Do Chicks Think Sex Is Better on Drugs?

I have to ask, whats the story with some chicks and drugs. Now I'm not talking about narcotics here so dont get excited! Frankly, I think anybody who's in to that crap has issues getting excited in the first place if you know what I mean. But I'm curious - My buddy took a stripper home a few weeks ago and did her dirty because she tasted weed on his fingers... I used to know a model who would do anything that walked on mushrooms, and my best friend used to have a wierd chick that would only have sex on E. Now thats not all women to be sure - but chicks think sex is all emotional anyway -maybe there's something to it - you decide...


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An addiction is just that: an addiction. It doesn't matter if you live on the streets, work in a beer joint, take care of the elderly, or lead a multi-billion dollar company. It doesn't discriminate nor does it choose its victims based upon their gender, race, or any other factor.

Drugs kill. PERIOD. Anyone with any semblance of intelligence should know to stay away from that shit. It [drug use and abuse] only fucks up your life and the lives of those surrounding yours.

As for "chicks" thinking sex is all "emotional" - bullshit. There are plenty of women in this world who often - and do - delineate the two. Running a game isn't solely a man's territory anymore ...
Some chicks think sex is all emotional...

In fact take a look at my nomination for president 2008

Oh yeah, that explains everything. Oops, I meant to say: "What the fuck are you talking about?"
You havent seen a Mr. Rice have you? Thats one hardcore lady - not an ounce of emotion in her.

She's stone cold.
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seraph said:
You havent seen a Mr. Rice have you? Thats one hardcore lady - not an ounce of emotion in her.

She's stone cold.

OH, that's what you meant. I had trouble making the jump from fucking chicks on drugs to the stiff coldness of our secretary of state. Now I understand, thanks!:hatsoff:


Retired Moderator
Do Chicks Think Sex Is Better on Drugs?

That's supposing I know what they are thinking :D

I think it's more about the loss of their inhibitions while they are on the drug (what ever it maybe) just like when they drink alcohol.

The same can be said for guys as well, I've heard it a few times myself from my male friends.


From what I've seen, many people drink and then have sex (or fight) in a drunken state because they believe then, in a way, that they didn't do it - if things turn out badly, they can blame it on the alcohol or drugs. It is a way to disassociate their behavior, or show sides that they may be ashamed of.

Sex is, or should be, so enjoyable, that you don't need boosters. The decision to have sex is really a matter of life and death anymore, so I can't understand why people make the choice without a clear head.
i heard sex on E can be soo good, "normal sober" sex is gonna be so unenjoyable after, maybe dat explains the behaviour of dat "wierd chick"


bozzman said:
i heard sex on E can be soo good, "normal sober" sex is gonna be so unenjoyable after, maybe dat explains the behaviour of dat "wierd chick"

As BNF stated above, the act of sex should be enjoyable enough on its own without the need for artifical stimulants, (i.e. drugs.) The body produces its own natural hormones in the form of not only estrogen and testosterone, but releases endorphins and other chemicals as well while having sex. These hormones and chemicals create a "rush" all their own ... who needs fucking drugs to boost what can - and should be - a natural high?

Using something as dangerously addictive as crack, crank, ecstasy, coke, crystal meth, and all the rest of that fucked up bullshit is juts plain fucking STUPID.

Why trade a few million brain cells - as well a your long-term health and sexual potency - for a few minutes' worth of pleasure in the short-term? It's a proven fact that the use of ALL of the above drugs dramatically reduces sexual potency as well as sexual activity the more you become addicted, so why fucking do it???

I can't abide ignorance in people when it comes to drug use and abuse.

'Sides, with the advent of AIDS and more virulent venereal diseases, I ain't about to subject myself to some damned dumb fucking ass who uses a hypodermic or a pipe. I value MY life too much to fuck it up with a disease like AIDS, Hepatitis, gonorrhea, or any number of other related diseases.
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Well, there's an old saying here in the United States that goes:

Curiosity killed the cat.

Basically, which would you prefer ... LIFE or DEATH?

There's too much of a rampant drug problem in our society anyway; permissive attitudes like yours and others only serves to further that problem. I'm not taking it out on you nor am I trying to call you out or be combative, but your reasoning doesn't wash, bozzman. Here ... let me illustrate what I mean:

When you have thirteen-year old kids selling crack on the street corner and becoming fathers and mothers instead of going to school and being KIDS, then there's a MAJOR fucking problem with society.

And it all begins at home with education and responsibility.

Sex is something that was created to be enjoyed as it is in its natural state. These idiots who want to use artificial means to enhance or amplify that natural state of bliss are only fucking fooling themselves ... plus ... they're only damaging their bodies.

Is it really worth it?

I mean, stop and consider what I said in my first response to you. The more drug use and abuse occurs, the greater the likelihood that a male will become impotent and lose his sexual potency.

Imagine this: an 18-year old takes "X" to increase his sexual stamina and enhance that natural "rush" our body produces. Now, multiply that by his imminent addiction (and ... oh yes, ecstasy is highly addictive.) Now, jump ahead to his mid-thirties and he can't even get it up anymore because he was a fucking idiot, got hooked on drugs, and ruined what should be the prime peak of his sexual activity.

