Do you work out?

I work out, but as far as the US goes we are indeed that fat. I guess that makes everybody that works out here just that much better by comparison.
I've been a bodybuilder/weightlifter for going on 18 years this November. My normal routine is 5 days a week, but after a long layoff, I have been averaging only 3 days a week.
Hell yeah! Ever since my SSgt taught me the proper way to PT! :D
i ride my bicycle to work and home (16 miles round-trip) 5 days a week. i also play a few recreational sports (ultimate frisbee, cricket, twister, and trivial-pursuit).

i don't care at all about being "ripped," but i do want to be in shape, so a flight of stairs doesn't wind me.
I used to go to the gym 3 times a week. But had a bad shoulder injury and could not workout for a few months. I have yet to start up again. I keep telling myself I will, but I just haven't. Damn me! :mad: