Eh, this isn't really news. Comics started sucking after the 90s, and quite honestly I'm sick of this whole comic movie fad.
Actually, comics starting sucking DURING the 90's. The 1980's saw some great stuff, and some of the stuff to come out of the 2000's is also exceptional. But the 90's wasnt a great decade for comics. That was the decade where non-readers snatched up anything with a #1 on the cover thinking they will put their kids thru college with it, Marvel going bankrupt, 1997's Batman and Robin, and where for a decent amount of time, everything was a splash page (I.E. style over substance).
That's pretty much why comics were completely in the shitter by the late 1990's, but thankfully, the industry has turned into around quite well given it's readership.
With Dinsey, they basically want to cater to an older group of people. And Disney owns ABC, ESPN (yeah, ESPN analysts are not exactly wearing mouse ears every time they do an interview with Tom Brady), Miramax (purchased by Disney in 1993 which proceeded to release violent and controversial films such as Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting and Dogma just to name a few) and Touchstone Pictures as well. Miramax and Touchstone Pictures have PG-13 and R rated films regularly.
Disney is very hands off when it comes to companies they own. They'll just capitalize on the merchandise. Which can be considerable.
As far as Marvel Comics goes, the money they make on the comics is a tiny drop of water in a giant ocean of cash to Disney. Expect little to likely zero change there.