Did you like the Lost (TV Series) finale ?

lost finale

  • terrible! we didn't deserve that

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • not so bad, just ok. could be worst / there's room for improvement

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • terrific! just what we've been waiting for so long!

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • there's already a poll ([url]www.didyoulikethelostfinale.com[/url]), so, FUCK YOU lechepicha!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
The ending was depressing as hell, that might be why some people didn't like it but I think it made it Unique.

You don't see that a lot especially on TV.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
He speaks about Lost in this interview. Listen to his accent. He's more cockney than I am. (Thought he was Nigerian)

Not seeing Mr. Eko in the church was the only real let down I had about the final scene. I also expected/wanted to see MiB/Esau in the church. I understand they couldn't get AAA to play Eko because of some sort of issue over $. But there was no reason why they couldn't have gotten Titus to sit in the back of the church as MiB/Esau. And the cool thing about that would have been, he was also someone very important in Jack's life: the guy who actually gave him the fatal wound. But neither Jack nor anyone else would have known who this mysterious, quiet stranger was sitting back there.

But both Eko and Mib/Esau deserved some closure, IMO. And though I always enjoyed any chance to look at Shannon's insanely long, sexy legs, she was less important to the overall story than Vincent the dog. Why the hell was she in the church? She wasn't important at all to Jack, and she was only important to Sayid because he wanted some easy island tail. What the hell? :dunno:

As for the overall final episode, I think they did a fantastic job of pulling tears from most anyone who had even remotely followed the series. I as sitting at a "party" of sorts with my girl, her sister and my buddy (married to the sister). I'm not going to admit to getting all weepy, so we'll just say that the girls made some onion heavy food that evening. But I think they wrote it that way (as a tear-jerker) to cover up some of their failings in answering some fairly major questions. The heavy handed emotion threw people off base... those who would normally be analyzing every bit & piece of an episode.

But overall, I liked the finale. I enjoyed the way they set up the whole afterlife, long con of the sideways reality. I think the final episode of The Wire was better. But I enjoyed this more than the final episode of The Sopranos (which wasn't bad, just not amazing).
Wasn't Sopranos finale terrible, but was pretty marginal. For a (somewhat depressing) finale that's carried off well, check out Six Feet Under's.
best of all time
The most I've ever watched of that series is when Brooke Marks had the finale on while we were shooting last :D

Well all you missed was the culmination of 6 years worth of questions getting danced around and not being answered.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well I only like it cause it means this shitty series is finaly over! How can grown man watch such crap?

Well... the girl who turned me onto Lost has some REALLY good pussy. So there! flylicker Actually, I quickly bought into it and began to really like it anyway. But if you ever see me in the company of a tall girl with light brown hair and nice hips, please remember to mention that I also "like" Sex in the City, the Twilight series, the Real Housewives of Orange County, Big Brother (dumbest frickin' show that I've ever seen!) and last but certainly not least, DO NOT mention that I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. If you can swing all that, there's a crisp 10 spot in the deal for you! :wave:
I was disappointed. I always enjoyed the science fiction elements of Lost which the producers decided to just give up on trying to explain in the final season. Instead they went heavy on the drama. Drama does nothing for me.