Don't ask me (Meesterperfect) anything.


Hiliary 2020
oh fuck, i just noticed, jod beat me to it.
and just when i thought i had an original idea.
Oh well.
New Topic:
If a man jumps from the top of the empire state building, and as he falls past the second floor, millisecends before impact you shoot him in the head with a 44 magnum. Is that murder?
oh fuck, i just noticed, jod beat me to it.
and just when i thought i had an original idea.
Oh well.
New Topic:
If a man jumps from the top of the empire state building, and as he falls past the second floor, millisecends before impact you shoot him in the head with a 44 magnum. Is that murder?

That's for the courts to decide


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Have you been firing your gun outside the empire state building again?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow. This thread fad ran its course about a month ago. :sleep:

Originality fail/10

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You're just too cool for school aren't you? :tongue:

No, I just get annoyed when people on here beat a dead horse over and over. But that's not taking it far enough for some. They also blow it up with hand grenades and then shoot it with a rocket launcher. I guess I don't see why it's so awesome to copy someone's thread idea ad nauseam. :dunno: If that makes me too cool for school (whatever the fuck that means) so be it...


Hiliary 2020
Well obviously you can read and write ry, and youre pretty articulate.
I admitted that I posted this thread without knowing a similar thread existed, but then you had to put me down anyway.
No problem.
No big deal.
Its just a thread.


Hiliary 2020

Honestly I don't know.
It was an impulse thread.
Thought i was being a smart ass, well I sure learned my lesson.
I now realize the mootness of it, the pure senselessness ( wow six S's in one word ).

Now my only concern is that you guys won't think i'm cool anymore.
Honestly I don't know.
It was an impulse thread.
Thought i was being a smart ass, well I sure learned my lesson.
I now realize the mootness of it, the pure senselessness ( wow six S's in one word ).

Now my only concern is that you guys won't think i'm cool anymore.

If it makes you feel any better we never did in the first place


Hiliary 2020
Zing! Ha!
That didnt take long.

Oh shit where the fuck is that girl?
I fucking hate waiting around.

And Man this thread sucks, WTF was I thinking?