Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Daisy Ridley was awesome, so was the one whom controlled BB-8.
try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try...
It was basically a re-do of the first film, but that's ok because it was really well done. And it was needed to remove the stink of the crappy prequels. I thought it was a home run. I have some minor quibbles with parts of it (how does Rey go from not even knowing the Force to being able to use it so well?), but overall, it was pretty awesome. It had the feel of the first 3 films, and unlike the prequels, had no crap/bad acting/bad story/bad characters. It was everything that the prequels weren't.
It was basically a re-do of the first film, but that's ok because it was really well done. And it was needed to remove the stink of the crappy prequels. I thought it was a home run. I have some minor quibbles with parts of it (how does Rey go from not even knowing the Force to being able to use it so well?), but overall, it was pretty awesome. It had the feel of the first 3 films, and unlike the prequels, had no crap/bad acting/bad story/bad characters. It was everything that the prequels weren't.
(how does Rey go from not even knowing the Force to being able to use it so well?)
At some point someone will explain Rey picking up the Jedi tricks. They'll probably say she skimmed Kylo Ren's mind in the interrogation chamber, or since she seems to be a bit of a rebellion groupie, she read or heard about them somewhere.
Explain? Fuck that. You try to hard to explain something like The Force, you end up with garbage like "midi-chlorians." The Force is a magical combination of luck, fate, power, clairvoyance, all that good shit. It guides and uses you just as much as you use it. How did Rey know how to do a Jedi mind trick? The same reason she just knew to go down into the depths and find Luke's lightsabre. She just knew. Because The Force. Trying to explain away or understand too deeply just sucks the fun out of the mystique of it all and is one of the (myriad) reasons the prequels went awry. Well, that and the fact it tried to marry science with a "prophecy."
You know how the answer to everything in fantasy is "a wizard did it"? In Star Wars, it's The Force. Sith and Jedi butting heads on Naboo where the "chosen one," Anakin just happens to live? The Force. R2 and C3PO just happening to crash on Tattooine where Anakin's progeny and former mentor just happen to live? The Force. Poe/Finn happening to crash on Jakku where BB8 was, Rey/Finn just happening to bump into Han Solo, Solo just happening to take Rey right to where Uncle Luke's lightsabre was stowed? The Force.
In The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon explained how Anakin's pod-racing skills, despite his very young age : unconsciously he was using the Force, he sees thing before they happen.how does Rey go from not even knowing the Force to being able to use it so well?
Try harder, you must. :yoda:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! stop the prequels references! those films dont exist, they just dont!! (I am traumatized)I guess I would've liked to have seen her be trained. I mean, it took Luke like, two movies to be able to use the force with much effectiveness and he had Kenobi and Yoda showing him shit. Rey just up and battles a Sith lord? I agree that midichlorians and crap like that are stupid, but maybe we'll get a backstory where she knew the force to begin with or something.
I guess I would've liked to have seen her be trained. I mean, it took Luke like, two movies to be able to use the force with much effectiveness and he had Kenobi and Yoda showing him shit. Rey just up and battles a Sith lord? I agree that midichlorians and crap like that are stupid, but maybe we'll get a backstory where she knew the force to begin with or something.
I thought the movie so-so. It was what the original Star Wars movie would've been like if it was made in this century with better special effects, more diversity, and a strong female characters. With this new movie, I assume J.J. Abrams was trying to get more younger people (kids born this century don't really watch stuff from the 70s, 80s, or 90s) into the franchise like he did with Star Trek. I wished the movie lived up to its hype. I hope the next movie will be better.
What did you like the most about it, Leya?
I actually liked the fact that it was so similar to the original prequels!!
I liked the movie but I couldn't help running my own theories about who certain people were while watching it. It didn't help having Expanded Universe knowledge in my head. I kept thinking JJ Abrams or Disney/Lucasfilms used certain story points and incorporated them into this film and subsequent films going forward. I think Snoke is Darth Plagueis. I think Kylo Ren (or as I like to call him Darth Caedus-Revan) and Rey are the movie versions of Jacen and Jaina Solo. It also looks like I'm not the only one to have these theories.