The technology is there ! I recall when the oil platforms evacuated in prep for katrina, no oil had spilled in the gulf ! Let's face it, the extraction of oil from the earth is sublime theses days, it has to be (from our standpoint). It's too bad that consumers (for the most part) know only that of what they hear at the 5 - 6 & 11. It's a good practice for people to challenge the "ambient perception" and only thereafter, apply non political, un biased, conclusions. Snuff out the group think. :glugglug:
I read an energy plan, just the other day, I forgot where, but it really made sense.
The plan essentially knocked off about 90 % of our coal fired and nat gas power plants (the former, the dirtiest on record). The nuke plants would eventually come in on line an become the substitute .
Now, the coal, which is ever abundant here in America will continue to be mined for it's properties in the process of diesel fuel. There are very cost effective, low emission processes in motion for this sector.
Once we've freed up our natural gas resources, we can oust the dirty, environmentally imposing heating oils and have a highly efficient, relatively clean burning, nat gas reserve energy readily available.
I'd like to believe that everybody is in agreement that it is an imperative that we employ a
balanced approach, not so much lopsided, in our energy policy, if that ever comes to fruition.

I have little faith . . .
We were talking about what ? Oh, yes . . Mayans