Anthony6161 said:I was actually having a discussion today about drugs with a good friend of mine. He and I are both recreational drug users and after talking about other teens that we know we noticed one thing; the majority of people that we know that have gotten out of hand with drugs are the ones who waited until later in High School to get into them. I think that these people feel that once they try it, they can't beleive what they were missing all those years and tend to overindulge.The ones who have kept their use in check are the ones who started earlier because of the fact that when they were younger they simply did not have the funds to support their habits on a steady pace.
Miss Brittany said:Ok, dont kill me but I looooove sex on e and always will.
Im into matrathon sex. I like 2 fuck for 15 hours to 3 days.
Its my economical very very very fun vacation.
I had issues when I was 13 with drugs but never have since.
I only take e for sex and only do it a couple times a year.
Im starving for a 3 day e and sex binge right now.
My sexual appitite needs it every once in awhile.
I also prefer to have 2 or 3 glasses of wine b4 sex.
I need to loosen up a bit and wine makes me super horny.
I personally like having sick and twisted wild and crazy sex and these things help me get to where I want to be to have the orgasms I deserve :thumbsup:
I think one really needs to seperate someone who is addicted to drugs to someone that uses recreationally.
Some people can handle it and others cant.
Miss Brittany said:I get shitfaced and I will still cum 30 times.
My cunt works well :bowdown: Thank u god.
FYI I am way more vaginally orgasmic then clitoral.
Miss Brittany said:Ok, dont kill me but I looooove sex on e and always will. I personally like having sick and twisted wild and crazy sex and these things help me get to where I want to be to have the orgasms I deserve :thumbsup:
Some people can handle it and others cant.
Tabitha Stern said:I am going to have to agree with Brittany on this one, there is nothing like a marathon sex session on is the greatest sex ever!
4G63 said:Drugs make sitting around watching TV better. But if you need drugs for sex, your not doing it right.
Except crack whores.
Baal said:There are tears in my eyes...
Keep it Rockin Baby Yeah!!! :banger:
Thats so real!!!
Finally some honesty!!!! And who better!
My wife and I used to do it and damned if she and I didn't go off like rabbits on roids roflmao :rofl:
regmcfly said:meh or meh, either way, It depends what you like out of your sex. I like mine quite intimate and personal with my missus, so we don't do anything so we can concentrate, but I know a girl who took an E before it so she could FEEL it.
Tabitha Stern said:oh wow, I am the same way...when we used to live in an apartment we were fucking one time and I got so loud and my screams were so intense the neighbor came over to ask if I was all right. haha, ecstasy rules!