Dobbs resigns from cnn

I'm sure we all know that "resigned" is just a nice way of saying "they let me go out gracefully or they'd publicly fire my ass."


Really?? Really??!! Do we all know that? Do you think Dobbs would hesitate to point that out if it were true? If there's anything the righties like these days, it's playing the victim. :crying:

Lou didn't fit into CNN's political spectrum. Bet he ends up on Fox Business Network.

Yeah, THIS is more likely, or, perhaps he'll follow Glenn Beck's route and just go over to Fox "News".

Probably more lucrative for him.

But who knows - there's 101 reasons why he might've resigned.


the guy who loved tools to make immigrants lives' hell? i say it cause he was against removing immigrant checking tools. i haven't seen glenn beck or something. anyways, goodbye.

We're not talking about "immigrants" here, there is a distinction to be made.
I've heard he's already scheduled as a guest on O'Reilly. Get ready for some faux victim whining!!

It'll be a good chance for Dobbs to check out the food in the FoxNews cafeteria, to see if he'd be happy there...
Wow... I'm amazed at how many people don't like to hear views expressed that are contrary to their pre-conceived notions. I guess it's easier to call them names than to at least look at other view points and think about issues. Ideologies are perfect for the intellectually stagnant... just pick a side and go with it, at all costs!
Oh, that's so dronish of you to say, prove it ! He's for the rule of law unlike most of these young hot shot attorneys today that practice law solely for the purpose of defying it. You may not have been on this earth long enough to distinguish just how far we've fallen as a nation, thank you r & d parties. :crash:
It's a curse to be me, Facy, life holds no surprise. The Fauxnatics have already swooped in and landed on Dobbs's shoulders to usher him off to the FauxBusiness Channel HQ. Kommiczar Ailes thinks Dobbs will give the Faux Business Channel some cred:dunno: So, my prediction becomes reality in about a week or so. Dobbs will debut in 2010. Although, is it really going out on a limb to "predict" that Dobbs would shuffle off to Faux? :rolleyes:

Listen, TR - You're still mad at America for the indians.... soooo :dunno: :D
Was Columbus an American? It's funny that we honor a non-American for getting lost, basically. Are we the only nation that has a holiday dedicated to someone who really has nothing to do with the nation that honors him/her? Do the English have Eric the Red Day?:dunno:

I don't think our treatment of Native Americans is relevant to Modern/Forward Thinking America anymore. I do personally believe that we need to work harder to assimilate all Native tribes. The high point of Native American contemporary culture is the Casino. Nice legacy.....


Was Columbus an American? It's funny that we honor a non-American for getting lost, basically. QUOTE]

Hey let us Italian's have a holiday.:D

Member 1098

Closed Account
Wow! That is scary that someone of voting age in this country had Lou Dobbs as their primary news source.

Yep, I love the guy. :)
I watched him back in 2005, I was 16 years old. I like his view points about the country, and everything else.
I rather watch ''news related stuff'' getting into ''current events'' in the world.

So, incase if I get into a conversation with someone, about those things, I will know what the heck I am talking about. Intead of being clueless, or in la la land (don't know what's going on in the world/what's happening). I will know my current news events. It's important to know things like that.

Lou is married to a Mexican.

I don't think he is a racist.


Yep, I love the guy. :)
I watched him back in 2005, I was 16 years old. I like his view points about the country, and everything else.
I rather watch ''news related stuff'' getting into ''current events'' in the world.

So, incase if I get into a conversation with someone, about those things, I will know what the heck I am talking about. Intead of being clueless, or in la la land (don't know what's going on in the world/what's happening). I will know my current news events. It's important to know things like that.

Lou is married to a Mexican.

I don't think he is a racist.

Lou is less of a racist than most of the finger-pointers here...he is a tough dude, unlike most of the Libs here.
And he will go where he wants to be it Fox or independent...people know him and listen to him, and he has enough money to have time to choose.
I often get accused of racism, redneckery, Republicanism, and whatever the poster hates the most...doesn't make it true.
Lou isn't a racist, he's a realist.
Ya can learn a lot from listening to Lou, and his guests, just be sure to look around and get some other views to round it out. But I'm with you, Lou is a great source.:thumbsup:

