Baal said:But if you are doing it right - do drugs make it better and if so, which ones? Thats the question....
Tabitha Stern said:well, I love intimate sex. i also love ecstasy sex. i also like hard sex. i also like slow sex. i also like skippery sex. There is no reason you can't have them all :nannerf1:
********** said:I've done pretty much everything you can imagine, but never any drugs or alcohol. And I've had some amazing sex experiences. I've had the neighbours calling the cops ones, and the squirting like a geyser ones (the girl, I mean), and the marathon all nighters where it's just orgasm after orgasm.
Baal said:I have to ask, whats the story with some chicks and drugs. Now I'm not talking about narcotics here so dont get excited! Frankly, I think anybody who's in to that crap has issues getting excited in the first place if you know what I mean. But I'm curious - My buddy took a stripper home a few weeks ago and did her dirty because she tasted weed on his fingers... I used to know a model who would do anything that walked on mushrooms, and my best friend used to have a wierd chick that would only have sex on E. Now thats not all women to be sure - but chicks think sex is all emotional anyway -maybe there's something to it - you decide...
Miss Brittany said:I have no need for drugs for boring things like tv and trees.
I want to intensify things in life that r the best thing God has given u. SEX!
Drugs and TV?
Dont get it at all.
I just want to do E to get more crazy and have better orgasms.
Its like plastic surgery.
Im all ready attractive just using it to enhance it.
I love sex just using e to get more crazy and fuck longer.
Which I dont know about u but I have need to fuck 4 15 hours!
If u r happy with 3 hours then u have no need 4 e.
However if u want to get down and dirty and I mean dirty sex 4 a long time then e definatley helps the cause.
But to me to do drugs and watch tv?
I think is fine but not my deal at all.
To me its all about the sex baby!
4G63 said:I prefer to take a bag of shrooms and walk through an Art Museum.
hedonis said:You mentioned weed, mushrooms, and E- what do you mean you're not talking about narcotics? Granted, in the *technical* sense, THC (Marijuana), Psillocibin (Mushrooms), and Ecstacy are not narcotics (Heroin is a narcotic), but weed, shrooms, and E are still under the "narcotics" label in most jurisdictions I know.