past tense.”
What do you think is the root cause of this violence taking place in some of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods? What if we took some of the funding that went to CPD and instead invested that $ in these neighborhoods by supporting youth outreach, mental health awareness programs, job programs, etc, etc...Do you think that would help stem some of the violence?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
What do you think is the root cause of this violence taking place in some of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods? What if we took some of the funding that went to CPD and instead invested that $ in these neighborhoods by supporting youth outreach, mental health awareness programs, job programs, etc, etc...Do you think that would help stem some of the violence?

I have no idea what the root cause for violence is in Chicago. Much of it seems to be black on black gang related over territory. I can't narrow it down much more than that. As far as diverting money from CPD to at risk neighborhoods I guess it would depend where and how the money is spent as long as it's not just "throwing money at the problem" to make the community believe things have been fixed.

But as far as for the short term we got 18 murders during a period of 24 hours. Gotta find a way to take a bite outta crime.

Thanks for the conversation. Let's keep it going. Ask me about LA if you like. I'm more familiar with the lay of the land out here. I've never been to Chicago but I'm a fan of deep dish pizza and I plan on having some there one day.
What does defund the police actually mean and how do you feel it would it effect the rate of crime? Would Chicago become less Chiraqi? What would be the dominate force on the streets to keep the peace?

Here's a 5 minute vid laying out the concepts of defunding, dismantling, and disbanding and what is meant. You can say "oooh that's msnbc I won't listen" if you want, but it's the only one I've seen that's even trying to clear it up.


Closed Account
Ok, fine. Let's pretend you're right, and you got him. Obama's a hypocrite. Where does that get us?
(a) I don't have to pretend. I AM right.
(b) I'm not the one who has to answer where does that get us. Democrats need to answer for that. I'm not the one wanting to defund law enforcement.

But, what the heck. Let me toss this out there ... an incident that I saw yesterday on the News. It happened in a city nearby here.


I saw and heard on the News, the guy talking who was the one who called 911.
He said that his next door neighbor and good friend, an 81-year old man had a gun and was threatening to kill himself. And he specified, "I NEED a COP here right now!"

Oh REALLY?!!! You NEED a COP there immediately, do you? What if all you Democrats and Career Criminal Maggot Defenders got your wish and law enforcement everywhere was defunded ... or gotten rid of entirely? Who would you call to handle a situation like that? A Social Worker? A YMCA Volunteer?

Then once that 911 caller found out his neighbor friend had been killed by the police, he was of course going on about how he only wanted the police to stop him from killing himself and that,
"How hard can it be to get control of and remove a gun from an 81-year old?"

Oh REALLY?!!! The crazy 81-year old man had already started SHOOTING at the police! If YOU really think it's that easy to get control of a CRAZY, suicidal 81-year old man who has already started shooting at you ... why didn't YOU do it? Remember, keep in mind ... police nowadays are not allowed to do basically ANYTHING. So much as fucking touching a citizen will get you suspended or sent to prison or for sure a shellacking by internal affairs, the media and all the people in the world. So just how the fuck is the police supposed to neutralize an 81-year old man shooting at them without ending their careers?

Democrats ... Career Criminal Maggot Defenders / Police Defunding Wanters better watch what they ask for.
As that certain ape in Planet of the Apes advised Charleton Heston's Taylor, "Be careful what you go looking for. You might not like what you find."
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Closed Account
And if that was not the Police Department's function / responsibility to have neutralized that crazy, suicidal, shooting 81-year old man, what exact department, entity or what have you would have been the one to have called to go out there? Which one would have even WANTED to take on that task?

Social Worker? City Mayor? City Council? Attorney General? A County Judge? The Apartment Complex's Security ... IF they even had any? WHO?
Remember, he had a gone AND used it!


Closed Account
Another thing that makes me wonder.

So just last August, there was the mass shooting at that certain Walmart here in El Paso.
At THAT time, the various law enforcement agencies were proudly hailed as HEROES ... Super Heroes ... Guardian Angels, etc. There was a tsunami of thanks to them. They were the pride of El Paso. The "ELPASOSTRONG" bullshit, nauseating mantra was then impossible to get out of our minds and off the fucking Newscasts.

But, that was then. This is now.

