Don't be shy guys!!

YIKES> I third that...
I didn't think my penis would scare people away.:cool:
What picture? ;)
It's good to have learned the skill of selective memory loss. :D *LOL* :laugh:
yes i know that foxycougar....but the majority of the pic's r of lads posting their cocks which is well 100%gay and well if i'm honest the less said and seen of iluvbgtits picture the better.

The Lurker


Haha. I find it amusing people think that they could 'turn gay' if they look at a picture of a penis. Bloody hell, that would mean every school kid doing biology is gay. All the guys here watch porn and look at pictures which will more than likely feature a blokes knob...and u prob won't complain about seeing a penis then. We're all probably having a wank looking at the women and not too bothered about the cock. The thread is clearly about posting naked pictures...and i don't see why people would expect the lady members of the forum to post pictures of their 'private parts' without them seein something in return. I dunno.

Does that make any sense?
I don't see the big deal either. If one doesn't want to look at something, there is a [Page Down] button one can use, so it's an easily solved problem. The few second exposure of something one didn't like to see shouldn't cause any permanent brain-damage, and if it did, I don't understand how they're still alive to this day. ;) *LOL* :D
Lisa said:
here,s what i look like 4 those who dont know

Nice looking woman you are Lisa...By the way there's some funny shit in this one though:nanner: