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Do You Support a Tax Hike For The Wealthiest Americans?

Do You Support a Tax Hike For The Wealthiest Americans?

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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yes. And I also support spending cuts in both discretionary and the defense and foreign aid budgets.

I don't believe that marginal rates have to be increased. The same could be accomplished (maybe better) by simply closing loopholes for those making above a certain amount, or those who have been able to shield their incomes simply because of their professions (as Romney and other money managers have done with the carried interest tax rules). I'm sure that Mittens is busy amending his tax returns right now, to get back down to that 9%+/- that he had before he had his accountants fake his last return, in order to fool voters into thinking that he was actually chipping in more than he had to.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Nobody should support tax hikes for anyone without the U.S. Government passing a budget. In my 36 years of life I have never heard the term, "Fiscal Cliff" until this year. Why is that? Plus, while you fools were waiting in line for a new Black Friday computer/TV/dildo or whatever, our own U.S. Government borrowed another $24.3 BILLION DOLLARS!


How about the U.S. Government exercise some fiscal responsibility by operating within a budget, reduce spending, cut costs on ALL programs and PROVE to the U.S. CITIZENS that they are serious about reducing the deficit. Don't just tax and spend. That's BULLSHIT! Seriously, where does it end? Santa Obama's gonna use up all the money. Atlas will Shrug.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Nobody should support tax hikes for anyone without the U.S. Government passing a budget. In my 36 years of life I have never heard the term, "Fiscal Cliff" until this year. Why is that? Plus, while you fools were waiting in line for a new Black Friday computer/TV/dildo or whatever, our own U.S. Government borrowed another $24.3 BILLION DOLLARS!


How about the U.S. Government exercise some fiscal responsibility by operating within a budget, reduce spending, cut costs on ALL programs and PROVE to the U.S. CITIZENS that they are serious about reducing the deficit. Don't just tax and spend. That's BULLSHIT! Seriously, where does it end? Santa Obama's gonna use up all the money. Atlas will Shrug.

BINGO! Spot fucking on!

Fish, I'd rep ya if I could.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Yes. And I also support spending cuts in both discretionary and the defense and foreign aid budgets.
This +100. I'm sure the United States can get by only spending say, 40% of the world's defense budget rather than 50%.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Absolutely not. It's incredibly anti-capitalistic.
I'm for the equalization of taxation. Equality is the only way. Close the loopholes for corporations, hold the wealthy to the same contributing standard as anyone else,, and for fucks sake quit subsidizing huge corporations.

This is one country it is an abomination that just because your generate more income you are held to a separate standard.

Its hilarious that Mr. Fisher wants the 2% to receive these unfair tax advantages when he sees none of them personally. Shows just how powerful the rhetoric can be.

There is no need to over tax but fair is fair.

Trickle Down Economics is about the most offensive thing I have ever heard.


My Penis Is Dancing!
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Nobody should support tax hikes for anyone without the U.S. Government passing a budget. In my 36 years of life I have never heard the term, "Fiscal Cliff" until this year. Why is that? Plus, while you fools were waiting in line for a new Black Friday computer/TV/dildo or whatever, our own U.S. Government borrowed another $24.3 BILLION DOLLARS!


How about the U.S. Government exercise some fiscal responsibility by operating within a budget, reduce spending, cut costs on ALL programs and PROVE to the U.S. CITIZENS that they are serious about reducing the deficit. Don't just tax and spend. That's BULLSHIT! Seriously, where does it end? Santa Obama's gonna use up all the money. Atlas will Shrug.

I would think that a self-proclaimed economic genius such as yourself would have heard the term before this. Hell, I am some schmuck who works in retail, and I know the phrase has been going on three years. Where do you get your financial news from? Mad Magazine?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
BINGO! Spot fucking on!

Fish, I'd rep ya if I could.

I couldn't rep him either.

I agree with his post...our leaders write checks WE have to cash, and suffer no consequences when they bounce them. That is just unacceptable, and needs to stop.

Rey C said:
Yes. And I also support spending cuts in both discretionary and the defense and foreign aid budgets.

I disagree only with the cuts in defense spending, and feel foreign aid should be the first, and most drastic of the cuts.

I support the thought of being allies with Israel, but there's absolutely no reason to give them the billions we do....and that goes for Africa....especially the North East coast. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, we still owe Somolia a nice big fuck you, delivered by a couple dozen B-52's


Was King of the Board for a Day
I support the ritual slaughter of the wealthiest Americans.

I see you, and raise you placing every American who makes over $250,000 a year in California and detaching it from the rest of the country by minimum-wage workers who are sawing through the state line with handsaws and steak knives.
Lets come down to the reality of this, increasing tax rates on the wealthiest is the ONLY way to increase revenue and reduce the federal deficent. But if you look at history, the tax rate on the weathiest was at a high of 94% after WW2 and then dropped slightly and then rose again. And in the 1950s-1960s...the tax rate was at about 90% and everything boomed.
Then in the mid-60s it started to go lower and lower until the 80s where it was at its lowest point of 28% which did nothing but benefit those people.

So...cutting taxes on the very wealthy doesn't help anyone but the very wealthy. It doesn't help create jobs or anything else...just lets the wealthy keep more of their $$$.
Lowering taxes on these people causes unstable econonmic highs and busts which cause more problems. And if you look at it, the Bush tax cuts did NOTHING to help...just made matters worse.

Raising the tax rate on the wealthiest is not going to hurt them. There is a big difference between 90% on those that make $250,000 and up per year versus the average person who only pulls in between 50-60k a year.

Taxing the wealthiest Americans will solve nothing.
I support raising the top marginal rates, possibly raising the ones just beneath them too. They should just phase them in, I've never understood all this "oh god disaster will strike" talk about rising taxes. If a 2% increase is phased in 0.4% increments over 5 years, who would realistically notice? We act like the economy would tank and cities would burn; ask Reagan if that happened after the Payroll Tax was expanded.

Eliminate the AMT, treat capital gains as normal income.

Phase out the mortgage deduction (you "capitalism!" fanboys ought to hate that one too, it artificially subsidizes the housing market and constitutes a net transfer from renters and landlords to large corporate lenders (who ultimately profit because borrowers take out larger loans than they would otherwise).

Cap the state/local and charitable deductions (oh, and require all beneficiaries of the exemption to file financial disclosures, like public companies).

End LIFO and other stupid loopholes.

Lower the corporate tax rate to 28, and make it territorial, in exchange for a robust cap-and-trade or carbon tax system.

Trim defense. Reevaluate foreign aid, starting with the military purchases we call aid. End Afghanistan and no, do not leave troops there. It's not postwar Germany, it's Afghanistan. Drone the hell out of what you need to and call it a day.

Raise the retirement/eligibility ages for Social Security, Medicare. Enact the savings measures indicated by the Center for American Progress as non-benefits-cutting. Then still means test the programs and chain-CPI.

Raise the payroll tax cap to cover more of national earnings, like it was intended to. Link it to inflation so it stops falling behind.

Get a commission together like Simpson-Bowles to do recommendations on clearing up and streamlining (without weakening) regulation. Give it a clear path to up-or-down vote in both houses.

Enact PAYGo (including taxes) again and include an automatic enforcement.