I'm searching for a girl that had a Site A LONG time ago...
the kind of site that shows only some pubs and not lots of pictures, but that in the Bar Adresse, you could access all their pictures adding /01 /02 etc
The site was either DevonDiary.com or DevonsDiary.com
along side with partner sites like Tawneysworld.com and Molly-groove.com
Somebody ever been to those sites like me !?? Do you know what I'm talking about ? (old school stuff here)
the kind of site that shows only some pubs and not lots of pictures, but that in the Bar Adresse, you could access all their pictures adding /01 /02 etc
The site was either DevonDiary.com or DevonsDiary.com
along side with partner sites like Tawneysworld.com and Molly-groove.com
Somebody ever been to those sites like me !?? Do you know what I'm talking about ? (old school stuff here)