Do You believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 195 48.9%
  • No

    Votes: 204 51.1%

  • Total voters
One thing I find hard to believe is that god is really omniscient, or all knowing. If he/she/it is really like that then they know of every little insect, blade of grass, little dust particles, even every little atom that makes up everything in the universe. Which leads me back to my energy theory, if god was an energy then it would be possible to know each little thing because we are all made up of that energy. If I were drunk and it were 4am I could talk about this for an endless amount of time until I passed out
One thing I find hard to believe is that god is really omniscient, or all knowing. If he/she/it is really like that then they know of every little insect, blade of grass, little dust particles, even every little atom that makes up everything in the universe. Which leads me back to my energy theory, if god was an energy then it would be possible to know each little thing because we are all made up of that energy. If I were drunk and it were 4am I could talk about this for an endless amount of time until I passed out

But what if in actuality awareness is all there really is.
that's the main concept in most mystical ideologies.
and what we think of as thought is really death, - and the encompassing inescapable fate of death is really the ultimate awareness of everything we wish to avoid to maintain our own identity.
maybe stuff like energy matter space and time are the folding of thought and dimension.
in Most religions (including that crazy little Hebrew book) the thought "I AM" is a major beginning point and state of being.
It seems that a lot of people here take more time defining a god that they can believe in than believing a in god that is already defined for them in a religious tract. I read this as more clear evidence that god is man made and it is the act of believing not the object that is most important.
I believe in evolution... I guess that means no?
I think it is naive to think that humanity is the ultimate form of mind in the universe.
belief does not mean wrong.
its just that most beliefs are anthropomorphic.
its the base of reference.
Humans have a point of view of "if I can't do it or conceive it, then it's probably not posible.
Faith is taking the chance and guessing on the possibility of something more than the known or even experienced.

My problem is with religion - it prevents one from having their own spiritual experience.
and believers in a religion that promote it but do not follow it's edicts, such as a sexually repressive religion like most Christian religions, and allot of it's members on pornographic message boards.

Science does the same thing - how do scientists know there is no God - the facts they translated say so, there for the most likely God like being is a scientist.
that's not how the heart of science thinks, just an arrogant few.
Richard Dawkins comes to mind.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
The church "event(s)" for/of the day/week ...

all I know is when I go to church, I come out of there feeling...regrouped I guess.
I have a different feeling that most who go to church.

There are people like yourself who feel "regrouped" and "recouped."
There are those who feel bad or feel bad when in church as well.
And there are those just go to ... well ... just go out of some servitude.

Frankly, the main reason I don't go to church is that it's not an event for me.
I mean, if I'm going to be spiritual, it's something I'm going to do continually.
I find church a distraction of man that really doesn't do much for me.

About the only thing I'm guilty of is not enough community service of my own time.
Giving money to charity is easy, but actually putting your own effort into service is something that I'm a bit too seflish on.
The only time I like a church is when they focus entirely on community service.

The problem is that when I find such a church, it doesn't last, because they feel they're not focusing on the "church" aspects enough.
I know government has never offered anything remotely as rewarding either.
And I'm still looking, and wondering if I'm not just making excuses not to donate my time more.

That's my quandry. It has little to do with church services and whether God exists.
Another thing I want to add is the people I find among the most annoying on the planet are the atheists who say anyone that believes in a higher power is stupid and ignorant. Like those parents who won't let their kids think for themselves and let them decide whether or not they want to believe in a god. I find the concept of faith cool. It is the belief of what cannot really be proven but yet you still choose to believe in it; I like it.

I also don't believe it is necessary to go to church even if you believe in god. When I was growing up my parents always said we had to go because it is God's house then when I got older I asked them, "well if god created everything then aren't we always in his house?" It's been countless years since I've been to church but I still believe in what I believe as mentioned above
I believe in evolution... I guess that means no?

If there is a god, there is no fucking proof of him. Ever have a prayer answered that wasn't coincidence? Ever see him?
Church just instills guilt.
Why does an all powerful/knowing god need my worship anyway?
If he's all knwing,then what is prayer? Begging? Isn't the outcome determined?
Who created evil and why?
Now after all this thinking, I need to watch a good Fuck flick! Amen.
I'd rather be called stupid and ignorant than I'm going to hell for not fallowing your god. You're talking about blind faith. Faith is when you feel that something will happen cause you know of it's probability. There's no consistancy in faith or the mericles that fuel it cause what you find as a mericle has probably happened athousand times and that mericle could be your opinion of a mericle. I don't see what's so stupid about believing in reality and truth, I think it's stupid when somebody thinks that some being is controlling something though millions can't agree on what's being controled when we know we have free will and that we understand force, biology, and what our senses tell us. I think whenever anyone can't explain something, they are quick on telling the world what they "know" it is instead of really investigating and questioning it. Emotions play a big role to.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Yes I believe in God.
Can't really prove God exists but also can't prove God doesn't exist.
I have faith.
Man I could talk about the Yes/No points all day but what does that do.
I certainly wouldn't want to change another person's beliefs nor have mine disqualified.
all I know is when I go to church, I come out of there feeling...regrouped I guess.
It starts my Sunday off with good vibes and feeling of ''goodness'' that I didn't really have when I didn't go to church. I am not some born again dude, heck no.
I chose to believe, that's all.

