It just occurred to me that a very simple and logical explanation for the substance of Dark Matter could be Micro-black holes. A normal sized and a massive black hole contains a powerful gravity field that light can't escape from making it invisible. A black hole also contains all of it's mass compressed into a singularity, so that it can take up over 1,000 times less space than the Earth, while possessing over a 1,000 times as much mass and energy. This totally fits into the description of Dark Matter which is undetectable, yet comprises 80% of the universes mass and energy.
A micro-black hole might be so small that it is a dwarf compared to even sub-atomic particles. This has already been acknowledged in the model of Quantum Foam. This has implications for both Dark Energy and quantum gravity.
The gravity field of a micro-black hole would be at least equal, although probably far less than that of normal matter, so that it would be unnoticeable in large matter clusters like galaxies, and more noticeable in "empty" space- a quality that also must be a characteristic of theorized Dark Matter.
A normal black hole cannot be seen, but can be indirectly observed by it's effect on other objects. Objects pulled into it's gravity field speed up and spin faster and release more energy in the form of highly charged particles like X-Rays and Neutrinos. A universe full of micro-black holes should have the same effect, right? There may be evidence of such a thing in the fact that the universe has a uniform pattern of low-level radiation that scientists call the "background static."
I believe that many scientists have thought of this idea before, but that it has been suppressed in popular media because it could cast some doubt on the Big Bang Theory. The "background static" is one of the key pieces of evidence in the explanation for that theory, which is the most popular among scientists.
I've talked about problems between the Big bang and black holes
before. A remedy for this problem that could explain the creation of micro-black holes in the early universe could be reactions between matter and anti-mater. But this is not sufficient because Hawking Radiation would render a very short lifespan for a micro-black hole and there is virtually no anti-matter left in the modern universe. the ratio of matter to anti-matter is even more offset than that of dark Matter and matter.