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Do You believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 195 48.9%
  • No

    Votes: 204 51.1%

  • Total voters
I am raised under the Christian Orthodox religion, but i am glad that my parents always told me before believing in anything,(not only religion), read about it so that you know what you believe in. And so i did, and by reading the whole Bible and the Gospels, but also some books that say things about Christianism that you don't read in the books af the church, i find it impossible to believe in any God, call him as you like......(Allah , Budha, e.t.c)
Oh and something to think on.....
Jesus preached only to Judhea. How come Jews who listened to his preachings don't believe in him but every one else does?

The jews dont believe in him, neither do thet believe in Muhammad, that is why there is so much hatred between Muslims and Jews
The jews dont believe in him, neither do thet believe in Muhammad, that is why there is so much hatred between Muslims and Jews

I wouldnt exactly say that Jews and Muslims hate each other because of Mohammad or any other messiah since no messiah ever preached for hate. The hate started way before Islam was created, even before Christianity was created. The Hebrews fought with all the nations who lived in Israel and the area (with the Philistines and the Amaleks and all kinds of extinct nations who evolved into different nations).

The Jews don't believe in Jesus, obviously, since he allows alot more than Judaism allows (eating pork, eating meat with dairy, using fire/electricity on a saturday etc). I don't know a whole lot about Jesus but as far as I know he said Judaism was too strict. Nevertheless, Jesus was born and killed as a Jew and he had no intention of forming a religion around him.
Faith is perhaps best summed up by Richard Dawkins in this quote:
"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence."

I am raised under the Christian Orthodox religion, but i am glad that my parents always told me before believing in anything,(not only religion), read about it so that you know what you believe in. And so i did, and by reading the whole Bible and the Gospels, but also some books that say things about Christianism that you don't read in the books af the church, i find it impossible to believe in any God, call him as you like......(Allah , Budha, e.t.c)
Oh and something to think on.....
Jesus preached only to Judhea. How come Jews who listened to his preachings don't believe in him but every one else does?

"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." -Isaac Asimov

I too, as opposed to most Christians, have read the Bible in its' entirety. Full of contradictions and hate, the Bible has solidified my atheism.

Many Christians believe that the Bible should not be taken as the literal Word of God, but was meant to be interpreted as the inspired Word of God written by man. These are the most hypocritical of all people belonging to any faith. Little do they realise that interpret really means ignore. In the New Testament, Christ tells everyone to obey God's laws in the Old. In Deuteronomy 13:1-, God tells man to not add or take away or add to his word. Somewhere else in the Old Testament, man is told that he must adhere to God's laws above Moses's(10 commandments). If Christians knew this today, then they would have to comply with their Christian faith by not only murdering one who opposes their faith, but to exterminate homosexuals, and many others as well.

All Christians, as ignorant hypocrites, live by their faith due to its convenience.

Think about it, faith caters to all of man's needs. Faith in God soothes man ultimate fear (fear of death) and promises him an afterlife with God in heaven. This is the perfect assurance to man's ego.
The Christian God also provides a higher authority to facilitate order, a singularity to meditate on, and the two most important, and destructive aspects; the excuse to place responsibility outside ones self, and the excuse to not evaluate evidence.

Gods were created by man in ancient times and have helped us along the way. Ultimately, religion is destruction and if humans are ever wiped off the face of the planet, I believe the root cause wil be religion(aside from an asteroid impact).

IMO, all humans can dissprove faith in Gods in their own way, by use of logic, morals, and/or science.
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what the fuck you lookin at?
A lively discussion might come out of it. Personally, I love discussing these subjects.
and this thread will continue to grow till the end of time and there shall be endless debate on this topic as there is absolutly NO proof one way or the other about anything said in this thread!
Whether there is really a god nobody knows for certain,but there is something thats a fact,and that is Religion is nothing more than a money making racket.
The pope lives in absolute luxury too,think about it!There are that many religions out there it isnt funny,and my take is that when you die it is like Sleeping without dreaming,but thats only IMO. When we die we shall know the truth!!!!!!
yeah in this worlds more than 6 billions human 1/6 from china and most of them bellieve in Buddha and more than billion is muslims and other between unbelleivers and jewish and christians so not all 5 billions bellieve in same religion..ok ...and about Gravity im engineer and for 5 years im dealing with Gravity and mass and forces ,this is my job ...ok for ur informations Gravity is just "phenomenon" its need reasons to be realty ok,,,,,,,,ok im sorry to say i know more than him but this is true ...this is my job and ...im not saying im smart guy know everything but im sure i know most of engineering's sciences
I'm agnostic.

