

"A vote for a Democrat is a vote for fascism."

Mike Keegan,

Port Angeles


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I hate liberal Rats majors!
and.. poli-TICKS.
I dunno, I always thought plays on words were too easy with demo-craps.
Why not libertarians? You know how hard it is to make fun of that group? Whew.\

During a libertarian meetup one evening, the conversation turned to thin vs thick libertarianism. The conversation quickly escalated with one half of the room yelling that they were the true libertarians and the other half declaring that it was their libertarianism that was more pure.

The host of the meetup, educated though he was in libertarian philosophy, didn’t know what to do. After the meeting finally ended without any more consensus than when it had started, he visited an elderly friend who had been deeply involved in libertarianism for many decades.

“Tell me,” said the meetup host, “is thin libertarianism correct?” The old man answered, “It sounds like that’s an important perspective.”

“Well then is thick libertarianism the more true form of libertarianism?” asked the host. The old man replied, “Well, that sounds like an important perspective, too.”

Frustrated, the host replied “Surely you can give me something better than that. Every week, my members just fight and yell at each other over what true libertarianism is and…”

“Yes,” interrupted the old man, ” Yes, that is true libertarianism.”


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
There is nothing much worse than an "ass arian" acting like he thinks bad about nazis.

It is like a very bad movie plot, see-through from the first minute.

Better luck nect timne.

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There is nothing much worse than an "ass arian" acting like he thinks bad about nazis.

It is like a very bad movie plot, see-through from the first minute.

Better luck nect timne.
Question : What political current has always been and remains the arch enemy of Republicans ?
Answer : Communism

Question : Which political current was the arch enemy of the Nazis ?
Answer : Communism

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I've always been very fond of:

"What did the commies use to light their homes, before candles?"


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I've always been very fond of:

"What did the commies use to light their homes, before candles?"

Question : What political current has always been and remains the arch enemy of Republicans ?
Answer : Communism

Question : Which political current was the arch enemy of the Nazis ?
Answer : Communism

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...

Communism and Nazism: Fruits of the same tree
I've always been very fond of:

"What did the commies use to light their homes, before candles?"


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I've always been very fond of:

"What did the commies use to light their homes, before candles?"


Democrat: "Why do we need nuclear power when we get electricity from an electrical outlet?"
Well this OP was a well thought out and carefully constructed argument that presented some thoroughly considered evidence and gave us all something to think about. A great representation of the intelligence of the average trump supporter.
Communism and Nazism: Fruits of the same tree

Many people claim nazis were socialist, because Nazi stands for National Socialism. By that standart China is a republic : the country's official name is People's Republic of China.

What communists want to achieve is open global class-warfare : uniting workers from all around the globe to overthrowthose in power : bosses, state leaders, high-ranking military officers, etc.
What nazis wanted was to unite all "real" germans to destroy their enemies (jews, communists...) and purge the nation from people they think were parasites : gays, disabled, Romani, cultural "elites", etc.

Communism puts the people before the country. Nazism puts the country before its people

In countries were communism was implemented, corporations were either nationalised or they just disapeared. In nazi Germany many corporations or their owners) flurished working as government contractors : Daimler-Benz, Krupp, Siemens, BMW, Deutsche Bank...

Nazism wasn't !socialism/Communism. It was corporate nationalism
With such fine leadership such as you, they can't go wrong.

When a government pushes foreign affairs more than its own, then there is something seriously wrong.

Finland's current Green / Fake leftist government is doing just that.
Well this OP was a well thought out and carefully constructed argument that presented some thoroughly considered evidence and gave us all something to think about. A great representation of the intelligence of the average trump supporter.

I'm not an American so I can't vote for Trump.

But if I were a US citizen, then I would choose Republicans, because they think for the benefit of their own people.