do you shower every day?

  • every day, of course! what's the matter with you?

    Votes: 119 62.3%
  • almost every day, but not always

    Votes: 47 24.6%
  • only a couple times a week

    Votes: 14 7.3%
  • a couple times a month (or less)

    Votes: 11 5.8%

  • Total voters


Closed Account
I'll be honest, there are some lazy/drunken weekends when I don't even change my underwear, let alone shower...

But most days I have one or possibly two. I never feel unclean/smell though, so I'm happy.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'm actually on doctors orders not to shower everyday. :( Since I workout nearly everyday I ignore that, but don't use soap unless I absolutely have to.

On my old job there were weeks that I didn't get to shower at all! I can remember my first week and I had an awesome tan --- until I showered.
Every day. Sometimes 2 till 4 times a day (before work, after work and before and after having sex.:D)
I have a woman who comes round three times a week.She scrubs me,bathes me,covers me in talcum powder and then does with me what she will.
I used to shower everyday once in the morning. When I got married I shower after breakfast before I go to work in the morning and again before I got to bed at night. I find it kind of disagreeable that some people do not shower everyday but I'm not surprised. Some people smell like they haven't showered in weeks.
I can't start my day without a shower, or the various strata of hair goop would build up until I had a crash helmet for a head :O
I'm forced to take a bath annually, boooooo
Normally 1 time per day, may skip SOMETIMES on rare ocasion but usually every morning.

For the peoples that do it more than 1 time a day, i really think you dosen't care for our planet and it piss me off, its because of people like you that the water dimishe(not just that but it dosen't help)

Of course on some ocasion i can understand, you come back from doing dirt bike or something like that, ok, but washing just for washing because you want to feel clean, more than a time a day its useless...

Just buy a better soap...


Closed Account
I always go to Church twice a year - that's when I bath cos I need to look clean.

I grew up feeling guilty about using too much water. I always did my bit, having an uncomfortable bath. You know what? Screw that. Nay mere. Have a good shower.
It's God given.
And if you shower 2x the 2nd one doesn't have to be a full on one.


Closed Account
I used to shower everyday.. sometimes 2 times a day; I would shower in the morning when I woke up to get ready for work; and then sometimes depending on the intensity of the day and how nasty I would get at work I would shower after work; before I would relax at home or before going out after work..

but now to be honest I don't care about myself any longer; I have lost all desire to live due to my current situation and I don't care whether I am always clean or not... I wash my hands before eating; and after using the bathroom; but thats it.. the reason I changed is because I am stuck in house 6 days a week with no car and no money.. I am not offending anybody.. as long as I don't feel nasty I am content.. if I feel nasty I shower.. honestly I really don't get very dirty.. if I am warm I have a fan blowing on me almost 24/7.. if I am extemely warm the central air is on and my fan would be on to boot.. so I don't get nasty per say.. just being honest... my life has no meaning.. I am useless; so it doesn't matter anymore.. :dunno: don't care..

Just as well I clicked back.

You and I need to have a little talk....about not giving up.
Most days I take a bath at night and shower in the morning. Start sending enviromental hate mail this way please..........


Closed Account
Most days I take a bath at night and shower in the morning. Start sending enviromental hate mail this way please..........

It's thanks to people like you that we all have to suffer. The precious little bit of water that we manage to eke out of our taps has to be used up by the likes of you. Do you know how many millions of people thirst every day through lack of water - and its you - you who are to blame!!! Just so unfeeling uncaring self absorbed I'm alright Jills can luxuriate and be happy. Now we all have to battle. And it's all your fault.

Well hey, you said I could....

Yeah I know you were just using a figure of speech. :jester:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I could lie and say that I take a shower everyday, but I won't. If I don't have anything to do on a particular day (like today) there's a very, very, very small chance that I'll take a shower. Usually, on days like this, I'll just sit around and be a loaf.


Every day. But sometimes if I don't do anything all day, I might not.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
If it ain't dirty, don't clean it...