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Look at the Democrats. On June 20, the House of Representatives, which the voters gave to the Democrats in the 2006 congressional elections in order to end the pointless barbarity that the US has brought to Iraq, voted the largest war-spending bill ever. The “antiwar” Democrats completely collapsed, giving the warmonger Brownshirt Republican regime everything it wanted.

The House Democrats, led by “impeachment-is-off-the-table” Nancy Pelosi, added to the Democratic Party’s shame by passing, on June 20, a bill that shields from punishment the criminal Bush regime and the telecommunications corporations that the Bush regime coerced into committing felonies under US law by cooperating in Bush’s illegal spying on American citizens.

The great hope of the Founding Fathers, the people’s house, the House of Representatives, has passed an unconstitutional retroactive law making acts legal which were illegal when they were committed.

If a Democratic House of Representatives will pass a retroactive law in order to legalize the criminal violations of a Republican regime, the same House will pass a retroactive law making illegal what you did legally yesterday. At this point no one is safe in America.


what the fuck you lookin at?
politics in general are disappointing period!
show me honest pollution and I'll show you a dead one


what the fuck you lookin at?
politician...pollution...its all the same...
I need to do some follow up reading about this, but my first impression is that it's not as bad as it seems. The democrats are still treading a fine (and careful) line trying to insure Obama gets elected. What with the hurdles he's already facing I'm not surprised there's not much boat rocking going on in Congress. This wouldn't be a good time to marginalize him by association.
Some would say that is exactly what they are doing.

I understand your point, but I don't see him losing his base due to a trepidacious congress. On the other hand I could see him losing lots of moderates if congress overstirs the pot.
Disappointment assumes there were expectations, so I'd say that I'm not all that disappointed by them. I will say that I'm puzzled and confounded by them. In 2006, they were obviously given a green-light by the voters to smack down Bush and the vast majority of his policies, and to implement some serious changes. But they opted to move things about .5 mm to the left, rather than the 5 METERS they could have moved. Bad strategy, I think.

Where are the impeachment hearings, the public hearings (and trials) over massive corruption and abuse of power. Hearings about how the Iraq War was sold to us??

Sure, some Dittoheads would oppose this stuff, but they'd be outnumbered. There are a lot of right-wingers who have mellowed and been forced to think of things more critically in the last 5-7 years. And they might not be crazy about gay marriage, but they understand that what Bush & Cheney have done is significantly more serious than getting blown in a room next to the Oval Office.
Democratic Party Disappointing You?

since Jimmy Carter.
sure. but what are we going to do about it?
That's the problem with these motherfuckers. The overall theme being bandied about here is that the Dems are "afraid" to do anything rash, lest they alienate the voters and jeopardize Obama's chances. That's the problem. Forgive my oversimplification but the Democrats are pussies. The '06 election was an implicit mandate by the voting public, given to the Democrats to unmitigatingly undue all the harm done by the Republicans.

And what did they do with that carte blanche for change? Absolutely fucking nothing. They tiptoed around the issues, ignored the raping our constitution had endured for 7 years, and voted for more war funding and constitutional abuse, without the slightest backbone to ask "when's this gonna end?"

This party wouldn't stand up to a stiff breeze if it tickled their nuts. And the Republican's are bible thumping authoritarians with blatant disregard for personal rights. At this point it would be better to vote for aliens.
sure. but what are we going to do about it?

That's the question isn't it? What are we going to do about it? Is there anything we can do at this point?

It seems we are faced with only two choices --> Elect Obama or Fall Into Tyranny. Now some are going to take issue with this and say,"Obama would make no difference". But that is not the point. The point is not that Obama would make any difference, as he has put himself and his administration into the hands of Wall Street and the Israel Lobby. It is that the American people can only make a difference by rejecting the Republicans, as it is the only accountability that the Republicans are likely to suffer.

If Americans vote in another Republican regime, Americans will validate the right of the president to violate with impunity US and international law. Americans will validate the use by the president of the United States of deception and lies in order to initiate wars of aggression, aggression that is a war crime under the Nuremburg standard established by the US. Americans will validate the infringement of US civil liberties in the name of “safety” and “national security.” Americans will disembowel the US Constitution and leave themselves at the total mercy of the government.
Don't have to read the post to tell you that all the parties are a big disappointment lately. I mean look at the republican side, McCain is flip-flopping by the day on his views of oil production and whatnot. And the democrat side, Obama is just a freakin terrorist! He actually supports the palastinian side of the occupation by the Israeli's in Jerusalem!

And didn't the terrorists warn us that they'd take over our government from the inside? Obama's middle name is Heusein. He isn't black, he's arab!
Look at the Democrats. On June 20, the House of Representatives, which the voters gave to the Democrats in the 2006 congressional elections in order to end the pointless barbarity that the US has brought to Iraq, voted the largest war-spending bill ever. The “antiwar” Democrats completely collapsed, giving the warmonger Brownshirt Republican regime everything it wanted.