Member 1098

Closed Account
Lou is less of a racist than most of the finger-pointers here...he is a tough dude, unlike most of the Libs here.
And he will go where he wants to be it Fox or independent...people know him and listen to him, and he has enough money to have time to choose.
I often get accused of racism, redneckery, Republicanism, and whatever the poster hates the most...doesn't make it true.
Lou isn't a racist, he's a realist.
Ya can learn a lot from listening to Lou, and his guests, just be sure to look around and get some other views to round it out. But I'm with you, Lou is a great source.:thumbsup:

I like Lou. He's not bad guy/racist guy. I really don't see that, I just see him just getting the country together into a better place, in the state of mind. I'm not a racist, if I watch him or agree with his points. That doesn't make me a racist, but people take it the wrong-way. He is a realist, his view points are real, true, and right. I will agree with you, Philbert.

He might go to FOX, if he does, I might watch him on there. I don't think we should call him a ''racist'' until we get the facts straight. He's just explaining what the laws in the country, should always be. People take it to seriously.


He might go to FOX, if he does, I might watch him on there. I don't think we should call him a ''racist'' until we get the facts straight. He's just explaining what the laws in the country, should always be. People take it to seriously.

So if you like the guy so much can you explain why You MiGHT watch him when he goes to fox?
IMO if you like someone based on their views of the world then you will watch them no matter what station they are on.


Yes, I can back up my statements. WATCH THE SHOW! He says Mexican like most people say Dentist.

He offers nothing but 1-sided anti-immigration.
I disagree. Lou is for sustainable immigration "when it suits public policy".
He's not into reform.
Right, "reform" is "amnesty" sounding digestible.
He's anti-immigration, period.
No he is not, this is patently false. I'd like a citation or two from a legit source that clearly indicates that Lou is "anti - immigration period". Now, if you feel that Lou is anti - immigration period, fine but the distinction should be clear.

"I've said for some time that the only rational actor in this entire immigration crisis, illegal immigration crisis, is the illegal alien, trying to benefit himself, herself and better their lives. But illegal employer is acting against the national interests, acting against the law in every respect. How can we get to the employer who is so shamelessly exploiting the illegal alien and so shamelessly flaunting U.S. law?"

"I have great respect for the people who make up the preponderance of the illegal alien population in our country, that is Mexican migrant workers."

"I'm absolutely one of the most passionate opponents of illegal immigration, but I've also made it very clear I'm also one of those who respects most the illegal aliens, I've described them on numerous occasions as the only
rational actor in this crisis."

"For the record, I am absolutely supportive of legal immigration. In fact, I favor even higher levels of legal immigration when it suits public policy. Let me repeat -- we are the most welcoming nation in the world for immigrants and I've consistently called for an increase in legal immigration when warranted."

"I think I'm the only one on this panel who's actually worked with migrant workers in the fields, with beans, potatoes, hay in my youth. I know them to be good and decent people."

"You've heard me say time and time again that the only rational actor in this is the illegal alien trying to improve his or her life. You've heard me say time and time again that the illegal employer of the illegal alien deserves the greatest sanctions in this mess."

"The broadcast has repeatedly stressed the need to solve this nation's massive illegal alien crisis. It has always, this broadcast, been a strong supporter of legal, fair, humane immigration policies."

Isn't it funny how cowardly liars and fools leave out all of these statements over the past six years you've just heard as they attack me. If you have any doubt that we are in a struggle for the soul of this nation, a day's reading of those left-wing activists' blogs and statements will show you who's really fanning the flames of hate.
- Lou Dobbs

Yes he offers people from organizations to express their views, but it's always 2 against 1 in his studio:dunno: Isn't that merely old-timey bullying?
No, that's Chris whats his face... you know, the good catholic with the BIG mouth.... Something "furrowing up his leg" over "O" daddy Chris. ;)

What's in amnesty for you, BTW ? It wouldn't have anything to do with fast track infusing a mess of new democrats into the system would it ?
The very last thing that this nation needs is a permanent super majority of democrats
(or republicans for that matter if applicable) in Congress, that is, both houses of Congress. The system fails to operate in the best interests of the people w/out the checks and balances of an evenly mixed Congress.

I'll finish further commentary later maybe ... I'm crashed :sleep:
That's the end of CNN. He was the last original commentator (27 years) was let go. FOX will swoop him up and their ratings will continue to annihilate all the the other cable news networks combined like they already do. BTW, those of you who think he's a racist...FYI, he's married to a Latina. :rolleyes: