december 12, 2012

ok the mayan calender ends that day.. our planet is heading in a line of site towards andromeda galaxy.. the swedes are trying to start some particle accelerator deep in our earth, which is on hold cause its freaking alot of people out. what do you guys think ?
We're all going to hell anyway. It really doesn't matter the exact date, but I think the Mayans may have known something we don't. I mean, they had all those scientific and technological advancements that we don't know how they got, why couldn't t they have had a way of knowing more accurately when the world would end? It doesn't hurt to give it a try. We've already survived one end-of-the-world scare, right?
ok the mayan calender ends that day.. our planet is heading in a line of site towards andromeda galaxy.. the swedes are trying to start some particle accelerator deep in our earth, which is on hold cause its freaking alot of people out. what do you guys think ?

The reason why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 is because there was no point of continuing it until some years have passed (Come on - it's like selling calendars for the year 2310)
yeah, the andromeda and milky way galaxies will merge together in around 2.5 billion years.

it's really impossible to predict what effect that will have on the earth. the most likely scenario is that it will have no effect, that any other bodies will still remain quite far away from our solar system. another possibility that is very unlikely is that our sun will collide with another star forming a larger star and destroying most if not all the planets in our solar system. Another still more unlikely scenario is that a star smaller than our sun will enter the solar system at a point equidistant between the earth and the sun, and it will have no effect on the earth, but it will cause atmospheric changes in some of the farther rim planets.

either way in 5 billion years our sun will stop producing fusion and it will either engulf the earth or if not it will reduce in temperature enough to freeze the entire planet.

the most unlikely scenario of all, and our best hope is that a larger star orbits close enough to the earth to pull it into it's gravitational feild and into a new solar system. Of course the probability of the earth not getting destroyed or undergoing climate change enough to wipe out 99% or more of the population in any scenario is an absurdly high number.

I have a strong feeling that if the human race hasn't completely wiped itself out in the next million years or so, give or take, it will only be by virure that it has wiped itself out just enough to start the evolutionary process all over again.

All good things must come to an end eventually.
Yeah the world will end according to the Mayan Calendar....and all of the computers on earth are going to shut down on Jan 1, 2000.:sleep::sleep:
The Mayans knew the future or much about anything else about the same as anybody did in the past which was not much at all.Religions that thought the world was flat and the earth was the center of it all are the same kind of ignorant nonsense.
But none of that does not mean the human race is not in danger.We have created totally unsustainable levels of population and the rseultant demands on the planet and its resources.But that is all relatively recent developments(last couple hundred years) and has nothing to do with what medicine men or voodoo doctors or stories of the rapture or nostradamous etc wrote once.None of it was ordained to happen ,we have done it to ourselves and could do something to avert it as well.But that is not man's nature he depends on something beyond him a lot to somehow make up for his short sightedness whether that be religion or technology etc.But a date certain is not predicatable and 2012 actually seems to soon.It is predicted though that at current rates of growth the population which is now close to 7 billion (which most scientists who study such things believe is already at a level that cannot be sustained) will be well over 9 billion by 2050.Good bet that the human species faces a crisis between now and then.It will never make the 9 billion number most likely and the result of that will probably be it is reduced dramatically by nature itself to a level that is sustainable.
ok the mayan calender ends that day.. our planet is heading in a line of site towards andromeda galaxy.. the swedes are trying to start some particle accelerator deep in our earth, which is on hold cause its freaking alot of people out. what do you guys think ?

the particle accelerator is in geneva and it went online last month. it's called the Large Hadron Collider.
thanks for the comments and POVs. interesting.. In my opinion, i dont believe th worlds gonna end.. just that I have a feeling we're gonna see something no human hasn't see.. i mean all we kno is the air we breathe, the cars we drive and the people we pick on.. thats it. now i believe what i see, somewhat. I dont believe in UFO's. nor in santa claus or easter bunnies.. nor do i believe in any god.. sorry. I do believe in a thing called Faith. if you have a million people praying or chnting, whatever you want to call it, on the same thing.. lets say praying for some sick kid. i believe with peoples faith that kid will get better. i believe the power of faith was here before any god.. its ours not gods. i've always wondred how the dinosaurs last soooo long on earth without the technological capabillites. they roamed for 650 million yrs. on earth. and us humans just a measley100k. look guys i believe we're gonna be here a long time.. whats not to say that we're run into trouble along the way
The Mayans knew the future or much about anything else about the same as anybody did in the past which was not much at all.Religions that thought the world was flat and the earth was the center of it all are the same kind of ignorant nonsense.
But none of that does not mean the human race is not in danger.We have created totally unsustainable levels of population and the rseultant demands on the planet and its resources.But that is all relatively recent developments(last couple hundred years) and has nothing to do with what medicine men or voodoo doctors or stories of the rapture or nostradamous etc wrote once.None of it was ordained to happen ,we have done it to ourselves and could do something to avert it as well.But that is not man's nature he depends on something beyond him a lot to somehow make up for his short sightedness whether that be religion or technology etc.But a date certain is not predicatable and 2012 actually seems to soon.It is predicted though that at current rates of growth the population which is now close to 7 billion (which most scientists who study such things believe is already at a level that cannot be sustained) will be well over 9 billion by 2050.Good bet that the human species faces a crisis between now and then.It will never make the 9 billion number most likely and the result of that will probably be it is reduced dramatically by nature itself to a level that is sustainable.

it has nothing to do with small scale stuff or social stuff like that. scientists say there will be a polar shift on the earth. it's massive stuff like that.
the main thing most people agree on that this form of existence(The Fourth World) will end and a new era will begin, most theorize a shift in human evolution. My first thought was X-MEN!!! We are all going to be X-men. But really. the last age that ended coincided with the birth of the human as we know it now.

Maybe the Final Crisis will happen in 2012 like is happening in DC comics now, with the coming of the Fifth World. Darkseid is coming. Evil is going to win.
it has nothing to do with small scale stuff or social stuff like that. scientists say there will be a polar shift on the earth. it's massive stuff like that.

Not sure if by polar shift you are refering to climate change caused by man's introduction of large amounts of Co2.If you are, the underlying cause of that again is population and its massive growth since the mid 1800s.


what the fuck you lookin at?
by polar shift he means the entire planet is gonna shift on its axis!
by polar shift he means the entire planet is gonna shift on its axis!

Ok and who is predicting that? The mayans or some other old doomsday prediction or is it some fact based scientific prediction?