december 12, 2012

All ancient cultures/ civilizations have had doomsday predictions and alot of them have already came forward and we are still here. Didn't people beleive that the world was going to end in the year 2000? Well it didn't so most likely when that date comes we will be talking about it the day after. Besides the world will end if/ when a bunch of nutters get their hands on nukes and point them at every country in the world including their own.


Closed Account
Mayans were extremely advanced, especially when you take into concideration they had none of the technology we have today. I'm not saying they will be right about the end of the world, but I'd believe them over anyone else.


But none of that does not mean the human race is not in danger.We have created totally unsustainable levels of population and the rseultant demands on the planet and its resources.But that is all relatively recent developments(last couple hundred years) and has nothing to do with what medicine men or voodoo doctors or stories of the rapture or nostradamous etc wrote once.None of it was ordained to happen ,we have done it to ourselves and could do something to avert it as well.But that is not man's nature he depends on something beyond him a lot to somehow make up for his short sightedness whether that be religion or technology etc.But a date certain is not predicatable and 2012 actually seems to soon.It is predicted though that at current rates of growth the population which is now close to 7 billion (which most scientists who study such things believe is already at a level that cannot be sustained) will be well over 9 billion by 2050.Good bet that the human species faces a crisis between now and then.It will never make the 9 billion number most likely and the result of that will probably be it is reduced dramatically by nature itself to a level that is sustainable.

This notion is an ideology - it is no different than religion. If you get enough people to "believe", assuredly, we can make it happen ! . . . and "we" are ! Look no further than the false environmentalism employed via lawsuits that prevent we Americans from the acquisition of our own natural resources !! Yes, communism is alive and well in the form of fraudulent environmentalism ! The "racket" has effectively used our tax payer paid "centers of higher learning" :rolleyes: to indoctrinate the young impressionable minds into the wonderful world of "apologetics" :))) lol ! "we have done it too ourselves" :rofl: They won't be content until we're all among the rank of serfdom and peasantry. For then, we'd have done it too ourselves !


what the fuck you lookin at?
Ok and who is predicting that? The mayans or some other old doomsday prediction or is it some fact based scientific prediction?

The last thing I heard about it was based on science, so its not just another doomsday theory. Even still it is just a guess. It has nothing at all to do with climate change to be sure!
This notion is an ideology - it is no different than religion. If you get enough people to "believe", assuredly, we can make it happen ! . . . and "we" are ! Look no further than the false environmentalism employed via lawsuits that prevent we Americans from the acquisition of our own natural resources !! Yes, communism is alive and well in the form of fraudulent environmentalism ! The "racket" has effectively used our tax payer paid "centers of higher learning" :rolleyes: to indoctrinate the young impressionable minds into the wonderful world of "apologetics" :))) lol ! "we have done it too ourselves" :rofl: They won't be content until we're all among the rank of serfdom and peasantry. For then, we'd have done it too ourselves !

No the notions I stated are not like religion.In fact the opposite is true.The notions about sustainability of levels of population I stated are based on science,its the opposite idea that is based on something resembling faith with a disregard of science.
And just how is enviormentalism to be considered "fradualent"?Again science is on the side of the people warning of enviormental hazards.It's the other side again that is based on belief and disregard of scientific evidence.
But I need to point out that when people talk about how we have been prevented from acquisition of resources it has been people who you would not really consider enviormentalists involved in that.An example would be Florida which has not wanted off shore drilling,that has been supported by people like the former Gov Jeb Bush.Florida does not think the potential risk to its lucrative tourist biz was worth the risk from a potential oil spill hitting their beaches.I heard McCain in a speech couple days say that he would support promising states like Florida big cash if they allowed the drilling.So it has not been enviormental concerns there but economic ones.
But the idea that the amount of oil that could be gotten from Alaska along with off shore would really add an amount that would reduce the price of gas in any significant way is not supported by the estimates of what the reserves are.We allow drilling almost everywhere in Alaska cept for one litlle reserve and even a McCain is against drilling in Anwar.I heard today in a debate that if we did drill in Anwar it would be at least 10 years before we saw any of the oil and that it would decrease the price of gas 2 cents a gallon.That hardly sounds like any sort of answer.
The answer is NUKES!!!!!:bowdown:;)
For then, we'd have done it too ourselves !

And let me add before you come back with that "enviormentalists" generally also oppose nuclear power that while that is true it is also true that applies generally throughtout the population.I blame 3 mile Island and the movie 'the china syndrome" as well as the russian disaster at chernobyl for that.Chernobyl was a flawed design and really is not similar to our or the japanease or the french nuke designs.
The truth is the we generally as a country have wanted our cake and to eat it too.They say they care about enviormentalism and support that while of course still wanting all the energy they can use at a price they like.No nukes ,don't damage our beaches,don't put up those ugly wind farms etc.People gotta get real about what is possible and make some choices.But I personally think it is imperative we reduce our use of fossil fuels so think drilling or using coal or shale oil is the wrong way to go.We know the damage that is doing whether some want to face that or not.
But the people to blame are not just although they are unrealistic at times as well fringe enviormentalists but the people generally who do not want to make the choices needed like nukes and conservation efforts.