The House Democrats, led by “impeachment-is-off-the-table” Nancy Pelosi, added to the Democratic Party’s shame by passing, on June 20, a bill that shields from punishment the criminal Bush regime and the telecommunications corporations that the Bush regime coerced into committing felonies under US law by cooperating in Bush’s illegal spying on American citizens.

The great hope of the Founding Fathers, the people’s house, the House of Representatives, has passed an unconstitutional retroactive law making acts legal which were illegal when they were committed.

If a Democratic House of Representatives will pass a retroactive law in order to legalize the criminal violations of a Republican regime, the same House will pass a retroactive law making illegal what you did legally yesterday. At this point no one is safe in America.

I am not impressed with the Democrats stance on these either. Republicans did help overwhelmingly to push this through, only 1 no vote. While 128 Dems voted against it.

"The bill's supporters have insisted that telecommunications companies should not be held liable for assisting the government with activity they were told was legal. On another front, the bill would require the administration to submit its surveillance procedures to the secret FISA court for approval before surveillance could begin, except in exigent, or emergency, circumstances".

Only saving grace, At least the courts will decide if a tap is approved in special circumstances. Not sure if that is good, but better than the past law.

The Democrats also dont want another impeachment issue to go through, they remember oh too well the Republican hunt on Clinton.
I'm liberal on some issue and conservative on other issues. So the Democrats always disappoint me, as do the Republicans.
That's the question isn't it? What are we going to do about it? Is there anything we can do at this point?

It seems we are faced with only two choices --> Elect Obama or Fall Into Tyranny. Now some are going to take issue with this and say,"Obama would make no difference". But that is not the point. The point is not that Obama would make any difference, as he has put himself and his administration into the hands of Wall Street and the Israel Lobby. It is that the American people can only make a difference by rejecting the Republicans, as it is the only accountability that the Republicans are likely to suffer.

If Americans vote in another Republican regime, Americans will validate the right of the president to violate with impunity US and international law. Americans will validate the use by the president of the United States of deception and lies in order to initiate wars of aggression, aggression that is a war crime under the Nuremburg standard established by the US. Americans will validate the infringement of US civil liberties in the name of “safety” and “national security.” Americans will disembowel the US Constitution and leave themselves at the total mercy of the government.

Well he claims to not bow down to lobbyists. Where is the proof he is in the back pocket of wall street and Israel?
He actually supports the palastinian side of the occupation by the Israeli's in Jerusalem!

He does?

Palestinians slam Obama
Jun 5, 2008 8:18 AM

Palestinian leaders reacted with anger and dismay to Barack Obama's pledge that Jerusalem should be Israel's undivided capital.

President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the US presidential candidate's pledge to American Jewish leaders and he repeated his demand for a Palestinian state with Arab East Jerusalem as its capital.

"This statement is totally rejected," Abbas told reporters in the West Bank administrative centre of Ramallah.

"The whole world knows that East Jerusalem, holy Jerusalem, was occupied in 1967 and we will not accept a Palestinian state without having Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state."

Abbas aide Saeb Erekat said Palestinian negotiators engaged in US-sponsored peace talks would continue to insist on securing East Jerusalem, captured by Israel in 1967, as their capital. He said of Obama: "He has closed all doors to peace."

Obama, newly secure as the Democratic nominee for president, said in a speech in Washington: "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."

same story, other sources: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q="palestinians+slam+obama"

Obama is just a freakin terrorist!...

And didn't the terrorists warn us that they'd take over our government from the inside? Obama's middle name is Heusein. He isn't black, he's arab!



Is this the kind of voter y'all want to see multiply? If so an aggressive, activist congress will help achieve that.
Well he claims to not bow down to lobbyists. Where is the proof he is in the back pocket of wall street and Israel?

Anyone who makes it to the point Obama and McCain are at is in someones back pocket.

Obama promised the Israel Lobby that in order to protect Israel he would use all the powers of the presidency to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon. As in the case of Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” the conclusion whether or not Iran is making a nuclear weapon will be determined by propaganda and not by fact. Therefore, there is not much difference between Bush, McCain, Obama, and the Lobby with regard to the Middle East.

As Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons, and a modern air force and missiles supplied by the US, the idea that Israel needs American protection from Iran is laughable. All Israel needs to do in order to be safe and to live in peace is to stop stealing the West Bank and to drop its designs on southern Lebanon. Obama is too intelligent not to know that US foreign policy has been Shanghaied by the Lobby not in order to protect innocent Israel but to enable Israel’s territorial expansion.

Obama has dispelled hope on the economic front as well. Obama has appointed two leading apologists for jobs offshoring as his economic advisors--Bill Clinton’s Treasury Robert Rubin and Rubin associate Jason Furman. These two are notorious for their justifications of policies that benefit Wall Street, CEOs, and large retailers at the expense of the economic well being of millions of Americans.