Do dreams mean anything?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Someone did a study and they found people who play videogames have a greater ability to control their dreams. Such as bad dreams, the videogamers tended to be more aggressive to ward off whatever it was they feared. I guess they based it on brainscans and interviews immediately upon waking, when the dreams were recalled easier. I wish I had the link.:2offtopic

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I've been dreaming of a worldwide aurora effect with an overlapping shield imprinted with binary code for about 2 years now. And it always scares the fuckin shit out of me.
Dreams are the index to creativity of ones brain. - Mr A
I hope not...otherwise I might be screwed up!


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I had a dream where I was a spider weaving threads of destiny. Then a drunk old japanese man materialized and started taunting me, laughing as he ejaculated on my web.
i dream about naked girls... those never seem to come true :crying:
good thing they mean nothing!

I dream my teeth fall out all the time. But it means nothing. Excerpt brush your teeth.
i have that one the most frequently.
even spit them out.
sometimes from a fight where, & when i try to hit back, my punch is so weak, nothing happens :dunno:

why are some dreams in color, and others are B&W???
Dream Interpretation of "Being chased"

Symbolizes that you're running away from your problems. What that problem is depends on who is chasing you. It may be a problem at work, or it may be something about yourself that you know is destructive. For example, you may be drinking too much, and your dream may be telling you that your drinking is becoming a real problem.It can be anything like exam or job tension,gf,can't do the work in time i.e time management.It happens when you bother too much about anything say you keep on thinking/saying I got no time,there's no time to finish this,so on...


I also have dreamt of losing my teeth, but that makes perfect sense because I have extremely rotted , cavity-infested teeth that chip away every time I eat something. Sometimes I go weeks without brushing my teeth and this has caused my breath to smell like a mixture of skunk jizz and burning human feces.
Dream Interpretation of "Being chased"

Symbolizes that you're running away from your problems. What that problem is depends on who is chasing you. It may be a problem at work, or it may be something about yourself that you know is destructive. For example, you may be drinking too much, and your dream may be telling you that your drinking is becoming a real problem.It can be anything like exam or job tension,gf,can't do the work in time i.e time management.It happens when you bother too much about anything say you keep on thinking/saying I got no time,there's no time to finish this,so on...
Wow how insightful! :rolleyes:
Once I dreamed that someone was stealing my truck. I grabbed the guy by the arm through the window and tried my best to pull him out. I awoke to the screams of my wife..."YOUR BREAKING MY ARM!" That shit is still very funny to me after all these is not as funny to her.