You tell me ... was it worth it? Was that few minutes of added high worth fucking up the rest of his life?

Case closed. Finit. End of story.
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lol as i said im on ur side, its just some ppl have different personalities,
for example some guy says fuck da future i mite die by gettin hit by a car, mite as well try some things away it all depends on chance too u cant predict the future!
and when i was talkin about curiosity im talkin about mature and responsible ppl, at ages 20 and on i wouldnt want a 13 year old tryin out shrooms or w/e...but addictive drugs shouldnt even be tried...since eventually u become deir puppet :)
Montrealman said:
Drugs suck.

Maybe you just don't know the right people?

Just kidding. Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
Thanks for all the feedback so far... IMHO, anything processed (basically AsianXXXChick's entire list) can and will kill you! I have seen a million an one scenerios where that shit has destroyed peoples lives. I got a phone call last year that my ex from 10 years ago died of an overdose - I hadn't seen her in almost a decade and I remember that her downward spiral was one of the reasons I broke it off in the first place. I used to blame myself but hell, I could have kidnapped her and whisked her off to rehab and she still would have regressed.

These kinds of scenerios aren't the ones I created the thread for. When I wore a younger man's clothes I partied pretty damn hard and I noticed that women seemed to get greater satisfaction from mild altered sex rather than mind altering sex.

Long story short, I never saw a women say - will suck dick for pot! But I have seen a lot of chicks suck dick better on it...

Who knows...



Member, you member...
I knew a gal who only went out with guys that did drugs. Why, because she's an addict and could get free drugs. I'm a caring guy, so I hope she's okay.
I would just like to say that the following few paragraphs are based on what I have seen in my High School years and my personal experience. I am in no way glorifying or encouraging drug use in any way seeing as I have seen what it has done already to close friends of mine. . this is just my opinion on the whole drug and youth culture of today, nothing more, nothing less.

As an 18yr old male in today's society, I would have to say that drugs have become a part of the youth culture. Today, there is almost no escape from drugs within the youth of today. Just at my high school: The class president this year has a major coke problem. My football team had at least 5 people who sold drugs and at least 20 who were heavy pot smokers and some were into coke and X among other things(including myself and my friend). There are countless others who have developed cocaine and X problems over the last little while simply because of that fact that it is everywhere I would say that 85-90% of the people grade 11+ in my school have done drugs at least once. This is just in a small city of 70,000 I am talking about and all 5 other high schools in the area would have 70% who have done drugs at least once( these are not solid percentages but just a general take on the youth in my city but i assure you these are accurate). Heroin and Meth are not really a problem where I am from but they still are known to be in my city but not so much meth.

I was actually having a discussion today about drugs with a good friend of mine. He and I are both recreational drug users and after talking about other teens that we know we noticed one thing; the majority of people that we know that have gotten out of hand with drugs are the ones who waited until later in High School to get into them. I think that these people feel that once they try it, they can't beleive what they were missing all those years and tend to overindulge.The ones who have kept their use in check are the ones who started earlier because of the fact that when they were younger they simply did not have the funds to support their habits on a steady pace. but I do kknow some who started early and are complete messes right now so its not like im 100% right on this topic.

In my opinion, this problem is only going to get worse. I admit I did have a drug problem (mostly just heavy pot smoking but I have binged on X a few times) but have since kept myself in check after realizing that my rampant use was ruining my relationships with once close life long friends. These people also have used and still do but as for myself, I have not gotten into all of it as bad as I once did. I do realize that what I am doing now probably will catch up with me at some point. In response to the comment about the girl who only had sex on X, it is very understandable. For those of you who have never done it, everything you hear, see, touch and smell is absolutley amazing but you have to realize that that is what the drug does.

Education, not scare tactics iswhat is going to be the best avenue to take in today's world. The only way you would be able to really keep drugs away from kids are to keep them locked in their rooms. If kids are educated about the effects of drugs then they will make an informed decision about what goes into their bodies. The comments I made are based on what i have seen in a town of 70,000 and I can only imagine how these figures would be either deflated in some smaller towns or inflated in larger ones.

I know I may have rambled on about some things but comments and discussion are welcome on this topic and i would prefer not to be lectured on but discussed with.
AsianxxxChick said:
An addiction is just that: an addiction. It doesn't matter if you live on the streets, work in a beer joint, take care of the elderly, or lead a multi-billion dollar company. It doesn't discriminate nor does it choose its victims based upon their gender, race, or any other factor.

Drugs kill. PERIOD. Anyone with any semblance of intelligence should know to stay away from that shit. It [drug use and abuse] only fucks up your life and the lives of those surrounding yours.

As for "chicks" thinking sex is all "emotional" - bullshit. There are plenty of women in this world who often - and do - delineate the two. Running a game isn't solely a man's territory anymore ...

I think Asianxxxchicks pretty much nailed it with this post.I know of a woman who often spikes the drinks of men she likes and often takes them home with her after.
Isn't this date rape ?
I know if it was a man it would be!
drug & sex are two different things.
sex is clearly enjoyable without any kind of drugs, if you can't make sex sober that's just because you are too much addicted.. :2 cents: