Do you personally know someone imprisoned for life?


The little neighbor kid next to us grew up having a penchant
for little boys.

When he was in his early twenties, the judged sentenced him
to six years.

He served his time, then went to work for his father.

He got caught again, and stepped in front of the same judge
that sentenced him years before.

The judge says "Goodbye Todd", and "I will not see you when you
get out this time, because you are not."

Then, the same thing happens with the damn kid in back of my
parents house! Different family and different house!

My Mom and Dad ask me "Do you like young boys?"

I tell them "Jesus Christ! What the Fuck? What the Fuck? God Damn,
Give My a Fucking Break Here! I am married and have three kids!"

My parents are quiet for a few moments, then say "Okay, but do you
have any tendencies to touch them inappropriately?"

I respond "Jesus Fucking Christ, you two have been watching too
many Jerry Springer episodes!"


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Right. Good luck with that. :rolleyes:


Is somewhere outhere.
One of my friends from primary school got done for murder and
is looking at 10 - 15 years in the slammer.He went through a
pretty bad time and got involved with the wrong people.I guess
that combination can be the worst you can ever get into.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
So, closed in 3...2...1...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
There's no need to use a semicolon. YOU work on that grammar! :thefinger

That's not a semicolon, it's a colon. It was also used properly. Plus, your use of the contracted form of "there is" was incorrect. You should have said "there was" instead. It doesn't make sense contextually otherwise.

You are the last person who should give anyone else advice on grammar.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Yes. Me. I've been married for 32 years with no chance for parole. :eek:
That's a shame. How often do you receive conjugal visits?

You like givin' out negative rep don't you? Well, have one back. :thefinger:ban:
:nono: Now now children. Let's not start a feud. We all know that negative repping only begets more negative repping.

Now, give each other the reach around and make up. :lovecoupl:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
That's a shame. How often do you receive conjugal visits?

Every time I'm out of town on business. :D

BTW...congrats to KidTroll....banned after only 7 posts! I don't think that's a record but it's gotta be pretty fucking close. :thumbsup:

Yes, I know some married men.

Sorry Centauro....I swear to fucking God that I didn't see your post before making mine. I may be an asshole but I am not a plagiarist! :D
yes i do and i hope he stays there and doesnt get that good behavior shit cus if i ever see him ill kill him myself end of story