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Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Combat



Defense Secretary Robert Gates is objecting “in the strongest terms” to an Associated Press decision to transmit a photograph showing a mortally wounded 21-year-old Marine in his final moments of life, calling the decision “appalling” and a breach of “common decency.”

The AP reported that the Marine’s father had asked – in an interview and in a follow-up phone call — that the image, taken by an embedded photographer, not be published.

The AP reported in a story that it decided to make the image public anyway because it “conveys the grimness of war and the sacrifice of young men and women fighting it.”

The photo shows Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Bernard of New Portland, Maine, who was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade in a Taliban ambush Aug. 14 in Helmand province of southern Afghanistan, according to The AP.


Your thoughts???


Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

Ever see what a body looks like after its hit with a RPG? It would be a very disturbing image to say the least.

Freedom of Press, they are permitted to show this.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

While they absolutely have the right, sure do wish theyd respect the wishes of the father- like the old saying goes- 'no father should have to bury their own son.'

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

With the, "right to do so", comes the responsibility, to know when not to. As far as I'm concerned, all they did was tell this kids father to go fuck himself, in a polite way...and I would have had more respect for them, if they just said, "fuck you, we're using it anyway". They used a dying mans image, to benefit themselves, and hid behind their Constitutional rights to justify it.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

Although I'm sure it is a horrible image, I think people do need to see the true face of war from time to time.

When all people are shown of war through the media are explosions from a couple thousand feet in the air and very little ground action with no after effects of the bullets being fired; the fact that there is actually a war going might pass some people by. Just look at the effect on the Vietnam war the media had, it changed public opinion because those reporting on the war were right there whilst the fighting was taking place and the images they brought back were raw and uncensored. Not like today, when you very rarely find someone out of the "Green Zone".

They should run the image, I feel for the father but this soldier died for this war. People should see what is actually going on over there however horrible the images might be.


Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

this is a tough call - they should have the right to publish this, but at the same time they should respect the father's request for privacy.

but i agree with blueballs, people should see it. maybe it will convince more of them not to go to war, especially not for one like this.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

I agree that we need to see pictures like this and should see them and the press has a resposibility to sho them sometimes. As for the families right to privacy they are entitled to that and will have it for the return of their son and his funeral-its up to them what the press can cover now.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

but i agree with blueballs, people should see it. maybe it will convince more of them not to go to war, especially not for one like this.[/QUOTE

the only problem is the people dont have any say whether or not we go to war, except for electing congress...maybe we should start sending their kids to war also.

Used to be a time when the king was the first one into battle, not sitting in an office sending others.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

this is a tough call - they should have the right to publish this, but at the same time they should respect the father's request for privacy.

but i agree with blueballs, people should see it. maybe it will convince more of them not to go to war, especially not for one like this.



Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

What a load of BS...show people the horror of war? What braindead idiot thinks war has ever been a Sunday frisbee contest in the park? There are thousands of photos of bodies, limbs, blood from every war ever fought since cameras have been around...including Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is one dying soldier who can be id'd and just got dead...there is no fucking reason other than to suck up as much fame and money from the story as possible. Show lots of dead enemy fighters, or photos of collateral dead like babies and families...ever see those on AP? That'd sure illustrate the horrors of war.
The family made it super clear they didn't want the photos of their pre-dead son shown in a story...where's the lack of clarity?
Fuck the AP and the reporter...


Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

To me, it doesn't matter who it is that objects to the publication of the last moments of a soldiers life, it's wrong and it shouldn't be used as political propaganda period.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

We have seen the face of war. Publishing this young man's picture was just plain wrong. It brought more pain to his family, and it was disrespectful. I would not want a picture published of my relative dying.


Staff member
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

the ap and the reporter should be shot in the face for acting like this.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

The concept of 'embedded reporters' made the public image of wars a pretty smooth and clean one.

Sure, basically, anybody knows that a lot of people die, but we need to see how things really look at the front lines.

Remember the videoclips of those guided missiles knocking out the bunkers in the first gulf war?

That is MTV material.

But in fact, many people died, and lots even by so-called friendly-fire.

So, show those pictures, and make a change in the heads of the american (and other) countries :2 cents:
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

If we can't stomach seeing it it then maybe we should stop it.Just citing numbers of dead and wounded on any and all sides does not have the same impact.

We have seen almost none of that in these wars and that is no accident.After vietnam the pentagon decided they would never again let the true face of war be seen as that turns the public off of such things.They don't even want to allow the images of the coffins returning to be seen much less the actual carnage of the battlefield.These things are being done in our name by our sons and daughters who also are paying the price with being killed or maimed for life.This idea we should keep it antiseptic and clean is a false reality where we are just ignoring the truth and brutal reality of war.

War is hell and we the people should have to face those realities and images.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

Isn't the whole point that this will be an image that is current and relevant to events being played out. Or are some on here saying that the nightly newscast from Iraq should be accompanied by footage from the first world war?

Naturally one can feel sympathy for the relatives of the dead but the whitewashing of the conflict serves nobody in the long run. Far better we have these images and attendant discussions now than when the mission has been accomplished. (Heavy irony warning)


milf n' cookies
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

The press and media is full of hypocrisy and this is just another example of how!

Reminds me of how fast those 'Troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq' updates and ticker scrolling's disappeared once that piece of shit B.O. took office!
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

What a load of BS...show people the horror of war? What braindead idiot thinks war has ever been a Sunday frisbee contest in the park? There are thousands of photos of bodies, limbs, blood from every war ever fought since cameras have been around...including Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is one dying soldier who can be id'd and just got dead...there is no fucking reason other than to suck up as much fame and money from the story as possible. Show lots of dead enemy fighters, or photos of collateral dead like babies and families...ever see those on AP? That'd sure illustrate the horrors of war.
The family made it super clear they didn't want the photos of their pre-dead son shown in a story...where's the lack of clarity?
Fuck the AP and the reporter...

Oh sure, I bet this photo will bring a lot of "fame and money" to the AP and the reporter. He must be pretty famous - why didn't you mention his NAME?

If anything this will lead to lawsuits against both AP and the reporter.

And Sean Hannity will publish a book (with himself on the cover, holding a Bible, wrapped in the American flag, a phony boner-extension protruding through the flag) about how AP is liberally-biased and an agent of the Devil and such.... with little Glenn Beck doing the foreward. And Little Philbert will eagerly await a copy to show up at his local Goodwill.

To me, it doesn't matter who it is that objects to the publication of the last moments of a soldiers life, it's wrong and it shouldn't be used as political propaganda period.

What you're forgetting is that such photos can be, and are, used as propaganda for war supporters, just as much as by opponents. Regardless of the reality of the conflict, its legality, its usefulness, its morality, its necessity, etc. we are constantly reminded of how all the soldiers are protecting our freedoms and such-like. And that is utter :bs:
"This boy died for our freedoms!!!" I say, no, he didn't. I think his death is totally tragic waste, that he died for nothing worthwhile, and I hold Bush, and also Obama, responsible for it.

To the extent that the term should be and can be rescued from meaninglessness (and I'm not endorsing either idea), that is the current form of political correctness. That's what's PC today. You can't question whether the soldiers are actually doing jack-squat to protect anyone or anything. And you certainly can't suggest that those participating in the conflict are making matters WORSE. You can't suggest such things and hope to be treated as a serious person. It's not based on reason, it's simply based on how skewed our political center is.

:2 cents:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Re: Def. Sec. Gates Objects to AP's Decision to Publish Photo of Dying Marine in Comb

The reason this photo is drawing such attention is most Americans have not been "subjected" to the visual aspect of a soldier dying. While most of the people contributing here have a more realistic view of the war, there are too many people that don't even think about the soldiers and their sacrifices.

Instead of a news talking head telling how a couple soldiers from Podunk, KY, getting killed, showing a soldier's dying moments might spur some people to not only think about the soldiers but also get them involved with their elected officials.

Americans need to be shocked into action. It is not like the AP is doing it on a daily basis. That would then become routine and people would be numb to it in no time.

Is it tragic? Is it somewhat unfair to the family? Yes on both accounts. That said, it is newsworthy.

We live in a country where drunk driving kills thousands every year but it is commonly known that if you get the right lawyer and judge combo, you can get away with a minimal fine and penalty.

In the local news world, the saying "if it bleeds, it leads" is well-known, but I guess if it is an American soldier dying in a controversial war, we should just keep his death solely as a statistic in a bar graph (or in the case of the USA Today, a pie chart) and just let the family and his hometown cope with the soldier's death.

Save a soldier's dying moments for Tom Hanks movies, that makes sense.