Do you own anything cool/rare/unique?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Nothing says cool and come reverse gangbang me ladies than a geode.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Kurt Cobain's shotgun.

If I had to worship any firearm as a god it would be this!!!

PSA :elaugh:

Why, you don't like Kurt Cobain?

I have a clock my great-grandfather gave to my great-grandmother we are guessing ~95-100 yeas ago. We know it was a gift after Grandpas sister was born and before he was. It stands about 24" tall, has no brand or markings on it we can see but it is still in nearly perfect shape. I have to wind it up twice a week but it still works and keeps time relatively well.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
May not have been rare or Unique when it was released in '96, but I have a Black Label edition of Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 and Metal Gear Solid.
fuuuuuuck, i just realized all i have in my place is a bunch of worthless shit

actually, i just remembered that somewhere i have a $2 canadian bill

but the rest is just worthless shit
This, I've collected loads of stuff but it's all worthless shit judging by the values on eBay. I had the limited edition (artwork) of Castlevania on the Playstation which I sold a few years back for about £50 or so, I've also got the limited edition Buffy DVD boxset still sealed which cost me close to £200 at the time but is probably worth nowhere near that now as so many other boxsets came out since. Got a coin collection (somewhere) and a boxed Atari Jaguar with the rare Aliens vs Predator game. I wish I had some decent stuff with a story behind it but sadly no.
I own the actual steel print of the local paper on the day after of the late, great Davey Allison passed away in a helicopter crash. Those of you who don't know, Davey was a true legend and had great potential as a driver in NASCAR. He could have won a lot of championships had he lived. Davey's death hit hard through the racing community.


Closed Account
I have a Liberian tapestry that was one of the last artwork shipped before the war started in that country to the U.S. Unfortunately there is no name of the artist, so I can not find out whether that person is alive or dead.
Great Grandpa's Elgin pocket watch
Grandpa's WWII Elgin Army stop watch (jitterbug)

Edison Phonograph

Ceramic Whiskey Pourers

Old Radios

My 1954 Dodge M37

And much, much more.
I still have some of my original Transformers toys packed away, including my favorite, Jetfire!

I always wanted Grimlock, a Dinobot. But my parents would never buy him for me. :(

I have all 4 original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles still in their boxes.