I'm not trying to single you out, but you said something that caught my eye and it made me want to say something, which is to be directed at all of the people who are "believers". The thing you said was...

Yes I believe in God.
Can't really prove God exists but also can't prove God doesn't exist.
I have faith.

I chose to believe, that's all.

I hear a lot of religious people talk about faith and their choice to believe in God (or any other god). I also hear those same people act as if believing in an unproven, unseen and unbelievable god is a totally normal thing to do, as if the existence of God (in any form) is an undeniable, indisputable fact.

First of all, if it's their choice to believe in God, then that obviously means they have doubt. I don't choose to believe that the sun exists; I can see it - it's a fact. I don't choose to believe that the wind blows; I can feel it - it's a fact. I don't choose to believe that thunder crashes; I can hear it - it's a fact. Yet, people choose to believe in God, because even the most faithful of believers have doubt of His existence. At the same time, those same faithful people act as if the existence of God is an undisputable fact. If, in fact, the existence of God was undeniable, then nobody would choose to believe; they would just know, because it would be a fact and there would be proof.

Secondly, how can religious people honestly claim that their belief in a god isn't a little bit crazy? Religious people choose to believe in a god and they don't find anything abnormal or weird about that. But, for example, if I chose to believe in a firebreathing, 3-headed serpent demon named Slithera that once existed milleniums ago and believed that it was the supreme ruler of the human race...those same religious people would think I'm nuts.

What's the difference?

Believe in an unseen ghost named Jesus and believe that he turned water into wine, resurrected people from the dead, walked on water and created the universe? - "I believe that too."

Believe in an unseen serpent named Slithera and believe that it created the universe? - "You're fucking nuts, you crazy asshole."

I'm not 100% sure of the correct term for someone who is in denial, but I'm fairly certain it's "b-e-l-i-e-v-e-r".

:2 cents:


Closed Account
^^ Oki, let's put this another way.
1) Start a thread asking the question "Do you know there is God?"
2) Answer the question as best you know how, as this is the question most people ask. That is kind of like saying something or asking something like "Where are you from?" They hardly ever ask a more relevant question like "Where were you born?", or "Where are you from originally?", or "Where have you been the last few years?"

They ask a question that relates to the subject, however vaguely. "Do you think Obama will win the next election?" for another example. The answers are more diverse than the question originally implies.

I have stated before I do not believe in God. I know there is God.

Of course either way one is pooh poohed by the almighty all knowing you know who you are's on this board. Funny how people blaspheme the God they don't believe is there, btw.

I would have to expend more energy trying to convince myself there is no God than I ever use up just knowing He is there. See the dead raised, the ill made well, the crippled walk, broken lives set free, then walk away saying, 'there is no God".

i dont know HOW anyone could say they dont believe in god!!!! ..........GOD not beinga some bearded guy as mentioned and NOT sitting the cloads watching us! IF you say you DONT believe in god MAYBE you just havnt thought of ways that "god" could exist and in what "form"..GOD .....IS! and what IS "IS" kinda like being the chicken AND the egg!!! GOD created AND IS creation AND they effects of !!!!! god is the consequece AND the means AND the end! you put your foot on a brake peddle and your car stops! GOD is the stopping god is the brake god is the peddle god is the reason you need to stop and ALL the reasons that lead to you being in that car! and GOD is were you are driving! MAYBE we ARE all parts of GOD! maybe all the lessons we all learn be even the smallest act even by the smallest being are god in the making WHILE at the same time alreaddy have been done...... maybe god IS watching! NOT just US but EVERY little thing that happens! weather it be a grain of sand OR the largest earth quak!god made "rules" then SET those rules! god SURE as hell isnt i weak ...HUMAN..... with problems like we have!!!
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The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
^^ Oki, let's put this another way.
1) Start a thread asking the question "Do you know there is God?"
2) Answer the question as best you know how, as this is the question most people ask. That is kind of like saying something or asking something like "Where are you from?" They hardly ever ask a more relevant question like "Where were you born?", or "Where are you from originally?", or "Where have you been the last few years?"

First of all, in response to 1)...

The only answers to that question are "yes" and "no". So, how can we answer that question as best as we know how? It's a "yes" or "no" question, which limits our answers. Sure, we could elaborate on our answers and explain "why" we answered the way we did, but it's still a "yes" or "no" question.

Do you know there is (a) God? Yes.
Do you know there is (a) God? No.

Those are the only two answers that anybody could possibly come up with.


I have stated before I do not believe in God. I know there is God.

Elaborate on that. How do you KNOW there is (a) God? And, be original and don't respond with "Well, how do you KNOW that there ISN'T a God?" I would honestly like to know how someone can KNOW that God exists, without using any system of faith or belief in their answer.