This guy is usually very level headed. Somethings I agree with him, somethings I don't. I think he has it pegged correctly on this one.
John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.
Progressives say, if you’re so worried about the deficit, raise taxes! There are lots of rich people around, squandering money. On my show, David Callahan of the group Demos put it this way: “Wealthy Americans who have done so well in the past decade should help get us out.”
But it’s a fantasy to imagine that raising taxes on the rich will solve our deficit problem. If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion. That’s only a third of this year’s deficit. Our national debt would continue to explode.
It’s the spending, stupid.
Also, even if you could balance the budget by taxing the rich, it wouldn’t be right. Progressives say it’s wrong for the rich to be “given” more money. The New York Times ran a cartoon that showed Uncle Sam handing money to a fat cat. But that has it backward. Money earned belongs to those who earn it, not to government. Lower taxes are not a handout.
Progressives want to take more money from some—by force—and spend much of it on programs that have repeatedly failed. It sounds less noble when plainly stated.
That’s the moral side of the matter. There’s a practical side, too. Taxes discourage wealth creation.
My $616 billion assumption above is absurd. Rich people wouldn’t work if government takes all their earnings.
Progressives claim an increase in tax rates won’t stop producers from producing. But they presumably understand that people don’t work for free. When the top marginal rate was 90 percent, actor Ronald Reagan worked just half the year. As soon as he made enough money such that every additional dollar was taxed at 90 percent, he stopped working and went off to ride horses. Reagan later said that woke him up to the damage that high taxes impose.
Maryland created a special “tax on the rich” that legislators said would bring in $106 million. Instead, the state lost $257 million. Some of Maryland’s rich just left the state. When New York state hiked its income tax on millionaires, billionaire Tom Golisano moved to Florida, which has no personal income tax. “[M]y personal income tax last year would’ve been $13,800 a day,” he told us. “Would you like to write a check for $13,800 a day to a state government, as opposed to moving to another state?”
Even Donald Trump, who gets so much wrong, gets this one right. He says of rich people, “They’re international people. Whether they live here or live in a place like Switzerland doesn’t really matter to them.”
We see the folly of trying to raise revenue with high taxes by looking at tax receipts over time. Before 1963, when Reagan rode his horse, every single dollar after $400,000 (in today’s dollars) was taxed at more than 90 percent. And government revenues equaled about 18 percent of gross domestic product. Then the top rate was lowered to 70 percent, then to 50 percent, and then to as low as 30 percent, before it was raised back to 40 percent in the 1990s. Despite those sharp changes, the chart below shows that tax revenue seldom exceeded 20 percent or fell below 17 percent of GDP.
People adjust their activities to the tax burden.
Also, higher taxes give rich people and politicians more reasons to collude. The rich make contributions to political campaigns, and politicians pay the rich back by giving them tax loopholes.
The loopholes complicate the tax code and create work for tax specialists like my accountant Bob. I pay Bob because I can’t begin to figure out my taxes. I don’t want to give money to Bob. But our loophole-ridden tax system is now so complex that today most Americans pay someone like Bob.
That’s a big loss to America. All that money and creative energy we spend trying to figure out taxes might have gone to build homes, make music, cure cancer, or . . . who knows what.
The above guest post is by John Stossel, who will host a panel at The Bush Institute’s Tax Summit To Encourage Growth, co-sponsored by Forbes, in New York City On April 10. Stossel also hosts a weekly Fox Business Network show, Stossel, and a documentary series on Fox News. He is a nineteen-time Emmy winner, a five-time honoree for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club, and a New York Times bestselling author. His new book, No They Can’t: Why Government Fails – But Individuals Succeed hits bookstores April 10.