Little Red Wagon Repairman
I did. Felt the sun on my face and everything.
Is that Count Dukoo playing Dracula in your sig?
Yes and the weather was fucked.
(The winter like)
I painted the deck and made spaghetti. And I watched way too much television. No, I didn't really leave the house.
Might as well get on dope like me. The television will be better, the spaghetti will be tastier, and you won't care that you did a shit job painting the deck.
They call it dope for a reason. And I did a fucking AWESOME job painting the deck. I'll take pikturs and everything.
You got an excuse. The feet of snow kept you from opening the front door.
When I lived in Texas it got so hot opening the door and going outside was like stepping into a pizza oven. Too hot for swimming but perfect inside with the AC on watching Sally Jesse Raphael.
If you live in Texas you need air conditioning and stetson, if you live in Finland you need a radiator, wool pants and lot of vodka.