Do you loose your erection after you cum?

Do you loose your erection after you cum?

  • Always

    Votes: 49 43.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 11 9.7%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 53 46.9%

  • Total voters
I lose it most of the time but I get it back pretty quickly depending on the girl. If the girl gets me really turned on I don't lose my erection.
I stay hard for a few moments. Not as hard as I was before ejaculation, but I don't go soft immediately.
wanking it i usually loose it right after but if im with the gf i can usually keep it hard and keep it going. sometimes i just dont stop thrusting and it goes to the second...or third.
I've heard people talk about this... so I'm interested to know how many of you guys go soft after you cum? Honestly, it never happens to me. After I cum, it always takes me a while to lose my erection... don't know why, it's just always been like that :dunno:. However, the stuff I've been reading leads me to find that I'm in the extreme minority, and that most guys need some time in order to get it up again. Is this true? :confused:

I'm sorry, this is one of the most ridiculous questions I have ever seen here. It borders on childish curiousity and "am I okay". I really hope you are over 18, and think maybe you should talk to your Doctor. :rolleyes:
"Do you lose yor erection after you cum?
it depends on how good it is. Really i usually do stay up after i cum. It's a turn-on when i see our hard work on her mouth, face or ass.
there was only one time that I came and didn't loose it, so I kept going until I came again...two times was it...but she loved it!!! :1orglaugh
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Sometimes, but most of the time I don't just cum once when I'm with my sweetheart, so that doesn't happen too often, thankfully. :D