Since I'm Atheist and not religious, no religion has influence my life one bit. Religions are myths anyway cause there are similarities between todays relgions and anceint religions like the Greek myths, Egyptian myths, Aztec myths and all the other anicent religions that people now see as myths. I think the only reason why many religious people and some non-religious people believe in an after life is because they are not happy with their lives at all, why else do you think that you get religious people that commit suicide alot. I think religious people are split into two groups.
Group 1 can have religious people who are:
1. Moderates
2. Non-Practising
Group 2 can have religious people who are:
1. Traditionalists
2. Fundamentalists
3. Extremists
4. Born Again
Religious people from group 1 are okay and easy to get along with, they have liberal views about things and are open minded when it comes to things like for example sex (pre-marital sex, casual sex, NSA sex, etc), contraceptives, porn, sexuality, stem cell research, medical research, medical science, pre-history and so on. They are also the type that accept other people's beliefs whether they are religious, are of a different religion or not religious, whether they are atheist or theist or agnostic. They are also the type that is not racist and they accept things that goes on around them even if they don't like it and they don't piss and moan about it cause they are in a country that has freedom, democracy and free speech.
Religious people from group 2 are completely opposite then the religious people from group 1, not to mention the fact that nearly all the people you get on the net or on tv trying to get things made illegal and ban it espacially when it comes to things like sex, contraceptives, porn, medical science and anything proven about about pre-history. They are completely homophobic and also have a sheer hatred for people who are bisexual too. These are the types that hate freedom, democracy and free speech, they use these things to try to get what they want and then get rid of those things for everyone else so they either want to ban these things for everyone themselves included or ban it for people who don't have their views or beliefs.