Do You Have Trouble Letting Go . .


Do You Have Trouble Letting Go . . Of All The Clutter ? :o

Just for the hell of it -

What is it that you've accumulated for no good reason ?

Growing up, we always had a "Junk Drawer" in the kitchen. The contents would usually include about 300 - 500 rubber bands; presumably from the daily newspaper, about a 1/2 dozen various screwdrivers, the Phillips type drivers being basically stripped out and unusable, 3 dispensers of "Scotch"® tape, about 3 - 4 pairs of scissors that look like somebody has used them for cutting steel, 10 - 20 wine corks, 100 useless bottle caps, 3 pencils, two of which have no lead exposed, 4 pens, 2 of the felt type, 2 ball point, all 4 are bone dry and unusable, .87 cents in nickels and pennies . . . oh, wait ! there is a canadian dime over there in the far corner.
Today, it's no different.

What about all of these clothes that fill up my closet of which I haven't worn in years ? Why do I feel any hesitancy whatsoever to surrender them to my local donation station ? Is it simply because I originally paid good hard earned money for them ?

Inside the house, everything (almost) is nice & neat, the floors are mopped, the rugs are vacuumed and the furniture is dusted . . .but I warn you ! Stay out of the hall closet ! Open that door and an avalanche of tools & other assorted miscellanea are likely to come cascading down upon your poor soul. Why Do I live like this ? :o

Go out in the garage . . What the hell am I going to do with all of this paint ?
Spray Paint galore ! Assorted Interior / Exterior paint, clear varnish, linseed oil, etc. ad nauseam . . . Oh here's a bunch of electrical parts . . . Sheesh :rolleyes: Here's where that Ground Fault C.I. that I was looking for . . .

Do you have the same kind of shit plaguing you ?

I've heard all about how liberating it is to simply get rid of the crap but I never do.

Inspire Me


Baseball Cards, sports cards in general. I can't get rid of em. I want to try selling em, but none of them are that rare yet or are overproduce from the late 80s to early 90s.

I collected pop cans for a while when I was younger. I had to put those in the garage to save room though. I had like 500 Halo 3 pop cans. Yes, I'm a geek.
Not me, if I can't remember the last time I used it or what I kept it for, it's gone. My boss hates that about me!


what the fuck you lookin at?
just miscellaneous odds and ends shit. I dunno why. I always end up throwing most of it away a few years down the road anyway.
I cannot get rid of old stuffs easily. Like Facetious said, i need those sooner or later. I keep old stuffs (not junk) in the attic. They are like mess in boxes but can be found quite easily.

However, i still couldn't find my old yellow, lcd screen Gamatronic BMX handheld game. :( I need to play it damn bad.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It's weird, but the only thing I almost never throw away is clothes. The funny part...I hate people who always "have to" have the newest and hippest clothes, so most of my clothes are just old and comfortable...and I also don't wear most of them.

Am I a girl? Does a full closet make me...happy? Quick, where's the smiley that represents "I'm sick with myself"???


what the fuck you lookin at?
It's weird, but the only thing I almost never throw away is clothes. The funny part...I hate people who always "have to" have the newest and hippest clothes, so most of my clothes are just old and comfortable...and I also don't wear most of them.

Am I a girl? Does a full closet make me...happy? Quick, where's the smiley that represents "I'm sick with myself"???

Nothing wrong, at all, with old comfortable cloths man! :thumbsup:
i tend to have alot of paper and old pictures that i've drawn......
never really could find the heart to get rid of it......

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Do You Have Trouble Letting Go . . Of All The Clutter ?

Just for the hell of it -

What is it that you've accumulated for no good reason ?

Growing up, we always had a "Junk Drawer" in the kitchen. The contents would usually include about 300 - 500 rubber bands; presumably from the daily newspaper, about a 1/2 dozen various screwdrivers, the Phillips type drivers being basically stripped out and unusable, 3 dispensers of "Scotch"® tape, about 3 - 4 pairs of scissors that look like somebody has used them for cutting steel, 10 - 20 wine corks, 100 useless bottle caps, 3 pencils, two of which have no lead exposed, 4 pens, 2 of the felt type, 2 ball point, all 4 are bone dry and unusable, .87 cents in nickels and pennies . . . oh, wait ! there is a canadian dime over there in the far corner.
Today, it's no different.

What about all of these clothes that fill up my closet of which I haven't worn in years ? Why do I feel any hesitancy whatsoever to surrender them to my local donation station ? Is it simply because I originally paid good hard earned money for them ?

Inside the house, everything (almost) is nice & neat, the floors are mopped, the rugs are vacuumed and the furniture is dusted . . .but I warn you ! Stay out of the hall closet ! Open that door and an avalanche of tools & other assorted miscellanea are likely to come cascading down upon your poor soul. Why Do I live like this ?

Go out in the garage . . What the hell am I going to do with all of this paint ?
Spray Paint galore ! Assorted Interior / Exterior paint, clear varnish, linseed oil, etc. ad nauseam . . . Oh here's a bunch of electrical parts . . . Sheesh rolleyes Here's where that Ground Fault C.I. that I was looking for . . .

Do you have the same kind of shit plaguing you ?

I've heard all about how liberating it is to simply get rid of the crap but I never do.

Inspire Me

My family has always had that same (junk drawer) in the kitchen, come to think of it, we have a couple of those kinds of drawers throughout the house.

Until recently I had a Magazine collection that would put the periodicals @ the bookstore to shame!

I had a crazy collection of posters mostly of bands, sports figures (MOSTLY REDWINGS) but I did buy 1 jordan poster, and of course all the sexy famous Models etc..

I bought all kinds of cards, baseball, hockey, football, basketball, starwars, kiss (the band), battlestar galactica, and I prolly still haven't named all of the assortment of cards I bought when I was younger!?! :dunno: I just can't throw them away!

I use to collect NEWSPAPERS, yeah NEWSPAPERS! :confused: but I saw many had the same problem, I saw shows about people who keep everything. I eventually gave in and THREW THEM ALL AWAY! I realized that I was prolly NEVER gonna read any of them ever again anyway, so I ditched them. :hatsoff:

I also have that dreaded closet! and the garage (but not paint) other :bs: and junk! :rofl2:
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Let's see...


My Winnie the Pooh collection


Baseball stuff


According to Senob's parents EVERYTHING I OWN...


I hate all the shit I have. One day if needed I can throw most of it away. Only a few possessions really mean anything. My badass TV and all my cds/dvds and photographs.