I'm going to rant there for a minute, excuse me. It really pisses me off when places don't accept cash, like for instance all of your bills that have to paid by check. what the fuck do you mean that you don't take money!?! how is that even legal? it says right on there that it is "legal tender for all debts public and private" I'm tempted to take the power company to court and sue them for shutting off my electrcity and tell the judge, I tried to pay my bill, but they wouldn't accept my payment, and now I want to be awarded damages for them refusing me service and inconviniencing me. Of course I don't get paid in money either, so I have to have a bank account. I swear that it's a scam being perpetrated by the credit card companies so that they can get thier hands into everyone's money.
Ok, so yeah, we really are moving towards a cashless society, I think. because of the previous circumsatnces I never carry cash around with me, I put everything on my card, even if it's only a dollar. it makes me feel like I'm not actually spending money and it makes it easier to do just that (which is probably the whole point).
Most people are so used to living in an money-economy that they forget that commercial value is an entirely philosophical conecpt aka. just people making shit up as they feel like it. We need some physical thing to ground it into reality, and that is why metals where established as a source of representitive wealth. Nowadays it's really a joke because it's totally symbolic with the coin just being a figurative representation, the actual material value, the ya know .23 grams of metal of a dime is not worth ten cents, it's worth jack shit.
So the real problem with the penny is that it's really scewed for market value because of inflation. It costs more than one cent to produce a penny that is worth one cent, so litteraly making money is losing money. economics has become so far abstracted that it is incomparable with physical reality.
one day inflation will make value meaningless and we will stubbornly and ignorantly hold onto capitalist money-economy policies while living in a real world that is entirely socialist.