When I was a child/toddler if I didn't straight up my grandma was the one I didn't want to get in trouble with; she had a stern voice and a fierce stare and meant what she said, so to me that goes farther than if she just got up and started spanking or time out.
Because of that I never had to be spanked.
I've seen my cousins get disciplined by her and she sometimes had them go outback to pick a switch (stick) to bring it in and get whipped by it. They would pick the thin, small ones thinking they would hurt less. They found out otherwise.
Some parents nowadays seem to want to be the friend rather the parent. They let the kids rule the household from the get go. I see someone's kid I know call his mother names and just talk back crudely, and she just says, "now what did I say about talking back? That isn't nice." Crap like that! I'm thinking, what!? Take that kid in the bathroom and have him bite down on a soap bar, that will teach him to talk dirty like that!
That bugs me, but I won't correct someone's child, not my place to do so. Especially when you consider the mother is in the room and letting it happen.
But foolishness is bound in the heart of a child and the rod of correction will get get rid of it
Just not a lot of correcting going on nowadays it seems.