Dixie Dash

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Official Checked Star Member
It's as real as we make it. Maybe a Mayan had a premonition and left the calender that way or they just decided 2012+ was just too far off from them. I believe Nostradamus also predicts the end between 1999AD and 2012AD due to an Asteroid Impact. There is an asteroid that will come close 2029 and then even closer in 2036. But those dates are ahead of the 2012 predicition. Even if the world were to come to an end, the cause of it would be much bigger than us.


The technology is there ! I recall when the oil platforms evacuated in prep for katrina, no oil had spilled in the gulf ! Let's face it, the extraction of oil from the earth is sublime theses days, it has to be (from our standpoint). It's too bad that consumers (for the most part) know only that of what they hear at the 5 - 6 & 11. It's a good practice for people to challenge the "ambient perception" and only thereafter, apply non political, un biased, conclusions. Snuff out the group think. :glugglug:
I read an energy plan, just the other day, I forgot where, but it really made sense.

The plan essentially knocked off about 90 % of our coal fired and nat gas power plants (the former, the dirtiest on record). The nuke plants would eventually come in on line an become the substitute .

Now, the coal, which is ever abundant here in America will continue to be mined for it's properties in the process of diesel fuel. There are very cost effective, low emission processes in motion for this sector.

Once we've freed up our natural gas resources, we can oust the dirty, environmentally imposing heating oils and have a highly efficient, relatively clean burning, nat gas reserve energy readily available.

I'd like to believe that everybody is in agreement that it is an imperative that we employ a balanced approach, not so much lopsided, in our energy policy, if that ever comes to fruition. :rolleyes: I have little faith . . .

We were talking about what ? Oh, yes . . Mayans
by polar shift he means the entire planet is gonna shift on its axis!

polar shift means polarity shift as in the earths magnetic field, I would explain it but..... well let's just say your compass won't point north for a few hundred years
Interesting but flawed, October 21, 2011

Our resident false prophet speaks again...

For those that aren't aware, 10-21-2011 is one of the dates that's currently being predicted for the so-called "rapture".

In regards to predicting that date, no less than Jesus Christ himself stated:

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone".

Nevertheless, many mere mortals (good christians all, of course :rolleyes: )have predicted rapture dates that have already come and gone, leaving them discredited and, one would think, completely and rightfully humbled. But instead many of those have soldiered on, excusing/rationalizing their failures and conveniently reinterpreting (i.e. twisting) scripture to fit some new future date. Even now many of these geniuses *cough* can't agree on an exact date, and have factionalized over that disagreement.

Rapture predictions have as much relation to reality as the end date of the mayan calendar; meaning none at all.


Man if the world ends by that time I'm going to be really disappointed :D
hahahahha i don't think its true at all if it was wouldn't it be on the news or something seriously i mean i survived Jan 1st 2000 lol don't get worried at all about this mate all crap :)
hahahahha i don't think its true at all if it was wouldn't it be on the news or something seriously i mean i survived Jan 1st 2000 lol don't get worried at all about this mate all crap :)

what? It is true that the mayans calender based on astronomical geometry ends on the date that corresponds to the year 2012 in our (the roman-gregorian) calender.

some people have interpreted that as an implication that is the date that the world ends. The mayan's history doesn't explicitly state that is what will happen, nor does it give any reasons for why it would happen.

As some people have suggested on here, that date might just be an arbitrary coincidence. It could be that the people who were writing the calender chose to voluntarily stop at that point because it was sufficiently far off from the present that they felt it wasn't neccesary to further calculate the days. Or they may have been forced to stop working on it because of some social crisis, like a politcal change or famine, and the writers died without going further.

It could also be possible (and likely) that they perecieved any astronomical phenominon occured in sequence for only those number of years, in which case it would repeat again in cycle, and the intention was for the calender year to start over from zero at that point.

PS. ballz and legz you both are right. for the earth to change it's magentic feild and for the poles to shift, it would have to change it's axis. (it could also be caused by a change in earths mass or density of the core, but that is unlikely to happen, unless by result of a catastrophic meteor collision, which would probably shift the axis just from the impact anyway.)


Hiliary 2020
it stopped on december 21 2012.
winter solstice.
although there is no explanation why it stopped on this day,there is also no indication of any events that may occur.
so who the fuck knows right?
it has nothing to do with small scale stuff or social stuff like that. scientists say there will be a polar shift on the earth. it's massive stuff like that.

I guess this is my main problem with story's like this,Mayan doom predictions,polar shift theory's etc.They are considered noteworthy and treated as what people should be concerned about even though they eithier are just predictions based on nothing(the Mayan one) or obscure theory's(polar shift) that there is no scientific consensus or concern about really.But the real threats to us like the population explosion (which has gone from never being over 1 billon untill about 1850 to its present 6.8 billion headed straight up still) which most scientists do agree is more than the planet can sustain already is treated as small scale stuff by some.I have posted this link before but here it is again.It states that many scientists/professors believe the planet is already at 3 times sustainable population levels.IMO that is the "Big stuff" we should be worried about.