bozzman said:
i heard sex on E can be soo good, "normal sober" sex is gonna be so unenjoyable after, maybe dat explains the behaviour of dat "wierd chick"
As BNF stated above, the act of sex should be enjoyable enough on its own without the need for artifical stimulants, (i.e.
drugs.) The body produces its own natural hormones in the form of not only estrogen and testosterone, but releases endorphins and other chemicals as well while having sex. These hormones and chemicals create a "rush" all their own ... who needs fucking drugs to boost what can - and should be - a natural high?
Using something as dangerously addictive as crack, crank, ecstasy, coke, crystal meth, and all the rest of that fucked up bullshit is juts plain fucking
Why trade a few million brain cells - as well a your long-term health and sexual potency - for a few minutes' worth of pleasure in the short-term? It's a proven fact that the use of ALL of the above drugs dramatically reduces sexual potency as well as sexual activity the more you become addicted, so why fucking do it???
I can't abide ignorance in people when it comes to drug use and abuse.
'Sides, with the advent of AIDS and more virulent venereal diseases, I ain't about to subject myself to some damned dumb fucking ass who uses a hypodermic or a pipe. I value
MY life too much to fuck it up with a disease like AIDS, Hepatitis, gonorrhea, or any number of other related diseases.