Now because of something that 4 police officers way over a million miles in Minneapolis, MN did ... there are shitloads of sorry ass pathetic lowlifes HERE protesting in defense of that career criminal maggot Floyd. They vandalized the police station with graffitti ... have thrown rocks, bricks, bottles and what have you at police officers. They are now treating the police like shit ... like they are the enemy. This for something no police officer here did!

So, again ... let's say all these idiots get their wish and law enforcement is defunded ... castrated.

Now ... even though no one wants this --- let's say that there is a repeat of an incident like the mass shooting at a Walmart or whatever place full of people. With law enforcement now castrated, just exactly who will all these pathetic flip flopping hypocrite ingrates want to handle that dangerous situation? Any Social Workers want to volunteer? Beuller?

Remember --- you wouldn't want to use excessive force against a mass shooter and violate his constitutional rights, etc.
Keep in mind --- Mass Shooters' Lives Matter ......... or so all the protesters' behavior would have us believe.


Closed Account
Ohhhhh Yeah ... that's gonna work --- a generic Dollar Tree Police.

The next time the shit really hits the fan, don't call the police. Call Obama, Shithead Michelle Obama, Oprah, Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan, J-Lo & A-Rod, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, LeBron James, the Kardashians, etc. I'm sure they'll be ready, willing and able to go out there and show everyone how to neutralize hardcore criminals who are armed with guns, AR-15's, knives, machetes, grenades, etc. And they'll do it without using any physical force.

I ALMOST want to see y'all get your wish of a defunded police, just so that I could get to see you all up a shit creek when you actually get what you foolishly wished for and situation after situation popping up that the Dollar Tree Police is not equipped to handle.

I must admit though, it WOULD make arson, looting and property destruction during protests less inconvenient and less difficult ... more efficient.


Staff member

In an initial statement, the department said that a person was arrested “during a skirmish with other protesters,” and that “during that skirmish involving protesters, one person was injured when he tripped and fell.” The video clearly refutes the statement, showing that there was no skirmish around the elderly man, and that the officers pushed him to the ground for no justifiable reason.

They fucking lied!!!

They did this to a white guy on camera. Just imagine what happens to black and brown people off camera. I don't trust any of these cops. Not a single fucking one. And you shouldn't either
Great question Dino. I'm glad someone finally asked this question.

Defunding the police simply means reducing the responsibilities of the police and shifting those responsibilities to other entities that are better equipped to handle them. The simple fact is that we over-rely on law enforcement. We ask them to deal with every social problem in society, We turn to law enforcement for mental health disturbances. We turn to law enforcement to deal with homeless people. We turn to law enforcement to write a report when someone breaks into your house. Do you need a badge and a gun to write up a report? Are beat cops even qualified to deal with people with mental health disorders? The answer to these questions is a simple no. That's why I'm very interested to see what Minneapolis does now that it's been announced that they will be disbanding the current police department. They have an opportunity to completely reshape their police department and reimagine what policing actually means
What do you think is the root cause of this violence taking place in some of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods? What if we took some of the funding that went to CPD and instead invested that $ in these neighborhoods by supporting youth outreach, mental health awareness programs, job programs, etc, etc...Do you think that would help stem some of the violence?
Do you honestly think that defunding law enforcement officials and having the mob or gang members such as ms13 or maybe worse will work as a replacement??? Chicago was Obama's favorite town , the worst of the worst democrat towns with the highest rate of homicides. https://board.freeones.com/threads/...-shot-10-dead-in-chicago-since-friday.951659/ Why don't you take a bullettproof vest, a gun and handcuffs and go confront the thugs, looters or criminals who are endangering the lives of others instead of crying and whining against the police? Question is would you be able to support a H24 pressure as well as risk your life for others? Pass the police school test, get the badge and put yourself on the line like all cops maybe then you will see things otherwise. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution also cites: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." There are a lot of militias in the USA and they aren't going to let some looters or thugs make things worse. Invest $ for better cars and better guns in the CPD. The problem is that the youth in these rough neighborhoods is always dreaming of easy money and therefore inspired by gang bangers and the youth doesn't really give a damn about law and order nor about cops. Mental Health awareness? If the kid has a bad education, the ones to blame are the parents, not the system. Also the bad frequentations of the youth is also the source of their own problems. Job programs? Study hard, get the best marks and then you will have a job. Many law enforcement personnel were cowardly killed and some of them were parents or sons or daughters , they were killed just because they served the uniform and law enforcement. Disgusting.
Do you honestly think that defunding law enforcement officials and having the mob or gang members such as ms13 or maybe worse will work as a replacement???

If you're not going to make any effort to understand what's being discussed then please don't try to foul up the conversation with your nonsensical ideas and false premises. That doesn't just have to apply to this particular thread.


Staff member
If you're not going to make any effort to understand what's being discussed then please don't try to foul up the conversation with your nonsensical ideas and false premises. That doesn't just have to apply to this particular thread.
Please don't try to give me lessons of what's being discussed. Nonsensical ideal to defund law enforcement with the conclusions and with the more than dangerous situations that it will lead to that we already know and that are vastly predictable. Give me a break please. You would be very proud to live in Minneapolis I guess. Minneapolis City Council unanimously votes to get rid of police
Some cities have attempted deeper reforms, such as Camden in New Jersey, once considered the most dangerous in America. Camden made a shift to community-based policing in 2013, dissolving the local police department and using police from the local county instead. Daily non-crisis interactions between police and the community went up, training on de-escalating situations was rolled out, and firm rules on using force as a very last resort – virtually unheard of in the US – were installed. Officers are also required to intervene if a colleague breaks these edicts. The result has been stark – complaints over excessive police force in Camden have dropped 95% since 2014. But expanding these reforms across the US’s 18,000 police forces is a major challenge due to widespread resistance to change from pro-police legislators and powerful police unions.

So, there's one case study where it's been done and the results have been positive. Not perfect, but hardly the lawless wasteland you and your alarmist friends are trying to push. Do you have any examples where it's been tried and failed as you seem so sure it will?
Minneapolis seems a little light on details currently for exactly what they're planning, I'm sure it's still being worked on. But this will probably involve diverting police funding to treatment services such as mental health counselors and drug addiction experts. While a smaller police force may remain, it won’t be the default body interacting with the community at the time of crisis seems like it has potential.


Closed Account
Please don't try to give me lessons of what's being discussed. Nonsensical ideal to defund law enforcement with the conclusions and with the more than dangerous situations that it will lead to that we already know and that are vastly predictable. Give me a break please. You would be very proud to live in Minneapolis I guess. Minneapolis City Council unanimously votes to get rid of police
"Dismantle" their police department and replace it with a "community-based public safety model." :LOL: :ROFLMAO: 😄

I see. So they're going with the ole tried and true honor system method. 😬 🤭
Walking on a VERY slippery slope. Playing a very dangerous game.
Time to make some popcorn and watch the entertainment begin.
Some cities have attempted deeper reforms, such as Camden in New Jersey, once considered the most dangerous in America. Camden made a shift to community-based policing in 2013, dissolving the local police department and using police from the local county instead. Daily non-crisis interactions between police and the community went up, training on de-escalating situations was rolled out, and firm rules on using force as a very last resort – virtually unheard of in the US – were installed. Officers are also required to intervene if a colleague breaks these edicts. The result has been stark – complaints over excessive police force in Camden have dropped 95% since 2014. But expanding these reforms across the US’s 18,000 police forces is a major challenge due to widespread resistance to change from pro-police legislators and powerful police unions.

So, there's one case study where it's been done and the results have been positive. Not perfect, but hardly the lawless wasteland you and your alarmist friends are trying to push. Do you have any examples where it's been tried and failed as you seem so sure it will?
Minneapolis seems a little light on details currently for exactly what they're planning, I'm sure it's still being worked on. But this will probably involve diverting police funding to treatment services such as mental health counselors and drug addiction experts. While a smaller police force may remain, it won’t be the default body interacting with the community at the time of crisis seems like it has potential.



Closed Account
Don't Ever Trust Pro (Arsonists, Looters, Property Destroyers) testers. Always Record Them.

IF Police Reform is needed ... then so is Protesters' Reform and Citizens' Behavior Reform.
As well as Pussy Politicians' Reform ... Pussy Governors' Reform ... and Pussy Mayors' Reform.
All those weak fucks who cannot and / or will not put a stop to those worthless PITA protests.
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