I know what you are saying Kelph. I've seen some Russian porn where the lack of chemistry, or enthusiasm, does put a damper on the scene. However, I think you need to keep in mind that their culture is very, very different then ours.
We smile a lot here. That's an American thing to do, which in my opinion, is ridiculous......I, for one, do not smile unless I feel the need to. The plastic smile with too perfect teeth that the rest of the world wonders at is grotesque in my opinion, and false. I think you have to remember also that in the countries you mentioned, they don't have a lot to smile about, as I am sure you know as you stated that you have been to Ukraine.
I have too. To be frank, if I had to live there, I would never feel liking smiling either. It's kind of a catch.....the women from that part of the world are striking, yet they don't exude the "personality" we have become accustomed to here in the states......it's a trade off I guess. Beautiful women who are just doing something to get paid, and most of the time are very obviously not excited about it.
Not all of them though. I guess you just have to look a little harder for it, but if you are like me, you have more important things to attend to than spending valuable time searching for suitable Eastern Bloc porn.
Good topic.