It can never be proven that 'God' exists, and probably never will be proven.
I'm not going to agree just because his word supposedly takes form in a
dusty old book written centuries ago. I believe in logic although I'm not
saying there is not some 'higher being', I'm just not going to buy into the
idea of 'God' in the traditional sense. I believe in evolution (and anyone who
doesn't needs to get their head checked out) and the theory that the world
was created by some form of cosmic catastrophe and formed from there.

I don't believe in the 'afterlife' therefore I'm under no obligation to be a 'good'
person, worship and prey in order to be sent through the pearly gates. But if
I'm wrong I'm sure Jesus will forgive me.

One of the things that baffles me are the people that claim God is responsible
for the tradgedies in the world (e.g. the Tsunami) and they are punishments.
I blame these natural disasters on nature. The circumstances in which
earthquakes, volcanos or floods occur have been building up for years and
occur because of the natural progression the Earth's elements take as they
progress and transform. This leads me to think that their beliefs are merely
assumptions rather than facts.

I say stop following the crowd and believing what everyone tells you and
think for yourself. Use your head rather than your heart for once. If you get
joy from believing in God, GREAT then don't change a thing. If it makes you
a better person, FANTASTIC! But realise that the results of your faith in God
could just as easily be achieved by positive thinking, faith in yourself and your
own abilities and love for fellow humans. God doesn't give you power, that's
the mind.


Sorry I can't help it, lol.
I saw a bumper sticker today, that I thought was pretty funny. it said "Militant Agnostic: I don't know and neither do you."

just so you know, I don't think that, but i just wanted to share. I'm pretty sure I talked about this whole god dude on here before.
yes but ..i would say there is many thing in this life we cant see it or touch it or prove it ...but we can feel it ...and if u read my post above i mean long one .. u will understand wat i mean ....im sure u beleive there angiles or Gins but did u meet them befor or touch them ..and there is provement proving to u and for us there is one god its u and me and this Universe this stars this great system moving with ...who can do that only god with great power no limit for it i know u will say gravity and math functions its just reasons why only earth have air why only earth have water and wat humans need to live in it god made this for us and again im ask u who made fierst cell in this life ....even though we know life never ever came from nothing ???... shortly this life is just examination...........for humans who doing good deed go to baradis and who doing dad deeds going to hell ....lol

:bowdown: :thumbsup: :beer:
: :thumbsup: : i heard if humans want making liver............humans need factory contain 5 floors .........:rolleyes: ...guys qustion here who made liver .????..nature ?????? i dont think so !!!!!
:bowdown: :thumbsup: :beer:
ok ...i heard that ..if humansin this world want to making liver i mean industrial one ...they need factory contain 5 floors to get same act of natural liver ....i mean "industrial liver's size will be big building with 5 floors"
and this thread will continue to grow till the end of time and there shall be endless debate on this topic as there is absolutly NO proof one way or the other about anything said in this thread!

I beg to differ. The only proof Christians can use to defend their religion is the Bible. Unfortunately, the Bible itself only provides circular logic. E.g., "The Bible is true because it is God's word," and "God exists because it says so in the Bible"
This means absolutely nothing to people who don't practice Christianity and it means nothing to me.

As I said in my other post, anyone can disprove God using logic, morals, and/or science.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Your right Winter, BUT...for every arguement on this board against religion, or I should say an arguement for your own stand point, there will be an equal arguement against whatever it is that anyone says. Those people who beleive in their religion will have an answer or rational to whatever anyone questions about that religion.
For example if I were to ask well if God exsist why is there so much evil in this world? The religious people would simply say it's all part of a bigger plan. Or it's a test, etc...same for anything else one might ask!
Point is we will all find out when we die one way or the other if what we believe in is true or not!
Originally Posted by voufi
Oh and something to think on.....
Jesus preached only to Judhea. How come Jews who listened to his preachings don't believe in him but every one else does?

What exactly are you trying to say, Voufi? Why don't you answer that question, or elaborate on what you were inferring, if anything? I am curious.

Sorry for taking so long to reply....
What i mean is that i can't understand how is it possible that the only people who have heard the preachings of jesus don't believe in him.....
If god had sent his representative to preach in a nation (furthermore the chosen nation of God as they claim to be.....) how is it possible that they don't worship him? I don't think that Jews are stupid to defy the son of God, he obviously didn't convince them that he actually is the son of God, the Messiah... And how can i be convinced that he is the son of God when the only people who saw and heard him weren't convinced? It's as simple as that.
All that i have been told are stories that have been written many years after his death, and altered during the centuries by fanatic monks to fit they beliefs and their power over the people.
I won't believe in a God that in the Old Testament says (during a war between the Jews and the Hettaits) to king David kill every living soul in the town, every man woman and child, even the dogs that live in it....
Is this the God i am supposed to believe in? Thanks but no thanks......