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Dog / Cat Question


Have you ever been a parent to a dog or cat (or other) that had unique qualities or talents that were particularly special to you ? Did you ever teach your pet certain words ? Which ones ? Did the pet show a change of expression and act in a predictable fashion when you said or did certain things ?

Was the pet a pure bread or of a mixed breed ? describe -
e.g. Cat, Dog, chimpanzee or other ?

Describe the characteristic or characteristics of this pet that impressed you the most (however trivial it may seem to the audience).

What are the reasons why you couldn't adopt a pet at this particular time in your life ?

• Always moving to different locations e.g. transcient / nomadic ?
• Already have a pet
• Pets not allowed where you live ?
• No company available for the pet all day when you're at work ?
• Pets are messy
• Pets "can" bite !! :shy:
• I can't afford to support a pet
• I'm allergic to animal dander
• I'm a grouchy, reclusive, hermit and I don't like pets. :tongue:

What are the reasons why you couldn't adopt a pet at this particular time in your life ?

• Always moving to different locations e.g. transcient / nomadic ?
• Already have a pet
• Pets not allowed where you live ?
• No company available for the pet all day when you're at work ?
• Pets are messy
• Pets "can" bite !! :shy:
• I can't afford to support a pet
• I'm allergic to animal dander
• I'm a grouchy, reclusive, hermit and I don't like pets. :tongue:

When I was moving out to live on my own, I had my work. So all day nobody at home.
I think you have to be there for a pet if you want to adopt one (maybe except a goldfish or so.)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My grandparents used to feed their dog "people food". Does that count?
I once had a chimpanzee that tore the face off of a female guest who was over having dinner with us. We forgot to give him his anti depressants that day, and we let him off his leesh.

Silly us. huh? Boy, do we have egg on our face :rolleyes: But hey, you're not human if you dont learn from your mistakes.

Ahh, looking back you could have so many regrets, but not me I hated that bitch!!!

To soon?

Will E Worm

I've had all kinds of pets.

Cats and dogs
Lizards (I caught two in Kentucky, I'm not sure what they were.)
Hognose snake, something like this. Hognose Snake
Garter snakes
Many different insects.

I need a farm in my backyard. :D
I wouldn't mind getting a basset hound someday. Those are my kind of dogs. Fat and lazy. I like cats too mostly because cats are chick magnets. I would like to own a saltwater aquarium someday too....

I seem to be a nomad so I have been pet free the past couple years.


Yes...several awesome critters were my privelege to "own".
I raised and trained Dobermans for many years, and always had at least 1 Siamese cat around to keep the Dobies in line.
I saw some beyond "dumb animal" things over the years...impressive .
Live in a small apartment now, only have my 7 aquariums and 1 Russian Dwarf Hamster.
Will start another bloodline again someday...


Closed Account
My grandparents used to feed their dog "people food". Does that count?

most people are guilty of this, i know i am (but only on occasion)

my family had a jack russel terrior growing up. he was the cutest dog in the whole world.

the only problem with hims is that he shed and his fur was like needles, it stuck to everything.

we would find his fur everywhere

i moved out of town and his fur just came with me, i could not get it out, even after washing my clothes it was still there

but his cuteness made up for the massive amounts of hair and vacuuming that i had to do

blue ballz 22

Closed Account
I have a maine coon cat and it knows when I'm ready to go to sleep. it will sit at my bedroom door and wait for me to go to bed. as soon as I lie down, it will crawl beside my girlfriend and fall asleep til the morning, not moving from that spot til I get up.


Closed Account
I adopted a kitten that used to come looking for food at my home. Initially I chased it away, but when I opened my own shop I had pity for the poor unkempt creature. Almost a year later it still looked scraggly and thin. I took her away from the people she was with. They hardly noticed she had gone.
After a few months she blossomed into the most beautiful cat I have ever seen. Her eyes were unique - a deep, wise, beautiful green. Her fur was ginger/white. She used to love climbing onto the counter, sitting on my lap. She especially loved it when I held her. Folks told me she loved me. I feel if she could have transformed into a human she would wanted a relationship.
One night I sensed her staring at me - like she was trying to read my mind.
It was good to see how she transformed.
I have since learned that animals are not 'dumb.' They communicate just like people do. One only needs to know how to listen, how to see.
I also had canaries and a parakeet. One in particular was my favourite. She would fly over to sit on my head. I didn't keep them in the cage all the time. The parakeet would walk around town with me on my shoulder.
Right now I don't have space for an animal. I'd probably buy fishes as soon as I can, until I hopefully have a home someday.
My mother had a beagle that would always lie at her feet when she was on the computer. The dog would get up and leave the room as soon as he heard windows shutting down.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I had a parakeet for about 15 years, then he died, but in that time.. he laughed just like me.. he started to fake sneeze.. you know like "ahh-chooo" (he did that cuz we (the family and I would fake sneeze to make and get my newborn niece to smile and laugh!!)

the parakeet whos name was RUDY would say "rudy tudy!" he would ask my dog KOKO if he wanted to go outside "you wanna go outside!!" he would say "come here, look what I got" sometimes he said "fuck" but not much.. he would cackle all the time and he said a whole bunch of funny shit.. he would say "hello, how are you?"!! he said "pretty bird" he would also fake bark, like "ruff.. ruff.. ruff" cuz we did that to KOKO and our other puppy.. and he would fake growl.. like a dog cuz we would go, grrrrrr.. grrrr.. to the dogs when they would growl.. and RUDY started growling also.. it was so got damn funny..

Infact if I was sure I could get another bird to say, act, and have the same vocabular capabilities and personality traits as RUDY had, I would get another bird.. but losing that bird was as sad as losing a dog.. cuz he had such a great and charming personality.. I am sure you can understand my analogy of a bird and a dog in that regard..

I'll share more RUDY used to say as I remember them.. he used to have me dying laughing when I was drunk or high!! he was hilarious!! of course the little fuck didn't like me much.. prolly cuz I smoked.. thats all I can think of (why he didn't like me) cuz everytime I went to try and pick him up or hold em' he would bite the shit out of me!!

everybody else in the household could pick him up but me.. my brothers.. my sister.. my mother.. everybody but me.. :rolleyes:

But he did and said everything I said or did!! :confused: he never picked up much from the rest of the people in the household.. just me.. and I am the only one he bit all the time!!! :rofl2: but I loved that bird no matter cuz he was so hilarious..

Oh yeah and my dog KOKO loved and begged for coca cola and loved and begged for beer!! he would actually howl for both.. of course I just let him lick my finger or stick his tongue into a little cap with a taste of it for him.. but that was funny as hell as well.. :D
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I once had a goldfish that lived for 15 years... it ended up going blind, and deaf, meaning I had to tap on the bowl 3 times to let the fish know I was putting food in the bowl.

Man, that fish had it's bowl broken like 3 or 4 times, where it was just flopping around on the floor, completely out of water, and it never died from any of those... so I guess maybe that's a little special.
I've had all sorts of pets throughout my lifetime. I've had dogs, cats, fish, birds, rabbits, lizards, snakes, hamsters, mice, a Blue Jay, a salamander, and a bullfrog. Not all at the same time, thankfully.