Does Religion Influence Your Life?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My Religion have changed the past few years, i used to not have a Religion, now i believe in many things.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
No religion for me. I get my fix from cocaine.

All the enlightenment of religion, without having to go to church on Sundays!


I tend to find that there is a growing number of people who are spiritual, but not in an organized setting, if you will. Over the last ten to fifteen years, I have noticed that there are a great number of people that claim to have been let down by the actions of their church. I've heard stories ranging from - The church has become somewhat activist in a direction that wasn't appreciated, the church is buggin' the members for money, a member or members of the churches ministry have turned out to be creepos like this goon etc.
• I tend to lean more on the spiritual side as opposed to "organized and religious"

• Most rational people don't buy into any of this threatening crap - "you're going to go to hell if you do or don't do . . '' whatever :dunno: People see right through that crap !

• I think that religion is OK for most people in moderation.
I'm happy that I live in an environment where people can believe as they choose.

• The people that I don't care to be in the company of are those who wear their religion / areligious beliefs on their sleeve. They both creep me out !
Who cares !!! It's your matter !!! Why are you bothering me with your obsession !!!

Instant Turn Off ! keep it too yourself :yesyes:


It's good to be the king...


Closed Account
Thankfully I've thrown the towel in with religion. It's taken me years but I can safely say that I feel more free than ever, more spiritual, and happy.

I suggest you do the same and shake off all the oppressive brainwashing you've been subjected to since you were a baby.

Remember: this doesn't necessarily mean I don't believe in God. But I would suggest that "He" isn't a man, or a woman, and doesn't have a beard either!
I'm not religious so it doesn't influence my life.

But it affects my life in some ways because i'm homosexual and some religions are against that, so i'm very cautious around religious people in case they hate me if they find out. I feel like, if I find out someone is christian, then whats the point in carrying on socialising with the person if they're going to hate me just because i'm in a relationship with someone of the same sex. :( So i'm sometimes unneasy around them.

I like this from the bible though:

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned." Luke 6:37

It would be nice if that was recited more often.
Religions are Businesses and Cults.

I will quote the popes words from a speech the other day.

"Please, my followers, stay loyal to our cause"

What the fuck?

The "Church of $cientology" is nothing more than a "Pay your way in" business.
Poor Atheists....lying there in the coffin...All dressed up and NOWHERE to go!!!

YES religion in a huge part of my life!!!


I'm not religious so it doesn't influence my life.

But it affects my life in some ways because i'm homosexual and some religions are against that, so i'm very cautious around religious people in case they hate me if they find out. I feel like, if I find out someone is christian, then whats the point in carrying on socialising with the person if they're going to hate me just because i'm in a relationship with someone of the same sex. :( So i'm sometimes unneasy around them.

I like this from the bible though:

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned." Luke 6:37

It would be nice if that was recited more often.

A capital C Christian would not judge you, a Christian would immediately begin to castigate you or turn you to the straight life...puleeze!
The louder the pontification, the less true to Christian principals the noisemaker generally is.
This is not Christianity, this is "man" who is born "perfect" and gets worse from there.
I love a lot of the ritual in Judaism, I keep the basic tenets close to my heart...but only as an intellectual exercise so to speak; I have my own personal relationship with a higher plane and need no outside direction to deal with that.
In the real world I have met truly religious people and they were the best people I encountered, without exception. Quietly doing their lives and a credit to the Human race.
I know that a lot of religious people wouldn't judge me Philbert, I just meant that some do and I never know which will until.. well, until i'm judged! So thats why it makes me unneasy around them, but I dont think all are like that and thats not what I meant. =]
Since I'm Atheist and not religious, no religion has influence my life one bit. Religions are myths anyway cause there are similarities between todays relgions and anceint religions like the Greek myths, Egyptian myths, Aztec myths and all the other anicent religions that people now see as myths. I think the only reason why many religious people and some non-religious people believe in an after life is because they are not happy with their lives at all, why else do you think that you get religious people that commit suicide alot. I think religious people are split into two groups.

Group 1 can have religious people who are:
1. Moderates
2. Non-Practising

Group 2 can have religious people who are:
1. Traditionalists
2. Fundamentalists
3. Extremists
4. Born Again

Religious people from group 1 are okay and easy to get along with, they have liberal views about things and are open minded when it comes to things like for example sex (pre-marital sex, casual sex, NSA sex, etc), contraceptives, porn, sexuality, stem cell research, medical research, medical science, pre-history and so on. They are also the type that accept other people's beliefs whether they are religious, are of a different religion or not religious, whether they are atheist or theist or agnostic. They are also the type that is not racist and they accept things that goes on around them even if they don't like it and they don't piss and moan about it cause they are in a country that has freedom, democracy and free speech.

Religious people from group 2 are completely opposite then the religious people from group 1, not to mention the fact that nearly all the people you get on the net or on tv trying to get things made illegal and ban it espacially when it comes to things like sex, contraceptives, porn, medical science and anything proven about about pre-history. They are completely homophobic and also have a sheer hatred for people who are bisexual too. These are the types that hate freedom, democracy and free speech, they use these things to try to get what they want and then get rid of those things for everyone else so they either want to ban these things for everyone themselves included or ban it for people who don't have their views or beliefs.
I'm not religious so it doesn't influence my life.

But it affects my life in some ways because i'm homosexual and some religions are against that, so i'm very cautious around religious people in case they hate me if they find out. I feel like, if I find out someone is christian, then whats the point in carrying on socialising with the person if they're going to hate me just because i'm in a relationship with someone of the same sex. :( So i'm sometimes unneasy around them.

I like this from the bible though:

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned." Luke 6:37

It would be nice if that was recited more often.

I have a few friends who know how you feel Joanne. I'm straight and I've never been homophobic in my life at all. I am friends with a few men who are gay and a few women who are gay and have quite a few bisexual friends too. The friends who I am close with the most is a lesbian couple who I met on a course a couple of years ago and been friends with them ever since. They have been there for me, I've been there for them and they were the ones who introduced me to my girlfriend who I have been with for a few months now. She used to be religious (she was a non-practising Christian) but a couple of months ago she told me that she isn't religious anymore cause she doesn't need it or want it any longer, not to mention the fact that she is bisexual and some religious people also have a sheer hatred for bisexual people.

I have read the Bible cause I was bored and I couldn't see anything at all about being against people who are homosexual or people who are bisexual. Some people pick lines like "A man shall not lie with another man" or something like that but those things can mean anything. I think that all of the holy books from today's major religions are very poorly translated considering that they were written thousands of years ago in mostly dead languages so there's a possibility that who ever translated them they have put things that they personally didn't like (which were mostly things that have to do with sex and sexulaity) and it stuck on since.
As an atheist I have to say yes religion influences my life.Its affects which are easily on balance negative IMO affect us all.
There are 1000's of religions that embrace just about everything imaginable.

But major religions? You mean 'saviour clubs'? Yes, because they constantly impose their will and thoughts onto others all around the world. How can they not influence me?

Ahhh major religion. The easiest way that ignorant and/or desperate people can feel less ignorant and/or desperate.
Where would they be without it?